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He'll probably be traumatized for life. What a great prank! Thank comic artist Pedro Arizpe for the idea. Read what else she told him at Port Sherry. -via Geeks Are Sexy

Avocado + Latte = Avolatte

The latest hipster food obsession is the "avolatte," a latte (which is a fancy term for coffee with milk) served in an avocado shell. Developed at the Truman Cafe in Melbourne, the idea has spread through the internet and around the world, pretty much instantly.

It appears to be an eco-friendly way to add a bit of avocado flavor to the drink, but not everyone likes the idea. Personally, I do not like avocado, and I do like having a handle on my coffee cup. -via Laughing Squid

(Image credit: ozeatingwa)

Whatcha Thinking' About?

Most people don't get asked that question very often, and it's a good thing. If we were to audit our thoughts, probably 90% of them would be things we'd never say out loud. Now that I think about it, that only goes for most of us. There's always that one person who never learned to think before speaking. Usually we can avoid folks like that, unless they are in a position of power. This is the latest from Sarah Andersen at Sarah's Scribbles.


Ah, Chris thought he was shutting himself off from all the demands and complaints. But there comes a time when even your own body has plenty to complain about! At my age, you have to keep track of how long you sit in one position (especially the position he is in) to keep your joints and muscles from locking up. This is the latest from Lunarbaboon.

10 Fascinating Facts About the Easy-Bake Oven

Kids in the 1960s were fascinated with the Easy-Bake Oven. I know, I was one of them. What could be cooler than making tiny cakes with the power of a light bulb? Never mind that my mother already had me making tiny cakes and pies in tiny pans alongside hers in a full-size oven. Fifty-four years later, Easy-Bake Ovens are still popular, although they have changed.  

1) The first Easy-Bake Oven was very expensive

Today’s versions of the toy oven can be purchased at major retail stores or online at a reasonable $45.00, but the original 1963 version was much more expensive. In fact, it cost a hefty $15.95.

That might not sound like a lot, but adjusting for inflation, it amounts to $127. Despite the price, the Easy-Bake Oven sold half a million units in its first year on the market.

2) Working toy ovens were around for decades before the Easy-Bake

It might sound like an impressive feat for Kenner to have created a mini oven back in the 1960s, but other companies had already released similar toys decades earlier. Model train manufacturer Lionel created a gorgeous porcelain electric stove and oven combo in 1930 that featured a cooking surface the perfect height for kids, aged 6 to 9. The appliance, which the company claimed was built “as substantially as the one Mother uses,” sold for $29.50 ($430.00 today), according to an ad in a 1930 Playthings magazine.

Whether you ever had one or not, you'll want to read the list that tells us more about the Easy-Bake Oven at the Daily Dot.

Tattoos That Prove Scars And Stretch Marks Are Works Of Art

Some people see scars and stretch marks as flaws and imperfections, and they do whatever they can to remove those unwanted marks from their bodies.

But true warriors know that scars and stretch marks are signs that you've survived a struggle, whether it's a struggle to maintain a healthy weight or a struggle for survival that ended on the operating table.

So maybe instead of hinding our "flaws" or having them surgically removed we should embrace our imperfections and proudly show them off, letting our flesh tell the stories of our lives.

See 17 Tattoos That Prove Scars And Stretch Marks Are Works Of Art here

Cityscape Blinds

As someone who has worked third shift, and even now naps in the daylight hors, I consider blackout blinds a miracle. They sure beat taping aluminum foil over the windows (which I never did, but had to live with at one time). But look at how cool these blackout blinds are! Strategic small holes make them into a nighttime city skyline. The blinds are from a Ukrainian company named HoleRoll. A machine translation from the site says,

We are engaged in the development and production of exclusive roller blinds. The illusion of the night city or the night sky is created with holes in the fabric.

I believe that means they aren't ready for retail sales. There's no price yet, or information about whether they will be shipped overseas. So far, they show skylines of New York and London, and a blind with no skyline, but tiny stars showing through. -via Laughing Squid

A Beautiful Stained Glass Cabin Straight From A Fairytale

Stained glass windows are built to look beautiful both night and day, with colored glass cut and shaped to be aesthetically pleasing, but you can't fully appreciate the beauty of a stained glass window until the sun shines through.

So imagine how glorious the daylight hours must look and feel while you're inside this miniature stained glass cabin in the woods, constructed by artist and craftsman Neile Cooper.

Neile's "Glass Cabin" is a good example of how adding stained glass windows to a home can actually change the feel of the entire place, which in this case changed the feel from greenhouse to fairy tale dreamhouse.

See more from Breathtaking Stained Glass Cabin Looks Ripped From A Fairytale here

Horse Launches Surprise Attack On Alligator

Alligators have a gruesome complexion and a mouth full of pointy teeth so most animals find them intimidating, especially animals that fit inside a gator's mouth.

But horses don't give a crap about the alligator's fearsome reputation, and if one of those smily faced savages tries to get too close to a horse they're asking for a good stompin'!

(YouTube Link)

The alligator looked like it was minding its own business, but I think the horse had the right idea because you never know what a gator might do when they start feeling a bit peckish.

-Via Daily Dot

People You Should Be Tipping And How Much You Should Tip

Tipping should be compulsory, and when a customer is served they should gladly fork over a tip to show their appreciation, but some people are so miserly with their tips it's just plain sad.

Maybe they're unaware that the federal tipped minimum wage is a meager $2.13 an hour, or that most baristas and fast food workers are working for minimum wage, so that dollar tip helps out a lot.

(Image Link)

In order to make sure those overworked folks in the various service industries get the tip they deserve here's a short guide to tipping:

  1. Wait staff should be tipped 15-20% or more, because they make less than minimum wage in some states
  2. Bartenders usually get a buck a drink
  3. Picking up fast food or a drink from a barista? Tip them a buck at least, and be generous if you have a large order
  4. Delivery drivers are supposed to get $5 per order, or 15-20% on a larger order
  5. Valets or parking attendants should get at least $2 when they bring you your car
  6. Bathroom attendants get a tip if they hand you anything, but if they're just running security in the can you don't have to tip
  7. Salon and spa workers should get a good 15-20% tip, especially if you want them to do a good job!
  8. Tipping hotel staff is a bit tricky, but it's usually a dollar or two to bellhops, shuttle drivers and door staff, $1-5 per night for housekeepers and a $5-10 tip for a helpful concierge
  9. Taxi drivers should get a 15-20% tip, plus a couple of bucks if they help you with your bags

-Via mental_floss

This Cute Pet Crab Digs Bananas

Crabs don't get to enjoy any produce while they're sidling along under the sea, so when they come up for air and hit the beach they head straight to the nearest surfside fruit shack and chow down.

But the spoiled little crab in this video gets to eat bugs, potato chips and fruit whenever he wants, and he enjoys spending the afternoon leisurely shoveling banana into his maw.

(YouTube Link)

And in case you were wondering what other types of fruit this little crab enjoys here's another video from another day, when that cute little pet crab got his claws on a slice of watermelon.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

Please Be Patient

"We need a new display here, something with a theme, can you get that done right away?" Obviously not, but the library employee or volunteer charged with the task did a fantastic job in creating a thought-provoking workaround. Well, maybe not so much "thought-provoking," but more "guaranteed to become a viral image." -via Boing Boing

Starbucks Japan's New Frappuccino is Basically a Drinkable Cherry Pie

Japan gets all the best fast food twists and now even their Starbucks has heaven in a cup. In this case, it's a pastry shell lid that has to be broken open with a straw, vanilla base (let's face it -that's pretty much ice cream), cherry compote and it's all topped with whipped cream. If you are even in Japan to try it, you have to act fast -it's only going to be around for a month until May 16.

Via That's Nerdalicious

High School Journalists Uncover Fraudulent Principal

The school board in Pittsburg, Kansas, hired a new principal for Pittsburg High School. Amy Robertson had a stellar resume, with a PhD in education and decades of experience, many of which were as an educational consultant in Dubai. As soon as the hiring was announced, students who worked on the school newspaper, the Booster Redux, wanted to find out more about their new principal. What they found was disturbing.

The student journalists had begun researching Robertson, and quickly found some discrepancies in her education credentials. For one, when they researched Corllins University, the private university where Robertson said she got her master’s and doctorate degrees years ago, the website didn’t work. They found no evidence that it was an accredited university.

“There were some things that just didn’t quite add up,” Balthazor told The Washington Post.

The students began digging into a weeks-long investigation that would result in an article published Friday questioning the legitimacy of the principal’s degrees and of her work as an education consultant.

They couldn't even find evidence that Robertson had a bachelor's degree. Less than a week after the school paper published its story, Robertson resigned the position. But questions remain as to why the school board did not look into Robertson's qualifications. Its a good thing the student journalists did. Read the account of how the teenagers uncovered the story at the Washington Post. -via Metafilter

Retro DIY Lawnmower Looks Like a Vintage Car

Image: jeep2003

Spring is here and the grass will need to be mowed soon. But if you have this sweet DIY retro mini lawnmower that looks like a vintage automobile, the job will surely be a satisfying one.

Jeep2003 chronicled his "Mini Push Mower" build project over at Old Mini Bikes (which itself is a fascinating community of people who ride and build mini motorcycles). The mower uses a two-stroke engine from an old snowblower and the deck comes from an old smoker grill. The tail lights are fantastic!

Check out the entire build over at Old Mini Bikes - via Daily Dot & Pee-Wee Herman's My Log

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