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Magical Fantasy Potion Necklaces

When you play fantasy RPGs either in a video game or in a tabletop setting, you know just how critical it is to have the right potion on you when you need it. Just because they may not exist in real life though doesn't mean there's no benefit to wearing it around your neck. 

If you want to enjoy a little more magic in your life, then you should check out the Aether Brewery jewelry collection on Etsy. They have healing, mana and renewal potions in both earring and necklace varieties, so no matter what kind of potion you need, they have you covered.

Via Geek Girls

Man Pretends To Eat His Kitty's Food And Her Reaction Is Priceless

Animals tend to take their owners at face value, and since they don't understand concepts like teasing and deception the way we humans do they believe whatever their humans tell them is true.

So when the man in this video hunkered down over his cat's bowl and pretended to eat her food the poor cat couldn't help but feel like her food supply was being threatened- so she took action.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Cheezburger

Watch This Self-Propelled Chainsaw Shave A Tree Trunk Clean

Most of the tree trimmers I've hired act like they've fallen out of a tall tree one too many times, so I'm looking for a new way to trim trees that doesn't involve people charging me to mangle my trees.

This self-propelled chainsaw contraption shared on Instagram by Hand Tool Rescue seems like a step in the right direction, and devices like it may someday put tree trimmers out of business.

The video left everyone with one burning question- how does that self-propelled tree-climbing chainsaw thingie know when to stop?

-Via Sploid

Exterminating Humanity

What? You mean we owe our entire continued existence to procrastination? I guess that's an idea I can get behind. At least it explains the Fermi paradox. This is the latest comic from Zach Weinersmith at Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal.

Things You Might Not Know About Denny's

Denny's is one of the only restaurants open 24 hours a day even on Christmas, it's the place where teenagers go to drink coffee and eat french fries for hours, and in keeping with the American diner tradition Denny's is always affordable.

What started out as a donut shop called Danny's Donuts that opened in Lakewood, California back in 1953 has grown to become Denny's- one of the largest and most successful restaurant chains in American history:

The 24-hour doughnut shop grew quickly, expanding to a larger menu and roughly 20 locations by 1959, and changing its name to Danny’s Coffee Shops along the way. But the founders worried that the mini-chain was at risk of getting confused with nearby Coffee Dan’s, so they switched one letter to create the Denny’s we know today.

Up close and personal with superstar Grand Slam. #dennys #grandslam #food #delicious

A post shared by dennysdiner (@dennysdiner) on Aug 15, 2014 at 1:26pm PDT

The Grand Slam Breakfast debuted in Atlanta in 1977 with a name inspired by legendary baseball player Hank Aaron, and the Grand Slam has been about the same price my entire life- which is probably why it's Denny's most popular dish.

When Denny's says they're "always open" they mean it, and their 24-365 status almost became an issue when most of the restaurants decided to close for Christmas back in 1988:

When almost all the Denny’s locations closed for Christmas Day in 1988, many stores realized that they didn’t have any keys, or even locks, since they never used them. All told, 700 of the 1221 restaurants needed to get new locks installed for the holiday.

Read 10 Things You Might Not Know About Denny's at Mental Floss

Sexy Sexy Halloween Costume Costume

We've seen sexy vegetables, sexy Gandalf, and sexy fake news Halloween costumes. Since it's obvious that you can make a "sexy" Halloween costume out of anything, why not make a costume out of the costume itself? That is, the Halloween costume kits as they appear hanging on the store shelves this time of year. That's what Jamie Kruger did. You can see more photos at the link. The biggest problem I can see is lack of hands, because you must have a way to break a fall if you're going to wear those heels, or at least hold a cocktail. Is this overly meta, or just stupidly clever? -via Boing Boing

Artist Turns Brand Logos Into Badass Weapons

Corporations have used their power and wealth to harm customers for profit in the past, and while this harm isn't as direct as a knife to the gut or brass knuckles to the chin their ability to harm with impunity makes corporations the ultimate weapon.

New York-based artist Tom Galle took the idea of corporate weaponization literally when he created a set of sharply satirical weapons shaped like brand logos for his series "Corp Gear"- the ultimate arsenal for corporate thugs.

Now corporations like McDonald's, Facebook and Nike can take class warfare to the street in style, fighting their way to increased profits by killing the competition.

-Via deMilked

Hilarious Explanations Of Cat Behaviors Spotted At Veterinarian's Office

Cats are strange and inscrutable creatures, and trying to figure out their behavior or what they're thinking is like trying to solve the problem of world peace- it may be possible but nobody has done it yet.

But it appears the vet who came up with these clever explanations for cat behavior is on to something, and their explanations seem way closer to the truth than the opinions of so-called cat "Experts".

Imgur user ItsJayOrDan was visiting his local vet one day when he noticed some comics by Adam Ellis pinned to the cork board, and under each pic was an explanation of common cat behaviors which prove this vet really knows their stuff.

Now that this brilliant vet has begun revealing the secrets of felinekind we may someday truly understand the furry little savages living in our homes, but until then we need to keep our kittehs happy and avoid their traps at all cost.

See more from This Vet Put Explanations Of 15 Common Cat Behaviors On His Cork Board here

Worker Finds Secret Room in Home During Renovation

An HVAC guy in Plant City, Florida, tracked down a disconnected duct in a house he was working on last month and discovered a secret room in the attic above the garage. The video contains some NSFW language.

(YouTube link)

From the video description:

After having the video up for a day, people were fascinated by it and started sharing it and a man came to me with information about the room and who lived there. He told me of a boy named R.J. Moore and his mother Dee Dee Moore, better known as the lottery killer. Later, someone sent me more screenshots of the plates that were hung in the secret room confirming they belonged to Dee Dee Moore. I'm not sure what the secret room was used for, but if I had to guess I would guess it was from hiding out from the police."

Dee Dee Moore was convicted of the 2009 murder of lottery winner Abraham Shakespeare. Although the story is intriguing, I haven't found anything to confirm whether the house in the video was Shakespeare's home or the property where his body was found, or anything saying that Dee Dee Moore ever hid from police. It's possible this was a cubbyhole for someone who just didn't want anyone to know he'd started collecting crime memorabilia. -via Laughing Squid

Death Toll

When the Grim Reaper comes calling, you better have what he wants! In this case, it's a niminal sum you might be able to pay. When the extortion money runs out, your number will be up. No one wants their death to be discussed like Elvis' death. Or Tycho Brahe's. Or any of the other famous people who died while on the toilet. That fear is perfectly captured in this comic from Mr. Lovenstein. -via reddit

Giant Plot Holes Kids Shows From The 80s Left Unexplained

Kids shows aren't known for their attention to detail, nor do they normally care about continuity errors or plot holes, and even though they've gotten better over the years show creators were terrible about these things in the 1980s.

So many 80s kids shows left giant plot holes unexplained that we can discuss all the disconnects until the cows come home, and speaking of cows- was Barth's Burgery on You Can't Do That On Television actually serving beef?

Whatever Barth was serving up made the kids sick on a weekly basis, so you'd think they would have stopped eating there, but I guess they were sick of slime.

And speaking of sick- Gargamel chased the Smurfs because he wanted to eat them, and even though it was never fully explained it seems like Smurfs must be pretty tasty if Gargamel was willing to go to so great lengths for a Smurf Sandwich.

80s Kids looking for a regular meal could pay a visit to Punky's Place, where a teenage Punky Brewster fulfilled her dream of running a restaurant and sold sammiches and such instead of going to school.

So why would a kids show let their main character play hooky? Because any show that features a dog wedding as their final episode clearly had no idea what kind of message they were trying to send to kids!

See 19 Giant Plot Holes '80s Kids Shows Left Unanswered at BuzzFeed

Get Royally Cozy With These Disney Princess Blankets

Ever wish you could cosplay in the comfort of your own home all while getting nice and cozy? Then you'll love these adorable princess dress blankets by Etsy seller CHCreations4U

If you can crochet, you can get the patterns to make your own almost immediately, but otherwise you'll have to message the seller to see if there's any chance she may custom make you one of these blankets. Alternatively, there's always plenty of other crafters on Etsy that may be willing to put the pattern together for you.

The blankets come in Rapunzel, Snow White, Belle, Ariel and Cinderella designs and you can get your hands on all of them here.

Via Geek Girls

NPR Deletes Errant Post in a Case of Disappointing Journalistic Integrity

Yesterday, NPR published a post at Facebook that was seen, and then edited to erase its content.

But screenshots were made. The edited post has over 4800 comments. What was the controversy? What horrible, scandalous information was posted in error?  

Thousands of people had something to say about it, but they weren't complaining about the original post. They wanted it back! And they want to know more about Ramona. Some assumed that Ramona is a cat, but I believe Ramona is a toddler who loves cats. Anyway, the error was the kind of wholesome nonsense the world needs when other social media errors are not only embarrassing, but often erroneous news or incitement to rage. -via Mashable  

(Unrelated image credit: hageatama

UPDATE: We now know who Ramona is, and we even get to see a picture! -Thanks, Alex!

Insect Breeder Shows Off Gorgeous Giant Snail The Size Of A Small Cat

I'm surprised more people don't have pet snails in their home considering how cool SpongeBob's snail Gary is in the cartoons, but the lack of pet snails is probably due to the fact that most people don't like slimy pets.

But the giant West African snail German insect breeder Adrian Kozakiewicz of Insecthaus shows off in this video looks like it would make a pretty cool pet, and even though it's the size of a small cat it doesn't make a peep.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid


It seems like just yesterday when we found out the Lunarbaboon family was going to welcome another child, and now she's old enough to have role models. I can attest to the importance of role models for little girls. Every time we met a woman pediatrician, she'd soon find another position in a larger city. So my youngest decided she wanted to grow up to be a waitress, because that's the job she saw women doing. Luckily, she discovered Jane Goodall during grade school. This is the latest comic from Lunarbaboon.

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