Blog Posts John Farrier Likes

Misconceptions of Rich Kids

When you grow up in a wealthy family, you don’t know any other way until much later. In a recent AskReddit forum, some rich kids shared the moment that they found out everyone else’s lives are not like theirs.

I thought everyone got to eat dinner quite often with the president. I always thought the president has dinner at random houses until I learned otherwise when I finally joined regular school (I was homeschooled till I was age 9) and no kid believed my "dinner story "

*Dad was Ambassador of Kenya to Saudi Arabia


Taking trips overseas constantly. I remember being so surprised in elementary school that my friends had never been to Europe. My earliest memory takes place in a villa in Monaco.

Also, apparently 6 year olds aren't supposed to like tartare or oysters on the half shell.


I was trying to show a friend of mine that she's rich because her family has a TEAM of maids and drivers. Seriously, a driver for every member of the family. She said she's not rich, because "Everyone has maids and drivers." I asked her... do you think your maids and drivers have maids and drivers? I think then it clicked that she might be rich.


You can sift through the entire thread at reddit or see the highlights at Pref. -via Team Takei

Who Needs a Magic Mirror?

Even as a child, I had this same idea. I saw Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and then played all the parts in the privacy of my bedroom, and the mirror always showed me the answer to the question. The real magic, I figured, was in asking the right question. If the Evil Queen had asked who was the most evil person in the kingdom, she would have gotten the same answer when looking in a mirror. This is the latest comic from Alex Culang and Raynato Castro of Buttersafe.

14 Secrets of U.S. Postal Carriers


How you feel about the Postal Service depends on whether they brought you a check or bills today. But these couriers keep their appointed rounds no matter what they are delivering. And they deliver 154 billion pieces of mail every year! On an individual level, you might know your postal carrier’s name, but probably not a lot about his or her job. For example,


Cliches are clichés for a reason, and most postal workers will admit to having some concern over unfriendly dogs on their route. But a smaller, equally painful danger remains under-publicized. According to Kenny, a carrier in the Midwest, reaching into a mailbox to deposit your letters can sometimes be hazardous to his health. “Wasps like to get into mailboxes,” he says. “Especially if they have an outgoing mail slot. They build a nest in there. I’ve been stung quite a few times.”


The shoulder-slung sack of mail on a carrier’s shoulder isn’t just to tote credit card offers. During carrier orientation, workers are taught that the satchel is their first line of defense against aggressive dogs. (They can also use parcels to parry attacks.) “There’s a whole training program on it,” Kenny says. “You try to keep it between you and the dog.” Carriers are also issued pepper spray. “I hate to use it, but sometimes you have to,” Kenny admits. He estimates he’s been bit nine or 10 times. “I’ve never needed stitches, but I’ve known carriers who have.”

Read a dozen other secrets about your mail carrier’s job at mental_floss.

The Voodoo Doll

Has it ever occurred to you that if you can do awful things to a voodoo doll, you can also treat it nicely to give someone beneficial effects? It occurred to Chris Hallbeck at Maximumble. By the way, the voodoo doll concept actually came to us from Europe, and is not historically associated with the Vodou or Voodoo religion.

A Lottery Lawyer Explains What You Should Do if You Hit the Jackpot

The best part about buying a lottery ticket is dreaming about what you’d do if you won. We’ve learned from previous winners that the excitement of seeing your numbers come up can cause you to screw up the entire dream. Big lottery winners have ended up broke, lonely, or even dead because of the sudden windfall. To keep this from happening to you, you should first hire a lawyer. That’s the advice from a lawyer who specializes in lottery winnings, as you may have guessed. It’s good advice anyway. Paying experts to look out for your best interests is a wise investment. But there’s some things you should know before you even have a chance to talk to an expert.  

Can you explain the benefit of putting it in an entity or a trust?

First of all, if you can preserve any kind of anonymity, you wanna do that. You wanna limit your exposure. So a lot of the winners choose to form a trust just for that purpose, so that the name of the winner is gonna be the trust. So if you're looking up in the past who won $300 million two years ago, it's gonna say the name of the trust rather than your name. Because people are gonna look for you whether it's for handouts, charities, investment opportunities, whatever.

It's interesting you say you shouldn't tell people about it. It's a stupid idea to put it on social media, obviously.

Oh, forget it. If you win like a large jackpot––I think it's $300 million this week––the first thing you've got to do is shut down your Facebook because even if you don't write on social media that you won, your name is gonna come out, and everyone is gonna be looking at pictures of you and your family. So just get it off the internet.

Read the rest of the interview at Vice.

(Image credit: Flickr user Iain Watson)

The Man Who Invented Online Dating

Andrew Conru was a busy graduate student working on the cutting edge of internet technology at Stanford in the early '90s. He didn’t have time to get out and socialize to meet girls. He tried personal ads in newspapers and video dating (in the VHS days), but found them slow and expensive. So he invented online dating. Conru founded the first online dating site, Web Personals, in 1993, the same year was founded. But Conru’s site went live in 1994, a year before went online. He also launched an early service that created websites. And he was a pioneer in web tracking. Conru sold Web Personals and then launched FriendFinder, which blossomed into a conglomerate of interpersonal sites. Has owning those companies helped him personally?

Conru has been dating online for 20 years and has never been married. “When you’re in your 20s, you get a lot more dates than when you’re in your 40s,” he said. “It sucks but people in their 20s are looking to mingle and it’s a new experience. It’s much more dynamic than your 40s or 50s.”

On Conru’s AdultFriendFinder profile, it says he collects 1930s movie posters and that he’s had a threesome. “I’ve had more than one,” he said. “I’ve been fortunate a lot in having a full life; I’m comfortable in all kinds of sexual experiences.”

Conru, who has a Yahoo email account (“does that date me?” he asks), and doesn’t like Snapchat (“I can’t screengrab my friend’s porn photos fast enough”) has no plans on settling down – he’s realized the traditional life of getting married and having kids is probably not in his cards.

“I’m still single, which is the irony of all this,” he said.

Read the story of Andrew Conru and the development of internet dating at Motherboard. -via Digg

(Image credit: Andrew Conru at Facebook)

The Worst Television Cliffhangers From Cancelled TV Shows

Few things feel more frustrating than watching a show and getting all wrapped up in a cliffhanger season finale only to discover the program is cancelled and you'll never know what happens next. Looper has recently rounded up some of the most irritating cliffhangers in television history, including Mork and Mindy traveling to the past, Sliders possibly never being able to slide again and a baby left on Lois' doorstep in Lois and Clark. The article only includes 10 examples, but I'm sure you Neatorama readers could add in plenty more. So let's go, what show left you hanging only to never return?

My Laptop Is Set Up To Take A Picture After 3 Incorrect Password Attempts

People are horrified when they discover someone has been using their computer without their permission, so they install security software that takes a picture when an incorrect password has been entered too many times.

They expect to see some random sneak or sneaky relative caught trying to use the comp without permission, but Imgur user pigeonkitty received this shocking picture via text alert instead:

(Image Link)

Hacker cat has been caught in the act, and now pigeonkitty knows who used her credit card to order ten kilos of catnip and that cat-sized nuclear submarine...

-Via Twisted Sifter

Wife Tries to Poison Husband Through His Underwear

Plenty of wives have tried to poison their husbands over the years, but when Mrs. Zhang decided to take care of her matrimonial problem, she didn't want to go the traditional method of poisoning her husband's food. Instead she soaked her husband's underwear in herbicide before he wore the briefs to his daughter's wedding. 

I can't say if Mrs. Zhang wanted to kill her husband or just teach him a lesson, but her husband did survive. Unfortunately for Mr. Zhang, he didn't get treatment until he noticed his genitals were "rotting." He has since recovered from his injuries and no one knows if he yet plans to file charges.

Artist Who Lost His Arm Now Has World's First Tattoo Machine Prosthetic

Artists who lose the use of their arms or hands often feel like their artistic careers are over, which is totally understandable considering how important hands are to an artist.

So when JC Sheitan Tenet lost his arm in an accident 22 years ago he thought he'd have to give up his dream of being a tattoo artist, but thanks to this incredible prosthetic arm he's now able to ink at will.

JC's amazing prosthetic arm was created by French artist/engineer JL Gonzal, who modified a normal prosthetic to accommodate a tattoo gun, and Gonzal has sworn to improve the design to give JC a more natural feel when he inks.

Gonzal's prosthetic arm may be in the early stages of development but it sure looks sharp!

-Via My Modern Met

These Animals Are Not What They Seem

You've probably already figured out the photo above is not a wolf, but can you make out what it actually is?

If you guessed it's three naked women covered in body paint and posed to create this howling good optical illusion then you're the grand prize winner!

So what have you won? The opportunity to see what three naked women covered in body paint look like when they're posing as a tree frog.

These incredible bodypaint illusions are created by artist Johannes Stötter, a guy who has a knack for unleashing a model's wild side and can't help but see the human body as a canvas.

Here's a video showing another one of Johannes' incredibly cool bodypaint works- the chameleon.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Boing Boing

The Real Reason Why Some Dogs Sniff Butts At The Dog Park

Not all dogs dream of working in law enforcement, but those who do often catch their criminally unambitious brethren completely by surprise, which is why dealers use drug mules instead of drug dogs.

Drug dogs are those good dogs who use their super keen smellers to sniff out crime, and as this comic from Deathbulge shows they can smell a sack of sticky icky a mile away...even if it's keistered.

That’s a Good Dog

Bretagne, pronounced Brittany, was one of the search and rescue dogs charged with looking for survivors at Ground Zero fifteen years ago. She and her handler, Denise Corliss, responded to the call from their home in Texas, where they both had just completed training. We reported on Bretagne's return trip to New York City last year. Warning: you may need a hankie for this video.

(YouTube link)

At age 16, the golden retriever was suffering the effects of old age, and was taken to the vet one last time on Monday. She got a hero’s salute from the Cy-Fair Fire Department and emergency responders when she walked into the Fairfield Animal Hospital in Harris County, Texas. They were also there when her body was carried out, draped in an American flag. Bretagne was the last of the 9/11 search and rescue dogs. She would have turned 17 in August. -via reddit

They’re Not Drugs!

When you have a 16-year-old daughter, you are understandably vigilant. Ashley Banks almost got into big trouble when her mother found a suspicious batch of brightly-colored pills in her nightstand. Mom was pretty upset, as a series of text messages show.

Whew, what a relief! The worst Mom can say now is that Ashley's tastes are a little juvenile. But really, magic grow capsules that sprout into dinosaurs are pretty cool no matter how old you are. -via Uproxx

The Ultimate Wedding Playlist

Do you recall when you were much younger and you loved a song so much you made a mental note that you wanted it played at your wedding? FiveThirtyEight asked readers to send in their wedding reception playlists, and got a great response. People sent in songs played at their receptions and music plans for their future weddings, and DJs sent in their standard lists created from experience. From 163 submitted lists containing 3,358 unique songs, they compiled the ultimate wedding set list. The top twenty is here; see all 200 ranked songs at the post.

Walt Hickey also shares some trivia from the project, like the goofball who suggested “The Rains of Castamere,” and the songs folks specifically banned from their wedding. Other charts ranked the most-requested artists and the breakdown of what years the songs came out. It turns out that our favorite songs come from not only from our teenage years, but from our parents’ and grandparents’ tastes, too. -via Digg

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