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Spreadable Coffee

There's nothing better than a nice fresh hot cup of coffee in the morning. If you love coffee that much, you might want to try it on your toast! Or not. When people talk about coffee that's way too strong, they sometimes say it sticks to the roof of your mouth like peanut butter. That's the joke I thought of when I heard that spreadable coffee is now available in Japan.

According to Curazy, Snow Brand Milk is releasing a spreadable version of its coffee to mark the 55th anniversary of its release.

If you’ve ever had Snow Brand Milk’s Coffee, you’ll know it’s rather creamy and sweet, so it should make a good toast spread.

Ah, so it's from a milk company! The "spread" is probably mostly milk and sugar with some coffee in it for flavoring. That might not be bad at all, if you like that sort of thing. -via Boing Boing

A Very Early Spring

This year is the first time I've seen the trees on my street blooming in February. It isn't my imagination. Maps from the USGS-led USA National Phenology Network indicate where Mother Nature began thinking that spring arrived in February. The data, updated daily, comes from observations of budding trees, blooming flowers, and animal behavior. The map shown here is the Spring Leaf Index Anomaly for March first. The area in red indicates where the data shows spring arriving unusually early. -via Digg  

Haircuts So Hilarious And Horrible They Became "Say No More" Memes

Getting a bad haircut once meant wearing a hat until the hair grew back, or shaving it all off and starting over again, but nowadays victims like to share their haircut-astrophe online so their friends can laugh with them.

But sometimes a haircut is so bad people see it online and have to share it with their own social network, and next thing you know somebody's turning that cringeworthy haircut pic into a meme.

Memes that involve a bad haircut become part of the "say no more fam" meme family, where people imagine what the victim must have said to the barber to end up with such a terrible haircut.

See 10+ Terrible Haircuts That Were So Bad They Became "Say No More" Memes here

This Wonder Woman Has Her Own Invisible Jet

Chicago balloon artist Smarty Pants made tihs amazing invisible jet for a little tiny Wonder Woman to wear to a local convention. Now that's some creative cosplay!

Via Laughing Squid

Leia Choking Jabba in LEGO

Ochre Jelly (Iain Heath) is back with a Star Wars LEGO creation from the movie Return of the Jedi. It's the scene where Princess Leia gets her revenge on Jabba the Hut.

Carrie Fisher had been scheduled to appear at Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle this year, so I decided to make a LEGO tribute to her character from Star Wars, for the Brick Nation display that I'm involved in at that event. I had already seen LEGO tributes showing a demure Princess Leia shoving a floppy disk into some poor hapless droid, but I wanted to reimagine a moment from the original trilogy that really captured Fisher's feisty character!

This image is captioned "You gotta kill a lotta frogs to find your prince!" See other angles and closeups at Flickr. -Thanks, Iain!

See more pop culture LEGO art from Ochre Jelly

The Pineapple Pizza Scandal

Pizza is pretty universal, but it varies from place to place. People will argue all day about pineapple pizza, which was developed not in Hawaii, but in Canada, which caused a small kerfuffle in that nation when President Guðni Jóhannesson of Iceland dissed pineapple pizza.

President Guoni Johannesson recently told a group of high school students during a Q&A that he was fundamentally opposed to pineapple on pizza — and that's not all. He went on to say if he could, he would ban pineapple as a pizza topping.

Johannesson clearly did not know his opinion would offend or even make the news. He responded on Facebook.

I like pineapples, just not on pizza. I do not have the power to make laws which forbid people to put pineapples on their pizza. I am glad that I do not hold such power. Presidents should not have unlimited power. I would not want to hold this position if I could pass laws forbidding that which I don´t like. I would not want to live in such a country. For pizzas, I recommend seafood.

Seafood? It's not all that uncommon on European pizzas, although it was pointed out that "fiskmeti" should have been translated as "fish" instead of seafood. Fish pizza? Like anchovies? Everyone has their own tastes. In Sweden, they use all kinds of fruit and other pizza toppings an American wouldn't consider. -via Metafilter

(Image credit: Janine)

Which topping should never appear on a pizza? You can select more than one.

These Donuts Come With a Shot of Whiskey Inside

We've posted a lot of crazy donuts in the past, but we've never seen them with a shot of alcohol inside. You can get a hold of these boozy, sweet treats at Denver's Habit Doughnut Dispensary and you can choose any liqour inside including rum, whiskey and vodka. Popular combinations include the Plain Jane and Blazed infused with Fireball, the new French Toast with whiskey, the Carbon (chocolate and espresso) with Kahlua, and the signature Habit Jumbleberry with vodka.

The alcohol comes in a pipette shoved in the donut so you can inject it into your mouth directly or eat a drippy, bite of booze-filled donuts. Adding a shot to your donut only costs $2, or $24 for a dozen.

See more pictures of the awesome donut combos on Thrillist.

Watch A Wild Orangutan Use A Handsaw To Cut A Branch

We all know how smart primates are, and how they have learned to use certain tools both with a little help from humans and on their own, but knowing about their craftiness cannot compare to seeing it in action.

So here's a video showing an orangutan from Southeast Asia using a handsaw to cut a branch in two, using her feet to hold the branch steady and clearing the sawdust from the cut as she works.

(YouTube Link)

This wild orangutan with a knack for sawing stuff is featured on the BBC nature documentary series Spy In The Wild, which features:

animatronic animals fitted with high-definition cameras, revealing never-before-seen footage of wildlife, up close and personal.

-Via IFL Science

Animal Guards: Surprise!

Owls make the best guards because they have a 360 degree view of the action, and their hearing is so acute they can hear a sneaky critter coming a mile away, except for carp ninjas, of course, those guys are dead silent.

This edition of the comic Pitch Black by Andre Navarro is all about surprise, but what's really surprising is how enjoyable Pitch Black is to read, check out this bonus strip about cats and dogs at the office.

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Israeli Artist Shames Those Making Light of Berlin's Holocaust Memorial

There's no single right way to behave at a Holocaust memorial, but as a general rule, visitors should be respectful -and practicing parkour, doing gymnastics, juggling and snapping selfies are all examples of disrespectful behavior. Unfortunately, Berlin's Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe by architect Peter Eisenman is constantly filled with tourists taking selfies, playing hide and go seek, and otherwise ignoring the somber nature of the site. Even EasyJet published an eight-page fashion editorial in their magazine that was shot in the memorial.

That's why Israeli artist Shahak Shapira started showing how ugly and inappropriate these acts are by Photoshopping people's tasteless Facebook, Instagram, Tinder and Grindr photos into actual pictures of the Holocaust. The results are ugly and unpleasant, but they show exactly how callous the behavior of those in the images are. 

The project is called Yolocaust and Shapira made sure to include the number of likes each photo has to remind us that the people shooting the images aren't the only ones at fault.

Of course, those who find themselves on the page can get their images removed by emailing the highly appropriate address Meanwhile, you can see pictures of those tasteless people satired for their behavior on the Yolocaust website.

Via Tablet

The First Observations of Sea Ice Came From 8th-Century Irish Monks in Iceland

Geographers in ancient times may have guessed that the ocean is cold enough near the Poles to freeze, but they did not leave written records of witnessing it. That job fell to Irish monks who were searching for a wilderness of solitude. Christianity came to Ireland in the 5th century (remember St. Patrick), and monasteries filled with students of the faith over the next few hundred years. Crowded monasteries caused monks to reach out even further north for a peaceful place to commune with God.

There’s not much evidence left of the journeys of these monastic explorers, but in later years Norse stories had a name from them, the papar. Gaelic monks settled on empty northern islands—Orkney, Shetland—but it’s also possible that they found their way to Iceland, where manmade caves, decorated with crosses, have convinced some archaeologists that there were settlers here before the Vikings.

An early Irish geographer, Dicuil, also writes of “priests who stayed on that island from the first of February to the first of August.” The year would have been 795, and Dicuil briefly notes a journey they took north. “These priests then sailed hence and, in day’s sail, did reach the frozen sea to the north.”

But there's always the possibility of finding even earlier records. Any would useful to those documenting the natural history of the ebb and flow of Arctic ice. Read more about the history of frozen seas as we know it at Atlas Obscura. 

(Image credit: Pink floyd88 a)

Bunny Plays Jenga Like A Boss

All those cute videos people post online make rabbits look like really fun pets, because they're playful, silly and affectionate, not to mention super cute and fairly easy to care for.

However, I've owned three rabbits at different points in my life and this has not been my experience, because all three bunnies were bitey, skittish and wanted nothing to do with humans. 

I'd given up on being a bunny daddy before I saw this video posted by Foinz showing their bunny Simba playing Jenga like a little champ, and now I need all the bunnies!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid


This is one of the reasons you waste time: you have so much to do, you don't know what to do first. That can lead to nothing at all getting done! But as you make your to-do list, put your priorities in order. The you'll have a clear idea of what's most important. In this comic from Chris at Lunarbaboon, the process resembles getting your ducks in a row, even if they are shaped like little devils.

Disappointment in a Nutshell

This is why we can't have nice things. The Hide-Away Piano Bar in St. Louis had a great idea, but now it's only a great sign. I mean really, what could possibly go wrong with Lightsaber Night at a bar? Todd may be persona non grata in the neighborhood for quite some time, but the guy who did the sign is a hero for bringing a smile to the internet. -via reddit

Disney Princesses Reimagined As Potatoes

These days, we have seen Disney princesses reimagined as just about every possible thing. Many of these have become downright silly, which is why this Imgur series is just so damn delightful. 

Recognizing some of the silly potato characters is a fun game -the one at the top is obviously Pocahontas, the one above is Elsa from Frozen, lastly, the final one is Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.

I think we may have finally seen the most absurd version of the reimagined princesses trend, which is saying a lot. You can see the rest of the series at Imgur.

Via That's Nerdalicious

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