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The Werewolf Trainer

I've heard of werewolf hunters and werewolf fetishists but I've never heard of a werewolf trainer, and that's probably because the turnaround in that job market must be brutal!

All kidding aside folks, there's a time and a place to play servant and master and that time is when your kids aren't home and that place is some dark leather dungeon kept hidden from the kiddies, preferably one with lots of soundproofing! (Comic by MikeBasilisco)

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

What Matters Most

Oh, you'd be surprised what kids remember. They may not recall those times together the same way you do, or the same details you recall, but they remember in their own way. My now-adult children talk about the adventures of their childhoods and the things we did together, but the details that stuck out in their minds were surprises to me. We all organize our memories in our own way, and adults tend to prioritize things that are novel. To kids, everything is novel, so what stays with them may seem random to us. But his main theme is correct -being there for each other is what matters most. This is the latest comic from Lunarbaboon.

Helping a Little Buddy Cross the Street

A hedgehog is trying to cross a road in Tambov, Russia. A gaggle of geese know that the hedgehog is small and pavement-colored and it's likely that drivers won't see him. So they do the right thing and give him an escort! Notice the one goose that holds her wings out to be more visible. It looks like she is holding traffic back!

(YouTube link)

They make right proper crossing guards, don't you think? Yeah, sure, it's possible the geese aren't paying a bit of attention to the hedgehog, but that's not nearly as cute. The entire group made it to the other side.  -via Tastefully Offensive

In 1859, the United States and Britain Almost Went to War Over a Pig

In the early 1800s, several nations set out to explore what we now call the Pacific Northwest, and to take possession of those lands, despite the fact that the area was already populated by natives. In 1846, a line was drawn between the claims of Britain and the claims of the United States along the 49th parallel, except for a small part that followed "the middle of the channel which separates the continent from Vancouver Island and thence southerly through the middle of the said channel.” The could be interpreted in more than one way, and between those two interpretations lay the island of San Juan. The British sent sheep to the island. The Americans sent a tax collector to bill the shepherd, Charles Griffin. The British refused to pay. The Americans sold the sheep for taxes owed.

For the next few years, tensions on the island stayed low, as Griffin oversaw the growth of the farm to close to 4,500 sheep, along with pigs and other animals. But in 1859 American settlers started arriving, intent on setting up their own farms. One brought 20 cattle. These newcomers did not take much stock in Griffin’s presence there. One new farm was located smack in the middle of one of Griffin’s best sheep runs.

Despite their best efforts, the humans on the island had managed to avoid direct conflict, but the animals were less discreet. In summer 1859, one of the pigs from Griffin’s farm discovered a plot of tempting tubers on the farm of American Lyman Cutlar and availed himself of the delights. Cutlar, having fended off this same pig before, could not stand for this theft. He shot the pig.

An argument broke out over the value of the pig, and before you know it, the American Army and the British Navy were facing off at San Juan Island. Read how the conflict played out at Atlas Obscura.

Denny's New Mascot Looks A Lot Like A Turd

Everybody eats food and everybody poops after eating food, and even though pooping is an inevitable part of the process nobody, and I do mean nobody, gets hungry while looking at or thinking about poop.

So why in Crom's name did Denny's decide to use a cartoon turd as their new mascot?

That turd is actually a walking, talking sausage link named Sausage, who is part of The Grand Slams- 3D anthropomorphic food mascots who look like they were designed by a little kid.

I think the folks behind this misguided ad campaign were going for a Sausage Party vibe with The Grand Slams, but instead it just looks like Denny's is literally serving up plates of crappy food, and this is just making it worse...

-Via Boing Boing

Good Dog Goes to Class

Jessica Lewis planned to bug out of her apartment and head to her parents' home in Atlanta before Hurricane Irma hit. She asked permission to bring her dog Luna to Dr. Kennedy's class on Thursday, so she could leave straight from there. Buttering up the professor didn't work.

So Luna went to a political science class, and yes, she was a good girl. A dog in the class had to be good for students axious about the hurricane.

“She was pretty well-behaved in class, She went straight to whoever was talking for the most part, like if someone was answering or asking a question. Just walked around and got pets from everyone and made friends. The really funny part was that every time the professor stopped and asked if anyone had questions or comments, she whined loudly like she was responding. It was hilarious.”

You can see the entire album of images from the story at imgur. -via Boing Boing

The Chainsaw-Wielding Nun of Miami

Hurricane Irma left a wide swath of damage across the Caribbean and Florida. People from all over are chipping in to help, but one person has caught the interest of the internet more than any other. She's Sister Margaret Ann, a high school principle and Carmelite nun who was seen clearing downed trees with a chainsaw, in her usual habit. The Miami-Dade Police Department posted pictures and video of Sister Margaret Ann on their Facebook page.

Sister Margaret Ann is the principal of Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll High School, southwest of downtown Miami, which wrote on its Facebook page early Wednesday, "We are so blessed to have her and the Carmelite Sisters at our school. We are proud of the example they show for our students and other members of the community every day."

The phrase "chainsaw-wielding nun" is one we didn't know we would need to use in the wake of Irma, but it shows the breadth of the work it will take to recover from this storm — in Florida, in neighboring states and in the Caribbean.

Read more about the chainsaw-wielding nun at NPR. -via reddit

How To Make A Drawing Float On Water

Rendering realistic looking water in a painting or illustration is a very difficult task, since the translucency of water is hard to replicate, but can you imagine how impossible it would be to actually draw on water?

Without the use of foam or a similar substance floating on the surface ink or paint or any other medium simply dissolves in the water, but dry erase marker ink actually floats on the surface and retains its shape remarkably well.

This video from The Action Lab shows you how it's done, and watching doodles float is really fun!

(YouTube Link)

Why You Should Always Put A Quarter In A Cup Of Ice Before A Hurricane

Have you seen this picture of a mug full of ice with a quarter on top going around the internet? It has been going around a lot lately due to the hurricane situation in Texas and Florida because it's a visual depiction of a life hack that is truly a life saver.

So here's the trick- if you're going to be away from your house for an extended period of time, by choice or otherwise, you should freeze a mug full of water then set a quarter on top of the ice and put the mug back in your freezer.

If you come home and the quarter is still on top then your power stayed on and the food in your freezer should be fine, but if the quarter is anywhere else but on top of the ice then the power went out while you were away and the food in your freezer might be spoiled.

-Via CountryLiving

Slug in an Iron

Look closely at this picture, and you still wouldn't know it was a steam iron with a slug inside without the accompanying text. That's a unique household problem. The Facebook post has more than 14 thousand comments, with comedy gold floating to the top, so to speak.

Rachel Caswell Tell him you're developing feelings for him.
That's how I get my guys to leave.

Richard Phillips Have you tried not body shaming the slug into thinking it's too big? Perhaps with a bit of self confidence it might come out on its own without ridicule.

Boone Arthur I asked the wife what she does when we get slugs stuck in the iron and without hesitation she said, "same thing I always do when I have a fat jerk i need to get rid of. Poison them in their sleep." She stared at me long enough for things to get awkward.

Chris Eubank Searle You're gonna need a length of fishing line, a toothpick, an ice cube and a bottle of superglue.
-Put the superglue on ice to chill.
-tie the toothpick to the end of the fishing line.
-sniff the glue
-become friends with the slug and forget all about the rest.

If you dig deep enough, you'll find some practical advice.

Lysandwr Blaidd Empty water out, leave on side with water hole open. Place saucer of beer next to water hole. Wait. (Mom's advice, because nothing fazes old ladies from Kentucky.)

The upshot is that you should drain the water out of your iron after you finish ironing, which I used to do to prevent it from spilling. I no longer iron anything. Meanwhile, you might go check your iron now, and discover it does not have a see-through reservoir, so you'll never know whether there's a slug inside. The post is from a Facebook page entitled Animals in Predicaments, which may explain why so many people with a sense of humor were enticed to add their two cents. -via Metafilter

Pregnant Woman Poses With 20,000 Live Bees For Maternity Photo Shoot

I understand bees are disappearing from the planet at an alarming rate and I'm all for being super duper nice to bees and not killing them, maybe even going so far as to give them some flowers to hang out on.

The tenders and keepers of apiaries make perfect sense to me too, and God bless 'em for keeping bee colonies alive and that honey flowing, but boy does it look wrong when a beekeeper is covered with a swarm while pregnant!

Emily Mueller and her husband run Mueller Honey Bee, which opened in Ohio in 2015 with one mission in mind- save the bees.

Therefore it seemed natural for Emily to have her maternity photo shoot with Kendrah Damis centered around bees, and since she'd just rescued a swarm from a park the shoot came together without a hitch. Lots of buzzing but no hitching...excuse me while I take a sedative to calm my nerves.

-Via Bored Panda

Viking Warrior was a Woman

In the 1880s, a Viking settlement was excavated in the town of Birka, Sweden. One grave stood out among the others: it was obviously a high-ranking warrior, a leader of men, buried with the accoutrements of war and honor. He was obviously a well-respected leader. Excuse me, did you just assume this Viking's gender? Archaeologists did, until just a few years ago, when osteologist Anna Kjellström noticed some oddities about the skeletal remains. She ordered a DNA test on the bones.  

“It’s actually a woman, somewhere over the age of 30 and fairly tall too, measuring around 170 centimetres,” Charlotte Hedenstierna-Jonson, an archeologist at Uppsala University, told The Local of the findings that were published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology on Friday.

“Aside from the complete warrior equipment buried along with her – a sword, an axe, a spear, armour-piercing arrows, a battle knife, shields, and two horses – she had a board game in her lap, or more of a war-planning game used to try out battle tactics and strategies, which indicates she was a powerful military leader. She’s most likely planned, led and taken part in battles,” she said.

Read more about the stunning discovery that may change how we view Vikings at The Local. -via Mashable

The Perfectly Bizarre World Of Gramfel

Just when you thought the deconstruction of Jim Davis' classic comic strip Garfield was complete a new and infinitely more bizarre strip comes along and makes Garfield look as square as a litter box - Gramfel.

Gramfel is a cat, Gramfel is a being with strange powers, Gramfel is a comic strip seemingly created by someone who read Garfield comics while on an extremely powerful hallucinogen.

The hallucinatory artist behind Gramfel is named John Cullen, and he has a very interesting brain that comes up with some super interesting stuff, which he still manages to make relevant for Monday haters like me.

After visiting Gramfel and Jon no a few times your brain may start to feel like it's full of hairballs- this is a normal reaction to the radical concepts and philosophies presented by Gramfel and will not do any lasting damage.

I've read over twelve Gramfel strips and after a few aspirin and a tissue for my nosebleed I feel fine! *wink*

-Via CollegeHumor

Golfing Through the Fire

A massive wilfire in Washington state has burned over 30,000 acres this week. Kolsefur posted this image at reddit yesterday, depicting a group of golfers at Beacon Rock Golf Course playing a round in front of a burning hill. Everyone's first reaction is that the picture was Photoshopped, but it is very real. Behind them is the Eagle Creek fire, which grew very fast. One of the golfers, Brandon Crawford, said,

"They were definitely not faked," Crawford said over the phone.

"When we first started there was a fire maybe the size of a grocery store," he said. "By the end of hole two, it was just crazy. The big one you're seeing on the internet was on hole nine."

Though the fire was across the river, Crawford said ash the size the soccer balls was falling around them. He and his friends would golf and then stare at the fire, and then golf some more.   

Those who were there said that particular viral image made the fire seem much closer than it was -the burning hill was about a mile away. -via Gizmodo

Romeo And Juliet Recited In The Original Accent Of Shakespeare's Time

Actors and drama kids are always complaining about how hard it is to say the lines in Shakespeare's plays and how difficult it is to understand what the character's are saying. Well, imagine how much more those kids would whine if they had to say the lines using the original accent from Shakespeare's day!

In this video British actor Ben Crystal demonstrates how the actors would have sounded delivering the opening lines to Romeo and Juliet during the original performances in Shakespeare's London:

Wherever I go whatever age whether it’s eight years old or 80 years old and I say what accent does that remind you of and someone goes ‘Pirates of the Caribbean”… Shakespeare’s London was a melting pot of accents people would come from Norwich and Wales and Scotland and Ireland and Midlands and Somerset and pirate country and they come to London and their accents would all mix in together and then of course later on they’d go to Bristol and sail across to America and later still they’d be sent to Bristol and go down to Australia and that’s in part where those accents all come from

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

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