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The True Origin Of Cthulhu

Most fans believe H.P. Lovecraft drew inspiration for the Cthulhu mythos from a variety of sources- Science fiction and mythological beings as the physical inspiration for the creatures, cosmic indifferentism and nihilism as the philosophical influence behind the stories, and horror the plot vehicle that drives the terror home.

Whelp, looks like we were wrong! Thanks for setting us straight Ethan Vincent of Oppressive Silence!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy 

7 Ways Relationships Change When They Go From New To Long-Term

Being in a new relationship can make you feel like you're walking on eggshells, as you try not to move too fast or make too much noise and scare off your potential partner.

But once you reach the comfort zone and settle in for a long term relationship you find that all those pieces of shell stuck in your feet were worth all the frustration and fear.

Now you're free to be your real self, with lots of free time on your hands since you no longer have to worry about bathing or getting all dolled up.

Comic artist Sarah C. Andersen visually explores the changes we undergo when we've finally suckered someone into being in a long-term relationship with us, scan the strips and smile.

See 7 Ways Relationships Change Over Time here

Chris Evans Is Caught Staring At Boobs, Gets Heroically Photoshopped

Chris Evans has proven he's a good guy by giving to charity, making himself to available to fans at conventions and on social media, and making videos for sick fans to show his support.

But Chris is also a warm blooded male, and his love of the ladies is no secret, so when he is presented with a chance to peek at cleavage he takes it.

Only Chris's peek was a full blown stare captured in a photo that made it online, where it was instantly subject to digital modification by the Photoshop gods, who deemed his stare hilarious.

He tried to justify his stare by claiming he saw a chestburster about to emerge and kill them all.

But his fellow Marvel movie stars weren't buying his story, and they weren't too happy about his lascivious conduct either.

And then Travolta came along and made the whole situation even more awkward, which just happens to be the superpower he was granted by the Church of Scientology.

See Hilarious Photoshops Of Chris Evans Caught Staring At Boobs here

Her Surrogate Pinky

Libby Sanders lost her left pinky finger in an accident earlier this year. She’s still getting used to the idea of having fewer fingers, but her husband Matt graciously volunteered to have his left pinky painted to match her nails as a surrogate.

“It was such a sweet gesture. But it didn’t surprise me. It’s who he is,” Libby told The Huffington Post. “He is such a kind, caring man and he is always doing things like this for me. This is only one of 10 million things he has done to show me how much he loves me.”

Read more about the couple at HuffPo. -via Uproxx

Toddler vs. CEO

What’s the difference between a toddler and the Chief Executive Officer of your company? You have to go through the list; it’s pretty far down there. Both a toddler and CEO are convinced the world revolves around them, and they’re both right. This is the latest from Sarah Cooper at The Cooper Review.

Wife Finds Note From Dead Husband Written Under Workbench He Made For Her

(Image Link)

When we write our loved ones a letter meant to be read after we die we're usually just trying to put our feelings into words whether the letter is ever read or not.

Many of these love letters end up squirreled away in a box somewhere or similarly hidden from sight, so when a letter is found after the loved one has passed away it feels like a minor miracle.

The touching story shared by an Imgur user about a love letter found after his dad's death sounds more like a major miracle- because the letter was written on the underside of a workbench he'd built for his wife.

The letter reads:

"I love you Becca. Whatever day this is, I hope it's a good one. God truly answered my prayers the day he gave me you. I know that these days are the best I'll ever have, and I'm glad you're in them. I'm not sure if you'll ever see this, but if you do, just know that I love you very much. If there is one thing want in life, it is to be as good to you as you are to me. If I can do that, I'll be the happiest man alive. - I love you beautiful wife. - Mason

-Via Country Living

Freeway Skateboarding Is Becoming A Trend In California

Skateboarding is an integral part of the Southern California lifestyle for many, which makes sense considering SoCal natives grow up in a place where virtually everyone surfs, bikes and skates.

That's why the latest trends in skateboarding typically start in California, but here's hoping the dangerous new trend of freeway skateboarding doesn't catch on.

(YouTube Link)

The video above was uploaded over five years ago and is considered the inspiration for the current #FreewayChallenge trend, but the cars were stopped in that video.

Nowadays the videos posted online show these foolishly brave freeway skaters jumping out of cars on crowded freeways during rush hour, grabbing bumpers and weaving through traffic on their board.

(YouTube Link)

The California Highway Patrol is worried more kids will want to try freeway skating and get killed for a bit of fun, which is why they're scanning social media for freeway skating videos and making arrests.

"Sk8 Or Die!" is just a silly slogan, guys, and not a suggestion on how to live your life!

-Via Fox5

Google, Amazon, and Facebook’s Secrets to Hiring the Best People

Sarah Cooper of The Cooper Review has cracked the code of how big tech companies select employees from the gazillions of applications they get. Rather than finding out about potential employees, the interview process is series of tests designed to identify those who can survive the ordeal. For example,

7. Ask the same questions over and over and over again

To test consistency

In the tech world, predictability is a good thing. During the interview, don’t worry about asking the same question over and over again because you keep blanking out. This is a great tool for testing the candidate’s consistency. Candidates should only be wildly inconsistent with their answers when interviewing for senior roles.  

8. Conduct dual interviews with a good cop / bad cop vibe

To find people who can multi-task under pressure

Put the candidate in the middle of a conference room with interviewers at both ends of the table. Is the candidate able to simultaneously direct her attention to both interviewers while sufficiently answering each question at the same time? Or is she clearly exhausted and wondering why she even agreed to this interview? This is a great indicator of how the candidate will perform during a crunch.

See all ten techniques, and then be glad that your resume was eliminated before the interview process. -via Digg

When a Gator Comes to Call

When someone rings your doorbell, you expect a real person to be there (unless they announced “land shark”). Luckily, no one answered the door when an alligator came to call.  

(YouTube link)

Gary Rogers was walking his dog in Monck’s Corner, South Carolina, when he saw an alligator roaming the neighborhood. The animal tried to climb the fence to reach the backyard pool, but was unsuccessful. It then went to the front door, scratched around the doorknob, and reached its snout up to the doorbell. No one was home, though, so the gator eventually wandered off. -via reddit

Thor Pranks Spider-Man

The Marvel superhero Thor has a hammer called Mjölnir that cannot be picked up by anyone besides Thor, or someone worthy of Thor’s status. That does not include Spider-Man, who is a mortal with spider powers. So what grief could Thor cause a fellow superhero with Mjölnir?

(YouTube link)

He could make life miserable. You don’t want to get on any superhero’s bad side, but even in good-natured pranking, an enchanted hammer is truly a secret weapon. -via Tastefully Offensive  

Every Zombie Apocalypse

The U.S. military is the world’s premiere fighting force, but only in real life. They are no match for the undead. Not even when they team up with NATO or another group of allies. That’s a necessary plot hole in any zombie apocalypse story. It’s like killing off a child protagonist’s parents, because otherwise they’d be protecting the child and preventing dangerous adventures. One of these days, someone is going to produce a film in which military strategists are the heroes who actually save the world from a zombie infection. That would be cool. This is the latest from John McNamee at Pie Comic.

Rotating Bookcase Made from Recycled Sinks

There’s a lot going on here. This is the Sink-Wall, a pivoting room divider (also called a “door”) made from 20 stainless steel kitchen sinks. Each sink also serves as a storage or display unit for books or other objects. Lot-ek Architects designed and built two of these units for Edizioni Press in Chelsea, New York City. The users no doubt learned that you can’t pivot a bookcase quickly, or you’ll have to pick up books from the floor. This is just one example of recycling odd castaways into new furniture. See more of them in the post Five Incredible Pieces of Furniture Made from Recycled Parts.

Ten Things You Should Know About The Reptilian Elite Conspiracy

Conspiracy theories don't come much more cold blooded than the Reptilian Elite theory, which states that members of an ancient reptilian bloodline secretly rule the world.

The theory was posited and popularized by former BBC sports writer turned “son of God” David Icke back in 1999, and now an estimated twelve million Americans believe lizard people are pulling the strings.

Believers don't agree on where the Reptilian Elite came from (some say a distant planet, others say they've been on Earth since before mankind), but they all agree the Reptilian Elite are the scaly bastards behind the New World Order.

Read 10 Things You Should Know About The Reptilian Conspiracy Theory here

Cat Escapes from Polygon

We know how to trap a cat. But have you ever thought about the anxiety you cause for a cat trapped in such an awful way?

(YouTube link)

This dramatic video shows the angst and desperation of a helpless cat trapped in a hexagon taped to the floor. He cannot escape on his own, but needs a little help from a friend. Together, they create an opening in the infernal trap and allow escape. Yay! -via Boing Boing

An Electrifying Explanation Of How 3D Printing Works

3D printing is slowly but surely being integrated into our tech heavy lives, and it's easy to imagine everyone having a 3D printer or three in their homes to help them do all sorts of fun and useful stuff.

But before the 3D printer can become like every other printer in our home we should take a few minutes to learn how they work with this fun demonstration video by ElectroBOOM engineer Mehdi Sadaghdar.

(YouTube Link)

Note to Mehdi- buy some work gloves you wild man!

-Via Laughing Squid

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