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LEGO Train Set POV Ride

Take a POV ride on a train with this model engine on a LEGO track with a GoPro strapped to the front! First you think, this is pretty neat. Then you get a little dizzy. Then you wonder how big this house is, and then it goes outside! What a setup he has!

(YouTube link)

Wasn’t that almost like a thrill ride? By the time it’s done, you’ll have an urge to start building your own track. But you know what’s even more fun? The blooper reel.

(YouTube link)

Yeah, this wasn’t a perfect one-take video. TrainGuy 659 had to deal with wrecks, pets, wildlife, and more. This is a more realistic version of model train videography. -via Tastefully Offensive

The IKEA-Inspired Manuals On How To Handle A Breakup

When you're going through a difficult breakup you'll have people telling you cliché things like “it's okay to cry” and “there's no instruction manual on how to handle someone leaving you”, and those people are wrong.

Well, they're right about the crying part, I guess, so long as you're not blubbering in bed for days like a baby.

But the bit about there being no manual is false, because designer Caisa Nilaseca has created a whole series of easy to follow manuals inspired by the instruction sheets that come with IKEA furniture.

Caisa's minimalist manuals are far easier to understand than the IKEA versions, and instead of handing out the same old sad and tired advice her funny little manuals keep it 100% real.

See IKEA-Inspired Manuals Will Teach You How To Get Over A Breakup here

Animal Planet TV Crew Finds Castaway While Filming Off The Coast Of Australia

TV shows love to send crews out to remote locations where few humans dare to tread and film the whole experience, because audiences who are stuck at home eat that extreme travel stuff up.

The crews sent out on these shoots expect to find adventure, hardship and plenty of amazing scenery to film, but they certainly don't expect to find an actual castaway while filming!

A documentary crew shooting an episode of Animal Planet's “River Monsters” off the coast of Australia came across a strange sight as they neared an island- a frantic man named Termini yelling “give me something to drink!”

Termini swam out to the crew's boat and happily drank a bottle of water, then told the crew that he's an amateur fisherman who got lost after he left his boat to look for oysters.

He'd been stranded for 60 hours, suffered from heat stroke and swore he would die alone on the island before the crew came along.

(YouTube Link)

The lucky castaway made a full recovery, and the footage was left in the episode so Termini can prove to his friends and family that his incredible rescue story is totally true.

Read TV Crew Finds Island Castaway While Shooting 'River Monsters' Episode here

A Thorough Makeover

If his name wasn’t right there in the Tweet, you might not realize who’s sitting in the artist’s chair. Yes, that’s Sir Patrick Stewart, proving his thespian reach by dolling up in drag to promote his Starz show Blunt Talk. Stewart and co-star Adrian Scarborough (also in drag) attended Starz’s Blunt Talk Emmy Panel Monday night.

During the event, everyone's favorite "Star Trek" captain (sorry, William Shatner) defied conventional wisdom by saying that one of the best things about filming fellow panelist and showrunner Jonathan Ames' sitcom was the number of times he's been able to say "I've never done that before."

His drag getup was the latest example, but it was preceded by several others: snorting cocaine for a scene, shooting a post-coital reaction. A fan shouted that Stewart resembled Cate Blanchett; Professor X politely disagreed, going so far as to apologize to the two-time Oscar winner.

See more pictures of the event at Uproxx.

“Boaty McBoatface” Wins Poll; Loses Ship

Britain’s Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) held an internet poll to name their newest research ship. The final results had “Boaty McBoatface” winning with 124,109 votes, which is four times the number of votes the runner-up received. But as you knew would happen, the powers-that-be have nixed the name.

Appearing to drown all hope that the U.K.'s new $300 million research vessel will be named "Boaty McBoatface," Science Minister Jo Johnson says the ship needs a more "suitable" name.

We have yet to hear what that “more suitable” name will be. Former BBC radio host James Hand, who submitted the name “Boaty McBoatface,” said his favorite was “Clifford the Big Red Boat.” I prefer the RRS “Pee-Eee Cee Tee.”

(Image credit: Natural Environment Research Council)

Little Girls Are Funny

James Breakwell (Exploding Unicorn) has been called the funniest Dad on Twitter. But it’s actually his four daughters who are the funny ones. Years ago, I tried my best to remember the funny things my kids said long enough to tell my Mom, but today with Twitter and smartphones, they can be instantly recorded. Some of these are priceless.

You can follow Breakwell’s Twitter feed or check out a selection of the best Tweets at Buzzfeed.

Rainbow Grilled Cheese

Rainbow grilled cheese? That just seems like something you wouldn’t want to try. Rainbow foods are usually sweet, or at least that’s what the brain tells you. But this is from Hong Kong, so who knows? The description doesn’t sound too bad:

Sold by Hong Kong’s Kala Toast, the sandwiches cost 42 HKD (around $5 USD). And that cheese you see isn’t just colored — it’s also flavored. The blue is lavender, green is basil and red is tomato; the yellow is actually a combination of gruyere, emmental, mozzarella, and cheddar cheese.

See more pictures of this odd sandwich at Uproxx.

Surprise Wallaby Joey Shows Up a Year After Mating

Mica is a brush-tailed rock wallaby at the Taronga Zoo in Sydney. She’s been doing her job for the endangered species by giving birth. However, the only male wallaby in the zoo was moved away in March of 2015. Mica’s joey emerged from the pouch about six months later. But zookeepers were surprised to find that there’s another baby in there! The new joey recently peeked out from Mica’s pouch, and appears to be about six months old. How did that happen? Wallaby keeper Tony-Britt Lewis explained

The birth is the result of a phenomenon known as embryonic diapause, which enables certain mammals to extend their gestation period and time the birth of their young.

The reproductive strategy, which is used by a number of marsupial species including kangaroos, wallabies and wombats, usually occurs when adverse environmental conditions threaten the survival of the mother and her newborn.

“It’s an interesting survival mechanism that allows the mother to delay the development of the embryo in drought conditions or if she already has a joey in the pouch,” said Tony.

Read more about embryonic diapause at Wikipedia. -via Arbroath

(Image credit: Paul Fahy/Taronga Zoo)

The Tragic History of RC Cola

Royal Crown Cola, or RC, is over eighty years old. It was an innovative brand that paired well with deep-dish pizza in Chicago and Moon Pies in the South. And RC Cola was still eclipsed by both Coca Cola and Pepsi. Yeah, it’s still around, yet the brand doesn’t spend all that much on promotion, relatively, and it stays out of the “cola wars.”

But the number of RC drinkers could have been much, much higher. In an alternate—and completely plausible—universe, it would have given Coke and Pepsi a run for their money. At one point, it did. Believe it or not, Royal Crown Cola used to be one of the most innovative companies in the beverage industry. It came out with the first canned soda, the first caffeine-free soda, and the first 16-ounce soda. It was the first to take diet cola mainstream, and the first to stage nationwide taste tests.

Given its long and pioneering history, RC deserved to be more than the middling soda brand it is today. In an industry that lives and dies by marketing, RC didn’t do nearly enough. But its failure wasn’t just due to lack of initiative. It was also a case of supremely bad luck, bad judgment, and a fateful ingredient known as cyclamate.

Baby Boomers might remember what happened next, but you probably don’t know all the details. Today RC Cola and its sister brands like Nehi and Diet Rite are still sold, although you may have to look for them. Read about the rise and spectacular fall of RC Cola at mental_floss.

(Image credit:Flickr user pscc.ets)

The Joys Of Having A Vulcan Boyfriend

Vulcans don't know how to party down, throw caution to the wind or act impulsively, which is why they make perfect mates for lovers of logic and those overemotional souls seeking balance in their life.

But before you become bedfellows with a Vulcan you should consult this comic by Maritsa Patrinos of Seasonal Depression Comics and see if Vulcans are right for you.

Side effects include: monotonous speech patterns, drab home decor and a rigorous daily schedule. Daily massages may be habit forming.

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

16 Lively Facts About Death Wish

The 1974 movie Death Wish was violent, disturbing, and vicariously gave people what they wanted: the cathartic feeling of fighting back against the evils of the world. That’s pretty common in movies now, but at the time, that was a groundbreaking concept in film. I recall the rush of seeing Paul Kersey, just a regular guy, get revenge on the criminals who destroyed his family, and then go after other bad guys as well. Then we felt bad about that rush, and had to think about how we’d react in that situation. Let’s look at some of the trivia behind the movie.


Henry Fonda said no because he found the script to be "repulsive." George C. Scott turned it down because of all its violence.


"It's the only time Paul Kohner, my agent, ever disagreed with me about a film," Bronson said in 1974. "Paul felt very strongly that it was a dangerous picture—that it might make people think it's right to take the law into their own hands. This is what the hero of the picture does when he wants a one-man vigilante squad to kill muggers, after three of them have murdered his wife and raped his daughter. I told Paul I thought the message was the same there that runs through a lot of my pictures: That violence is senseless because it only begets more violence."

And there’s a lot more to learn about Death Wish in a trivia list at mental_floss.

People Share Stories About Meeting Their Partner's Parents For The First Time

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Relationships are full of hard parts, and if your mind just went to something dirty then yes they're full of those hard parts too.

His mom asked us if we were "dipping winkies" (please bear in mind I'm a female) and said if he ever needed condoms for us to tell her we're "hungry for Hardee's" and she'd know what we meant and wouldn't have to explain further, and that she would either give us money for or go out and buy us condoms. I was fourteen at the time. Found out years later that she became pregnant and had an abortion at thirteen, she didn't want us to have to make that decision, so she really was just trying to be helpful. But it was a little much the very first time meeting her.

(Comment Link)

But the hard parts of relationships are mostly those stress inducing moments that start on the first date, continue straight through to that awkward first kiss and keep coming when you're married and having children.

But well before you walk down the aisle you have to deal with one major hard part that's chock full of awkwardness- meeting your partner's parents for the first time.

My girlfriend had me over for dinner at her parent house for the first time. Steak dinner with all of the fixins'. I take my first bite, swallow, immediately start choking. I'm so scared that I'm going to make a bad impression, so I took a drink of water to try to wash it down. Didn't work, so after about fifteen seconds without a single breath my face turns red, so I start freaking out an point at my throat. So my girlfriends mom does the Heimlich maneuver and I throw up all over the floor. Her two miniature schnauzers start licking up the aftermath, girlfriend's dad puts his napkin down and leaves the room.

(Comment Link)

Redditors aren't afraid to share intimate details of their lives, so when AskReddit threads come up concerning this topic you know the tales told will be equal parts bawdy, bloodcurdling and utterly batty:

Brought my first college boyfriend home for Thanksgiving - we were greeted by my parents in full Star Trek uniforms, dad was wearing spock ears, both giving the "live long and prosper" salute. They ordered pizza and the delivery guy asks my dad why he didn't just have the pizza beamed over.

(Comment Link)

Read 25 Times People Met Their Significant Others' Parents And Lived To Tell The Horrifying Tale here (NSFW due to language)

A 1955 Map for Tourists

In 1955, Esso handed out a map to help tourists find their way to Florida by turning it upside down! On this map, you are always going “up” even though you’re headed south. The legend says,

Nearly all road maps point North. But we've found that many travelers turn their maps upside when going South. It helps them to know whether to turn right or left. Naturally its hard to read anything upside down.

So Esso designed this special map for those the increasing number of drivers who go south each season. Florida-bound motorists need not turn this map upside down - it's pointed the direction they're headed. Town names, route numbers, state names are right side up, easy to read and follow. Your route South is clearly before you.

Of course, when you're heading back North you'll want our regular Esso map of Eastern United States, on which this map is based. Before you start, or along your way, pick up a copy. Put it in your glove compartment.

Now, before you laugh at people in 1955 not knowing whether to turn left or right, stop for a minute and think about how you use your GPS. That little map is oriented so that you are traveling in the “up” direction. Many online maps are rotatable for the same reason. And cartographers will tell you there is no “up,” and the way we orient most maps is just a convention, not a rule.

But besides all that, the map is interesting for other reasons. You can enlarge it at imgur to see the details. In 1955, there were no interstate highways. There was also no Disney World. And no Cape Canaveral. Our world has changed a lot since then. -via reddit

Librarian Rhapsody

"Is this nonfiction? Is this just fantasy?"

The staff of the Shoalhaven Libraries in New South Wales, Australia, made a music video to celebrate the end of the school year. They not only sing, but they do a chorus line with their carts, play air guitar, and show off their books to the tune of “Bohemian Rhapsody.”  

(YouTube link)

This is typical librarian behavior. Every time I go into my local library (not that I have time for books, but they have a printer), there’s someone behind the desk in costume, and usually at least a couple of people dancing. -via Metafilter

Calvin and Hobbes Resurrected

Okay, let’s get this straight. Calvin and Hobbes was a strip by Bill Watterson that ended in 1995. Bloom County is a comic by Berkeley Breathed that ended in 1989. However, Breathed resurrected Bloom County (featuring Opus the penguin) last year on his Facebook page, which is the only place the new version is published. Early this morning, Breathed announced that Watterson was handing over the Calvin and Hobbes franchise to him. Then this strip appeared. Well, it is April Fools Day, and we don’t yet know whether Watterson was involved in the prank. -via Fark   

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