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The Creepy Sock

(YouTube link)

Why does Hollywood continue to spend millions of dollars to produce films full of suspense and special effects to lead you to a horrific payoff when videographer Ignoramusky can do all that in 45 seconds with a cat and and some music mixing software? The payoff will leave you laughing instead of crawling under the bed in this one. -via Buzzfeed

Father and Son

The title of this picture is "I know a good dad when I see one." Redditor resgestae always has his camera with him, and caught this wonderful shot in a Home Depot store. Okay, now who's going to make a movie out of this one? Link


Now this is amazing: the definitive TARDIS dress, made by Sasha Trabane and Andy Coyle. The story goes like this, as told by Jax Adele over at The CraftJAXtic Blog:

My best friend Sasha HATED her prom dress. She had been pushed to go to prom by her friend and after a visit to David's Bridal she ended up with a BLUE dress as her mother suggested instead of a RED dress that she had wanted.

Prom came and went as well as several years before the dress came back up in conversation. I was trying to find a dress for Sasha to use as the base of a victorian steampunk costume and she regaled me with her hatetred of the dress. The dress arrived at my house and then came to live in my husband's closet until the day when Sasha decided she wanted to be a DALEK.

I told Sasha I would help her with whatever she wanted but she did realize the dress was already BLUE, she could just be a TARDIS. Her face lit up.

This was definitely possible. So while starring at the dress and it's original design we realized it had all this extra fabric just crossing over her front. She split the seem and removed the brooch to reveal what would become the inside of the TARDIS. After careful consideration she went with a Police Box choker and a light up tiara to mimic the top of the TARDIS. Windows were constructed from ribbon, felt, and ironing hem tape. The Pull to Open sign was a dark tshirt transfer. The interior was a drop cloth from Home Depot, laundered and washed with a light gold color.

It's a definite winner! Links: Turning Prom Dress into the TARDIS Dress over at CraftJAXtic Blog | The TARDIS Princess Facebook Page

Monster Chair

When he was a little boy, designer Jason Goh liked to play with his food (his favorite was the asian dish fish balls). His grandma told him that if he kept playing with his food, the fish balls would transform into a big hairy monster that would eat him alive.

Fast forward to today, where Jason took his grandma's tale as inspiration for this monstrous chair named "Moyee." The big furry ball of a chair has a long tongue and interior mood lighting. Adults and kids alike would have a lot of fun playing or resting inside! (If you're wondering, the chair is weighted, so it won't roll around when you're inside).

Via Yanko Design

Diabetes Pump Tattoo

Photo: Stephane Gilbert/The Gazette

Five-year-old Jacob was born with Type 1 Diabetes and needed a diabetes pump to survive. But as none of his classmates had one, he felt different and lonely, so mom and dad did something special:

"It broke my heart," [Jacob's mom Camille] Boivin recalled. She told him that all children have their differences, some wear glasses, others have braces or wheelchairs. There was one other adolescent in their region with a pump but no one his age.

While Boivin and Aumond couldn't get real insulin pumps, they figured an ink version would help assuage their son's solitude.

It had to be aesthetic and look like the real thing, Boivin said, so the couple searched on the Internet for an artist and found Bruno Oeuvray in Joliette.

"Jacob was thrilled. It was magical to see his eyes," Boivin said, her voice wavering with emotion. "Even today I have tears in my eyes."

Aumond's tattoo has a barbed wire string where the catheter would be attached to the pump, a visual reminder of painful injections and "having to pierce the skin several times of day for a drop of blood" that the condition imposes on patients. Boivin's tattoo catheter trails to her back where it transforms into an almond-tree branch with pink flowers.

"It's a symbol of hope for a cure one day," Boivin said of the almond blooms.

Charlie Fidelman of The Montreal Gazette has the story: Link | Camille Boivin's blog

The Home Office Beach: Surfing (The Web) With Sands Between My Toes

Like the saying goes, if the beach will not come to Justin Kemp, Justin Kemp will go to the beach.

Well, almost. See, when Justin Kemp wants to go to the beach, but can't because he's got to work, then this is the next best thing: a sandbox workstation, which Justin called "Surfing With The Sands Between My Toes" (2010).

Fantastic! Link - via Bit Rebels

Manatee Nebula: Sea Cow in Space!

Photo: NRAO/AUI/NSF, K. Golap, M. Goss, NASA's Wide Field Survey Explorer

Photo: Tracy Colson

Holy (Space) Cow! Forget the Space Whale, astronomers have spotted something way cooler: the Manatee nebula!

When scientists took a new image of the W50 nebula in the constellation Aquila, a remnant of a supernova 10,000 years ago, someone at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory remarked that it looks like a manatee floating on its back.

The name stuck, and the W50 nebula is being renamed during a ceremony today at the Florida Manatee Festival in Crystal River, Fla.: Link

10 Jobs You Didn't Hear About On Career Day

Back when we were in preschool, there were only a handful of sensible options for the career-minded 4-year-old: doctor, plumber, fireman and astronaut. Clearly, had we heard about "sin-eating" or any of these other fine ways to make a living, we would have eaten more paste and focused a little less on our permanent records.

1. Filibuster

Long before the term "filibuster" came to be associated with elected officials, it was actually associated with violence and trickery. (Wait a second ...) In the 1600s, pirates known to the Dutch as vrijbuiters pillaged the West Indies, and eventually, the word was assimilated into the English language as "filibusters." Between 1850 and 1860, the name was used to refer to the American mercenaries who attempted to revolutionize Central America and the Spanish West Indies. The most famous of these filibusters was William Walker, a U.S. citizen who succeeded in gaining control of Nicaragua in 1856 by overthrowing the nation's administration. Walker became president of Nicaragua, but only until May 1, 1857, when a coalition of Central American states ousted him. Because filibusters of previous centuries strove to interfere with foreign regimes, the term evolved to refer to anyone who attempted to obstruct the government, as our legislators occasionally see fit to do when a particularly troublesome bill comes before them.

2. Lungs

Perhaps the cruelest case of naming irony in history, anyone employed to fan the fire in an alchemist's workshop was known as a "lungs." And because most alchemists were constantly trying to make gold out of lead and other such base metals, you can only imagine what kinds of dangerous materials were floating about in the labs. As a result, the actual lungs on a lungs gave out relatively quickly, leading to a profession with widespread early retirement.

3. Sin-Eater

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Heartbroken Dog Goes to Church to Wait for Dead Owner

Photo: nikon@rte

After the death of its owner two months ago, a brokenhearted dog waits in vain in the church where her funeral was held.

Many years ago, Maria Lochi of San Donaci, Italy, found a stray dog abandoned in a field near her home and adopted it. The dog followed her everywhere, including to church for weekly mass. After her funeral, Father Donato Panna let the dog come to Mass to wait patiently:

'He's still coming to Mass even after Maria's funeral, he waits patiently by the side of the altar and just sits there quietly. I didn't have the heart to throw him out - I've just recently lost my own dog so I leave him there until Mass finishes and then I let him out.

'Tommy's been adopted by everyone in the village now and he is everybody's friend. Everyone looks out for him and leaves food for him - although it would be nice to find a proper home for him.'

Nick Pisa of The Daily Mail has more: Link | More on the loyalty of man's best friend: And My Dogs Can't Even Roll Over

Bandage and Scab Plush

Bandage and Scab

Valentine's Day is coming. Do you know a emotionally wounded individual in need of a little TLC? Get them the Bandage and Scab Plush from the NeatoShop. This is the perfect way to say, "Love hurts, but you will heal." 

Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more unusual Plush Toys


Football Cupcake Eggs

It looks like a football, but it's an egg. But it's not an egg, it's just an eggshell (although one that resembles a football) that has chocolate cake inside. Got it? Pull off this project, and the response at your Super Bowl party will surely be, "Oh, you went to a lot of trouble for these, didn't you?" Yes, indeed. Get complete directions to make your own at The Cupcake Project. Link -via Laughing Squid

Literary Puns

You can make a silly pun of out anyone's last name, as most elementary students can tell you, but the famous faces of literary figures gives them an extra kick. Timothy Leo Taranto has eight more of his visual puns based on famous authors at The Rumpus. Link -via Flavorwire

Cat Goes For A Ride On A Sheep

(YouTube Link)

When cats are too lazy to walk themselves around the yard it's time for an intervention, but this sheep seems rather content with playing taxi.

Maybe the cat has agreed to share his treats with the sheep, either that or the cat has some dirt on that wooly casanova!

--via Tastefully Offensive

Trust Fall

(YouTube link)

Never trust a "trust fall," especially if you don't really understand it. This illustrates a recurring theme in parenting, in that we have a hard time figuring out all the details we need to communicate when teaching a child something brand new. Sure, we know how it works, but there's so many ways to misunderstand when it's something you've never seen. -via Daily Picks and Flicks

Whiskey Drum

Vimeo Link

Get that Maker's Mark fancy-pants stuff out of here, after a tough day there is nothing that beats some good old Jack Daniel's Whiskey. Well maybe there is but for the purpose of this post there isn't. Beyond that, reproposed wood is also about the coolest thing since sliced bread. It can even be made into all like these handy dandy Jack Daniel's American White oak rings.

Via Creative Criminals

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