Blog Posts John Farrier Likes

Follow the Money to a New Map of the USA

Ever got a dollar bill stamped with a Where's George stamp? It's a fun game to most people, where they can enter a banknote's serial number to track where it has been, but to theoretical physicist Dirk Brockman, they represent data on money - and therefore human - mobility.

In 2006, after crunching the data, Brockman came up with a completely different map of the United States, where states' geographic boundaries melt away and are replaced with financial ones. Here's the map he created when he, well, followed the money:

Theoretical physicist Dirk Brockmann used the dollar bill tracking site Where’s George to see how money moves, and create new state boundaries based on our economies. The darker the blue lines, the less likely it is a dollar bill will have crossed it.

Read more over at this article by Stan Alcorn over at Co.Exist: Link


Comedy Central meets the Cartoon Network in the mashup art series Adventurama! Artist Spencer Duffy took the characters from the TV show Futurama and illustrated them in the style of the series Adventure Time. See the other characters at his blog Squid Ink. Link -via Laughing Squid

Prom Comes to Katelyn

Fourteen-year-old Katelyn Norman of LaFollette, Tennessee, has terminal bone cancer. One of the items on her bucket list was to go to the prom. Campbell County High School had their prom early and arranged for her to go, but then Katelyn's declining health landed her in East Tennessee Children's Hospital.

In stable condition and in high spirits, Katelyn was able to have a make shift prom in her room.

The hospital staff decorated the room and her date gave her a corsage and a special sash. Family and friends gathered outside with candles.

Meanwhile, in Campbell County, the celebration of Katelyn was taking place.

The music was blaring, the decorations were hung, it was meant to be Katelyn's perfect night, and she wanted it to go on, even if she wasn't there.

"She contacted me and said prom must go on, that's her, and you can't help but feed off that energy, that life," said Sharon Shepard, an instructor at Katelyn's school and organizer of the prom.

The night was a celebration of Katelyn, featuring all her favorite things.  But most important, the people she loves most.

Link to story.

Link to pictures. -via reddit

(Image credit: Michael Dayah) 

Update: Katelyn passed away the day after this was posted. Link

$91,500 Crocodile Skin T-Shirt

Ack! We've been underpricing our T-shirts over at the NeatoShop! Choire Sicha of The Awl has discovered the most expensive T-shirt for sale in New York City: a crocodile skin T-shirt in the Hermès men's store on Madison Avenue, listed for $91,500.

This t-shirt, to be fair, is made out of crocodile, hence its price. Literally, the entire shirt is just luxurious, beautifully sewn swaths of crocodile. This makes it possibly rather uncomfortable, and perhaps a little heavy, for a t-shirt. Seems like you might feel a little clammy in it? Also kind of awkward to just have everyone stare at your shirt. ("Is that strange rich man wearing a crocodile???)

Forgive me for not having pictures of the t-shirt itself; photographs are forbidden at the Hermès store, most probably as an anti-knockoff policy, or possibly to keep secret the fact that there are t-shirts that cost MORE THAN THREE OR FOUR ACTUALLY QUITE DECENT CARS.


And what does a $91,500 crocodile leather t-shirt look like? The Daily Mail has the pic. I'll wait till it goes on sale at TJ Maxx!

Google vs. Sweden Over "Ogooglebar"

Every December, Sweden's Language Council issues a list of new words. The year 2012 brought the word "ogooglebar," which means "ungoogleable." Google objected, noting that its name is a trademark, and shouldn't be used in an unauthorized manner.

Exasperated, Sweden's Language Council director Ann Cederberg opted to delete the word from the list because she had "neither the time nor the inclination to pursue the lengthy process that Google is trying to launch."

But this is the Interweb - and rather than letting the matter slide into obscurity, the Streisand Effect has been invoked. Now, "ogooglebar" is spreading. As Cederberg wrote (and Google translated)

"Google has forgotten one thing: language development does not care about brand protection. No individual can decide the language. Whoever in the future googling ogooglebar will not only find the wording that Google wanted to change, and that will remain online despite that Language Council amended the list. Anyone looking will also find all the comments that follow after the news spread that word was removed. That is how the Internet works."

One thing's for sure. Irony is not ogooglebar. Quartz has the story: Link

Cadbury Creme Scotch Eggs

Scotch eggs are boiled eggs covered in sausage and breadcrumbs and then fried. This recipe is not that at all -it just looks like a Scotch egg. It's a sweet treat consisting of a Cadbury creme egg covered with a sweet batter and rolled in cookie crumbs. Sweet all the way through! Get the complete recipe at CakeSpy. Link -via Laughing Squid

Found in a Bag of Mulch

Nadtacular cut open a bag of mulch and found this. Alive. He decided to raise it as a pet. The animal survived, and you can see the rest of the pictures in an album following the critter's first five weeks. In case you don't know what kind of animal it is …I don't want to spoil the surprise. Link  -via reddit

The CERN Animal Shelter for Computer Mice

Just outside the CERN Computer Centre in Geneva, Switzerland, the world's leading physicists have built a shelter for retired and obsolete mice. It's a win-win situation, as the mice are hardly recyclable and the CERN scientists and technicians need to get outside more often. German physics student Emily89 took this picture during a recent visit to the facility. Link -via reddit

Subversively Tweaked Ads by Depressed Copywriter

Everytime Depressed Copywriter, a subversively fun group composed of Chris Sheldon, Mariana Oliveira, Whitney Ruef and Tedd Wood, see an example of corporate happiness, they can't help but to rewrite their ad copy to reflect the reality of life.

The result is depressing/interesting/mind blowing (best of all, you can submit your own!) Check 'em out at their Tumblr site: Link

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A World Without The Internet

(YouTube link)

What would life be like in a world without the internet? A video from Uproxx is a modern-day parody of It's a Wonderful Life, with a twist. Yeah, your world would be slower, friendlier, more personal …but it wouldn't automatically make you a better person. Link

The Three Little Pigs Told with Food

Food artist Hong Yi, whom we've featured on Neatorama a few times before, is back. This time, she illustrates the Three Little Pigs fairy tale with food. As you can clearly see, chili and peanut butter always win.

Here's how she did it:

House 1: Angel hair pasta
House 2: Biscuit sticks
House 3: Dried chilli, with peanut butter as mortar
Ground: peanut butter and dill
Chimney smoke and clouds: Mayonnaise
Wolf: Charcoal bread, and olives for nose
Lines: Marmite

Head on over to her blog to see the third plate and alternate ending to the Three Little Pigs saga: Link - via 22 Words

Gay Rights Center Faces Westboro Baptist Church

The new gay rights center in Topeka, Kansas, got a paint job and a sign on Tuesday to let everyone know what they're about. The house is directly across the street from Fred Phelps' infamous Westboro Baptist Church.

The center is the work of a roving do-gooder named Aaron Jackson, a 31-year-old community-college dropout whose other projects have included opening orphanages in India and Haiti and buying a thousand acres of endangered rain forest in Peru. This year, his charity, Planting Peace, also intends to de-worm every child in Guatemala.

Jackson was drawn to Topeka after reading about Josef Miles, the local boy who last year, at the age of nine, photobombed one of the Westboro protests with a handmade sign that read "God Hates No One." Jackson had been looking for a way to support equality, anti-bullying programs, and some sort of pro-LGBT initiative, he said.

"I've been accused in the past of being all over the place, and they're probably right on some level," Jackson told me last night by phone. "Right now we are standing up to bigotry and promoting equality."

The house was purchased six months ago, but the rainbow paint job is the first indication to the Westboro congregation, with several members living in the neighborhood, of what the new neighbors are up to. Link

Update: The facility is called Equality House. Link

Strange Meow

(YouTube link)

Pickles the kitten has a really strange meow. Maybe her mother was frightened by a billy goat while she was pregnant. Ya think? -via Daily Picks and Flicks

Picasso's Women in Real Life

Picasso famously said once that it took him four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child. We don't know how long it took Spanish photographer Eugenio Recuenco to recreate Picasso's painting of women in real life, but we do know that the results are magnificent.

Take a look over at Eugenio's website: Link [Warning: some artistic nudity] - via io9

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Cat Celebrates 27th Birthday

A cat named Wadsworth in Bedford, England, may be the oldest documented living cat. Ann Munday adopted Wadsworth from a veterinarian in 1986. For years, he lived in pubs owned by Mrs. Munday.

Now in a house he leads a quieter life and "doesn't really play any more".

Mrs Munday said: "He's like a little old man really, he gets up, goes out, comes in, has his food and then goes back to sleep."

She said she has no idea how he has managed to reach such an age as he had been the "runt of the litter".

"He was very poorly and sick when we got him," she said.

"He was back and forth to the vets in the first few weeks, he was full of infection but with the help of the vets we nursed him back to health."

She said he has had health "ups and downs" over the years and the moggy currently takes pills which cost her about £45 per month but he "is still going".

The veterinary clinic that treated Waddy as a kitten is still in business, and has confirmed his age. The world record for cat longevity was set by a 38-year-old cat in Texas, who died in 2005. Link -via Fark

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