Blog Posts John Farrier Likes

Here Comes Lizard Claus Right Down Cricket Chirp Lane

I don't know the original source of this image, but when you see something so adorable as Lizard Claus and his nine tiny lizard deer, you just can't resist posting it.

Via I Can Has Cheezburger

Lobster Claus

The holiday table decoration in Japan was made out of lobster parts. Clever or creepy? Or maybe delicious? Link

Bicycle Santa

Photo: Patrick Pleu/AFP/Getty Images

German bicycle designer Didi Senft is the builder of the world's largest bicycle and the largest mobile guitar, which was made out of bike parts. He likes bicycles. He is also known as "El Diablo" of the Tour de France because he always dresses up as a devil for the event.

This year, however, he put aside his devilish ways and dressed up as Santa Claus to premiere his new reindeer bike. It was for a Christmas-themed construction show in Storkow, Germany.

See more brilliant Christmas themed photos at Boston.

That's My Captain, Jean-Luc Picard

Photo: Twitter

If you don't recognize the names and faces then the two people involved here are Sir Patrick Stewart and LeVar Burton. Stewart and Burton both played lead characters on Stark Trek: The Next Generation. Stewart was Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Burton was Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge. If you still don't recognize them by now, well then you are a lost soul. Star Trek guy with a VISOR ring a bell?

In the image above you can see that Burton retweeting a picture of Stewart getting tangled in Christmas lights. It's good to see that the actors still have a friendly rapport and that there characters still mean something to them. Star Trek geeks, rejoice!

Via The Monica Bird

A Tasty Christmas Tree Breakfast

A litte food coloring, waffles, some fruit and bacon...who knew that's all it takes to make a great Christmas breakfast. I particularly love the use of pinneapple to make a star.


Smokin' Auto

This vehicle was spotted in the Walmart parking lot in Norman, Oklahoma. Although you would be forgiven if you assumed it was in Toon Town. Link

Deep-Fried Christmas Dinner

In case you had the notion that deep-frying everything in sight is an American thing, check out the offerings of one fish and chip shop in Birmingham, England, for the holidays.

Hollywood Fish Bar owner Chris Christoforou has created a battered Christmas dinner consisting of a turkey, roast potatoes, stuffing, brocolli, carrots, pigs in blankets and brussel sprouts - all indidually dipped in batter and deep fried.

Oh yes, there's deep-fried pie, too! See it all in a video at The Telegraph. Link -via Flavorpill

Pet Rock

The moral of the story is: Don't call names. Especially when the guy has a pet rock. Comic by Gregor Czaykowski of Loading Artist. Link -via Bits and Pieces

How To Make a Baby

Photo: Patrice Laroche

Patrice Laroche is here to tell us how to make a baby. It's a lot easier than I thought, it doesn't involve birds or bees! Ahh you know it's late in the day when people start throwing around corny jokes like that.

Photo: Patrice Laroche

Link | Via Modern Met

The Force is Strong: Yoda Tattoo

UV Tattoos have always seem pretty gimmicky to me, until now. Finally a use of the glow in the dark ink that actually makes sense! Done by tattoo artist Kennith Bryan of Intimate Body Art Studios. Really great work, I am sure Yoda would approve. In this case, this dedicated Star Wars fan is definitely doing and not trying.

Via Obvious Winner

Jean-Luc, I Am Your Father

So this is what happens when two sci-fi universes collide. Jean-Luc (or is it Jean-Luke? That can't be a coincidence!) discovered that the truth hurts more than being stabbed in the heart by a Nausicaan, as illustrated by Fredo & Pid'jin webcomic.

Wear the T-shirt: Jean-Luc, I Am Your Father available over at the Fredo & Pid'jin Shop at the NeatoShop

Season of Indulgence

We all know the Holiday season is a time for indulgence. Who can say no to a candy cane, let alone a Jumbo Bacon Candy Cane? No one - that's who. I know that sounded like a rhetorical question but it wasn't. I love being indulgent.


Reading Rainbow Remixed

(YouTube link)

John D. Boswell (also known as melody sheep, who gave us the Symphony of Science videos) autotuned and remixed Levar Burton in Reading Rainbow for PBS Digital Studios. I never saw the show, but I hear it gets younger folks all nostalgic. And how do you think that makes me feel, that I'm too old to be nostalgic about something? -via Flavorwire

Choose Your Superpower

Be careful what you wish for. You may get it! From Doghouse Diaries. Link -via Tastefully Offensive

Happy Extermi-Date!

If your little ones can't get enough Doctor Who, then why not help to make the season brighter this year with an awesome advent calendar made from the dots all over the bottom of the Dalek's armor? If you don't have a Merry Christmas with this on your door, your holiday icon might "Exterminate" your poor spirits.

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