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The 13-year-old Veteran

Calvin Graham was only 12 when he became a seaman in the United States Navy. He had already left home to escape an abusive stepfather, and the military was desperate for manpower right after the Pearl Harbor attack that drew the US into World War II. Graham was assigned to the USS South Dakota, which was full of new recruits when it set off for the Pacific theater. In November, Graham turned 13 and the ship was involved in the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal.

Later that evening the South Dakota encountered eight Japanese destroyers; with deadly accurate 16-inch guns, the South Dakota set fire to three of them. “They never knew what sank ‘em,” Gatch would recall. One Japanese ship set its searchlights on the South Dakota, and the ship took 42 enemy hits, temporarily losing power. Graham was manning his gun when shrapnel tore through his jaw and mouth; another hit knocked him down, and he fell through three stories of superstructure. Still, the 13 year-old made it to his feet, dazed and bleeding, and helped pull other crew members to safety while others were thrown by the force of the explosions, their bodies aflame, into the Pacific.

“I took belts off the dead and made tourniquets for the living and gave them cigarettes and encouraged them all night,” Graham later said.  ”It was a long night. It aged me.” The shrapnel had knocked out his front teeth, and he had flash burns from the hot guns, but he was “fixed up with salve and a coupla stitches,” he recalled. “I didn’t do any complaining because half the ship was dead.  It was a while before they worked on my mouth.” In fact, the ship had casualties of 38 men killed and 60 wounded.

Graham first received a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart. Then he was jailed for lying about his age. When he was released, his was stripped of his medals, his military benefits, and even any record of serving. When he turned 17, he joined the Marines to avoid being drafted by the Army, since he had no military record. It took many years, but Graham finally received an honorable discharge from the Navy in 1978, and the last of his medals were restored in 1994. Read Graham's story at Smithsonian's Past Imperfect blog. Link

The Best Gift

Behold, the joy of science! Redditor templ001 posted this photo of his niece Laeana with the most awesome present Santa Claus left. Oh yeah, she also got Barbies and stuff. Link

It's Not Wise to Upset A Wookie With An Empty Stocking

Better remember to fill this stocking all the way up on Christmas Eve because wookies aren't exactly happy when their stockings are left empty. On the upside, there's nothing like a giant, appreciative wookie hug on Christmas morning.


Who's On First- The Sequel

(YouTube Link)

Old time comedy routines don't come much more recognizable than that old chestnut "Who's on first?", and lovers of classic funny are always waiting for a chance to put their own personal spin on the tried and true routine.

Join fellow funny fans Jerry Seinfeld, Jimmy Fallon and Billy Crystal as they take a crack at the comedy big leagues with "Who's on first- the sequel".

--via Laughing Squid

Bed In Breakfast

Photo: Nothing To Do With Arbroath

There are appropriate places for me to nap, then there are places I would let a puppy nap. The two lists, believe it or not, are comprised of completely different things. For a human, a bed and maybe a couch or comfy arm chair. For a puppy? Pretty much any gosh-darn place it pleases.

In my imagination he saw the food and starting eating, half way through he decided to take a nap and save the rest for later. So overcome with eating-exhaustion he snoozed on the spot, curling up on the delectable kibble.

Via Arbroath

The 12 Memes of Christmas!

(YouTube link)

Mashable brings us an internet carol, featuring lots of internet memes and appearances by some original meme characters, such as Scumbag Steve, Chuck Testa, and Tardar Sauce. See the entire list of participants at the YouTube page. -via Holy Kaw!

Golden Eagle Snatches Child

(YouTube link)

Imagine you're just chillin' out, getting some video of a soaring golden eagle over Mount Royal Park in Montreal. Then the eagle swoops down for its prey -a toddler at the park! The videographer then sprang into action, so you'll have to watch the slo-mo replay to see what happened. The child appears to be okay, possibly bruised from the fall, but if he hadn't been wearing a bulky coat, his injuries could have been serious -or even fatal. -via Metafilter

Update: Neetzan Zimmerman explains this video is a hoax. Link

Update 2: The actual credits. Link

RIP Daniel Inouye

Senator Daniel Inouye became a U.S. Representative on the day that Hawaii became a state, on August 21, 1959. He was elected Senator in 1962, and became the longest-serving member of the Senate. But he was already quite accomplished before entering politics. Inouye was a teenager in Honolulu when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, and worked five days straight as a volunteer medic. Then he tried to enlist, but it took two years for those of Japanese heritage to be allowed in the military. As a member of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, a unit of Japanese-American volunteers sent on particularly dangerous missions in Europe, Inouye performed a series of heroic acts that cost him his right arm and gained him the Medal of Honor. You can read a detailed account of his war exploits in colorful language at Badass of the Week. Link

Senator Inouye died yesterday at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. He was 88. Link
-via Metafilter

Frost Flowers: Nature’s Exquisite Ice Extrusion

The post Arctic Ice Flowers showed us one of the strange things weather conditions can do to water. Here's another: frost flowers.

A frost flower is created on autumn or early winter mornings when ice in extremely thin layers is pushed out from the stems of plants or occasionally wood. This extrusion creates wonderful patterns which curl and fold into gorgeous frozen petioles giving this phenomenon both its name and its appearance.

See many more of them at Kuriositas. Link

(Image credit: Flickr user Mark Adams)

Enterprise Star Trek Wall Clock


Enterprise Star Trek Wall Clock 

Do you have a big day planned? Are you worried you are going to run late for your mission to explore strange, new worlds? You need the very logical Enterprise Star Trek Wall Clock from the NeatoShop. This fantastic clock features the Starship Enterprise. 

Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more great Star Trek items. 


Oh Grumpy Cat, Even Your Gingerbread House Looks Sad

One of Tard's loyal fans spotted this amazing gingerbread house at her local Whole Foods Market. I have to admit, I'm a little jealous. All my Whole Foods has is a lot of overpriced organic hoohah.

Admittedly, I know we've posted a ton of Grumpy Cat stuff over the last month, but when they're this ridiculous and adorable, it's hard not to.



The folks in the chemistry lab at Avans University of Applied Sciences have the Christmas spirit! Not only appropriate, but a fine example of making do with what you have. Link

Amazon is Really Busy

Strange things happen at retail outlets in the rush of the Christmas season, but when it happens at the biggest shopping outlet on the internet, you can bet someone will spot it and spread it around. If you think the picture is funny, wait until you read the customer reviews! Link -via b3ta

Intricate Wood Carvings That Look Like Soft Fabric

You wouldn't want to wear these undies, or wipe your face with that towel, because you'd end up with a bunch of splinters in the worst possible places.

Taiwanese sculptor Mary Leu carved up this set of undergarments with such fine detail that your eye is tricked into believing they're actually made of dingy fabric instead of wood. 

Here's more:

Transforming mundane laundry—such as socks, towels and underwear—into fascinating works of art, one can actually see the miniscule weaves of fabric imprinted on these wood-carved creations upon closer inspection. 

Each piece is sculpted out of a single piece of boxwood and may take up to a year to complete. 

Link  --via DesignTAXI

The Newest Addition To The Ikea Catalog

Is it possible that the "fancy jacket wearing monkey lost inside an Ikea" story was actually a publicity stunt for the Swedish company's latest product? 

Probably not, but it's fun to imagine little fur coat wearing Ikea monkeys running around greeting shoppers as they choose the perfect Ugelkloper for their new home. 


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