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If you have to come up with some elaborate plan that costs you lots of time and money just to get the person you love to agree to marry you then they're probably just not that in to you- or you didn't spend enough money.

But before you spend your life savings on a crazy proposal, and before you do something to your body you can't undo just to make the proposal more personal, take a note from this Mr. Lovenstein comic and stay single!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Birds That Escape From Captivity Are Teaching Other Birds How To Speak (And Swear)

Some birds are so smart they can not only learn to speak like a human- they can also teach other birds how to speak.

And when these chatty birds escape from captivity they take their ability to imitate human language with them, and before you know it their new wild bird friends are asking for crackers and screaming curse words from the trees above.

According to ornithologist Jaynia Sladek from the Australian Museum birds that are natural mimickers hear birds saying human words and can't help but want to imitate these new sound cues:

Some birds are so smart they can not only learn to speak like a human- they can also teach other birds how to speak. And when these chatty little birds escape from captivity they take the knowledge of how to imitate human language with them, and before you know it wild birds are asking for crackers and screaming curse words from the trees above.

Wild birds are able to quickly learn from the chatty ex-pets and as a result, start picking up new words and sounds. The remnants of the language are often passed down to offspring. “There’s no reason why, if one comes into the flock with words, [then] another member of the flock wouldn’t pick it up as well,” Sladek told Australian Geographic.

Read Birds That Escape From Captivity Teach Wild Birds How To Speak (And Swear) In English here

Gun Perspective In FPS Games Doesn't Make Any Sense

By definition First Person Shooters are supposed to play out in a first person perspective, meaning the player should feel like they're actually pulling the trigger and mowing down the bad guys.

But there's something not quite right about "first person" perspective in FPS games, and as this Hejibits comic by John Kleckner shows the problem is your eyeballs aren't in your chest- they're in your head where they belong.

And not your torso head either, your actual, top of your body on top of your neck head...unless you're a mutant...hey, maybe every FPS video game character is a mutant!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

This Nurse Paints With a Syringe in Her Free Time

Nurses have to use syringes all day long, so it's no wonder that when nurse Kimberly Joy Mallo Magbauna decided to start painting during her free time, she opted to use a tool she had already mastered at work. 

Her cool creations require filling syringes up with paint and then squeezing it onto the canvas in thin, controlled splatters. The results are beautiful, intricate and entirely unique. 

You can see more of her work on her Facebook page or at Bored Panda.

Via Incredible Things

Designer Makes Her Clothing Unique By Printing On Manhole Covers

It's hard for fashion designers to make their clothes stand out on the crowded racks without taking drastic measures, and those who are dying to stand out keep creating outfits no sober person would be caught dead in.

So if you want to make your clothes stand out you should take a note from the Berlin-based clothing company Raubdruckerin and keep it simple. Oh, and you should do all your printing straight on the street.

Raubdruckerin translates to "pirate printer", which is a fun way of describing their process of using cool looking manhole covers from every city they visit as printing plates.

First they clean the manhole cover, then they apply a lacquer to the cover and press a garment or bag onto the design, creating a really cool looking garment or tote that is also a memento from cities around the world.

-Via design you trust

Scary Campfire Stories

Modern life has it's own horrors, I suppose. Still, there's nothing wrong with a good, scary yarn told around a fire. You've got your back to the dark, your best friends are close by, the night is full of wildlife sounds and dark shapes flying by… it's the perfect time for a bit of a thrill. No one expects the tales to be true, but fact-checking only ruins the fun on such an occasion. My guess is that the stories will grow better now that his batteries are running down. Pass the s'mores, please! This comic is from Chris Hallbeck at Maximumble.

Your Shoes Say More About You Than You Think, According To These Snapchats

Women supposedly judge men by the shoes they wear, and while I've never personally experienced this I have heard my female friends talk about how awful guys shoes (and feet) are many times in my life.

So maybe there is some validity to this claim, but can anyone actually tell a lot about a person by the shoes they wear?

According to these shoe biography Snapchats you can, and each one tells the tale of the person who would wear the kind of footwear featured in the photo, like 52-year-old sandal sporting Krista.

See more from Your Shoes Day Way More About You Than You Think, According To These Snapchats

How to Watch Star Trek

Digg is going all out for the new Star Trek series Star Trek: Discovery, which premiered last night with one episode on CBS-TV and another on the streaming service CBS All Access. Here's a roundup of reviews. They gushed about the artistry of the opening credits, which you can see here. And since there are people -mostly young people- who haven't seen much Star Trek over the past fifty years, they have a viewer's guide to catching up on all 600 hours of Star Trek in TV and film (or at least the hours worth watching). Here's the order list:

Star Trek: The Original Series
The Animated Series
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Territory
The Next Generation Seasons 1-7
Star Trek: Generations
Deep Space Nine Seasons 1-5
Voyager Seasons 1-2
Star Trek: First Contact
Deep Space Nine Seasons 6-7
Star Trek: Insurrection
Voyager Seasons 3-7
Star Trek: Nemesis
Star Trek (2009)
Star Trek: Into Darkness
Star Trek: Beyond

The reasoning behind the viewing order is explained in this post.

Cartoons That Got Way Deeper Than We Were Expecting

It's easy to forget cartoons weren't created just for kids to watch, nor were they meant to tell strictly silly-slapstick-nonsensical stories devoid of serious emotion, but animators have never forgotten about their roots.

And it seems no matter how silly the show animators always make sure to include at least one episode that gives us all the feels.

Remember when SpongeBob's snaily friend Gary ran away from home because SpongeBob forgot to feed him?

(YouTube Link)

The episode was sadly relatable to anyone who has ever had a pet run away, and when SpongeBob sang the "Gary Come Home" song there wasn't a dry eye in the house.

Then there was that episode of Rugrats entitled "Mother's Day" that talked about Chuckie's dead mother- this particularly poignant episode was probably lost on the kiddies but definitely left their parents reaching for a tissue.

(YouTube Link)

And even though Adventure Time has presented us with plenty of emotion-filled episodes the episode "I Remember You" revealed that the Ice King took care of Marceline when she was a kid and thereby made me sob like a little creampuff.

(YouTube Link)

See 14 Cartoons That Got Way Deeper Than You Were Expecting here

A Legend Comes to Life

We all know that the earth is a disc carried on the back of a turtle. There are supposed to be four elephants in there, too, but maybe they are just covered with mud. This real-life turtle is carrying his share of earth, that's for sure! There's even a poem about it.

"See the TURTLE of Enormous Girth"
"On his shell he holds the Earth."
"His thought is slow, but always kind."
"He holds us all within his mind."

You might try to guess how this turtle ended up with the earth on its back, so redditor assa7iq did some digging.

Right? Everyone's just making jokes and I want to learn how this happens. I'm asking my herpetologist friend.

Edit - answers! I asked how this happens-

"Some turtles can hibernate for a year. Not all, but some. Probably long term hibernation. He probably had a little cavern of some sort. And due to the soil moisture it collapsed on him as he was getting out."

Then I asked if there's any good reason to leave all that on him-

"No good reason, no. He probably just woke up and has a tortoise bedhead. (If anything it's bad, because it lowers the amount of surface area is hit by sunlight for basking)"

Tortoise bedhead is more reasonable than the flat earth theory. -via reddit

Houseplant Humor

We've all been there: Deliver a joke, some little bit of unexpected humor… or so you think. But it falls flat (hey, at least it rhymes). That's bad enough even without the diss that follows. I had to laugh, even though I also felt sorry for Gary. The caption under this comic from Jake Likes Onions is "Gary just wants to be liked."

I don't name my houseplants because I have a bazillion of them. But we had shrubs named Bob and Steve. Bob died last year, so I think his replacement will be named Gary.

How to Get the Instant Dad Bod -the Hairy Beer Belly Fanny Pack

These days the world expects men to have the perfect figure just as much as women -only six packs are out and dad bods are in. But the dad bod isn't obtainable by everyone. Some skinny men will never be able to put on those sexy curves.

But now there's an alternative for those who can't get their own hairy belly and it even provides you with storage space as well. Unfortunately, the Dadbag isn't available yet, but it soon will be and finally it will make your dreams of a DiCaprio-style belly a reality. 

In the meanwhile, you can get an eyefull of these brilliant accessories over on the Dadbag's Instagram.

Via Travel and Leisure

This Man Saved His Poor Little Pooch From A Pool Of Quicksand

When our furry family members are in trouble we come to their aid just as quickly as we would if one of our human kids needed help, proving how much we value our pet's lives.

51-year-old Paul Stott was out for a stroll on a Northumberland beach with his little Chihuahua mix Dave  when poor Dave was swallowed up by a pool of quicksand.

Paul wasn't sure how to rescue little Dave but didn't hesitate either- he reached right into the quicksand pool and yanked the poor little guy out.

Paul's quick thinking kept Dave from becoming quicksand food, and now Dave's story will serve as a warning to other dog owners about the dangerous quicksand pools on the beach.

Here's Paul demonstrating how deep the quicksand pool is, and how far in he had to reach to grab poor Dave:

(YouTube Link)

-Via Daily Mail

Tap O' The Mornin'

Some Nervous Nellies and Anxious Andrews let their fingers tap-tap-tap away whenever they're feeling the least bit anxious or nervous- and that tap-tap-tapping drives me up the wall.

I will admit that I've tapped out a RUSH song or three when nervous, and I'm no stranger to using pencils as drum sticks when sitting around in class, but I also know when to stop tapping away.

Because, as this Pain Train Comic shows, incessant tapping can cause the human animal to revert to beast mode, and you won't like those hairless apes when they're angry!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Here's How Much Your Organs Are Worth On The Black Market

(Image Link)

Have you ever found yourself so strapped for cash you've considered doing something drastic, like committing a crime, visiting a loan shark or selling one of your organs on the Black Market for some quick cash?

Most of us find ourselves so strapped for cash it stresses us out from time to time, but things usually work themselves out before we do something we'll regret.

However, I've always wondered how much I could get for a kidney or an eyeball if I was forced to sell, or how much my family can get for my heart when I die, and it turns out these organs are worth a lot more than I thought.

A kidney can fetch $200,000 on the Black Market, and 75% of Black Market activity involves kidney sales so you could say it's their all-time best seller.

Your corneas are worth a pittance in comparison, a mere $24,400, and surprisingly the heart is worth a little over half a kidney (around $119k).

At that price you'd be better off selling bone marrow- that stuff's worth about $23,000 per gram, and your body must have quite a few grams of marrow to spare, right? *wink*

See Here's What All Your Organs And Parts Are Worth On The Black Market here

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