Comments John Farrier Likes

I would never fly on an aircraft like that. If anyone has ever crossed the Chesapeake Bay Bridge near Annapolis, they'd probably understand that seeing how high up you are and how far down you'd have to fall is not necessarily a good thing. My acrophobia doesn't kick up on aircraft flights, mostly because I'm looking out of small porthole windows that I could never fall out of. The illusion of large windows or no windows does not interest me.

Also, lots of people spend all their time on flights sleeping. Shut the windows, turn off the lights and nap. Too much light pollution for that with this setup.
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I guess I don't disagree with any particular point. The "won't shed a tear" part struck me the wrong way, and that was my reaction. I suppose I wouldn't literally shed a tear either, but I think I'd be something other than indifferent. I surely wouldn't hold it against the shooter.
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It does, but if stupidity were a capital offense, few of us would have made it to 30. Let's not go so far as to be cheerfully indifferent to the idea of someone losing their life over a prank.
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I've never liked pranking, thanks to a cruel older brother, & I have to agree: someone's going to get shot. When my daughter was 12, she thought it would be funny to startle me, & got punched in the face. If my reaction to my own daughter is a punch, then yes, someone is bound to get shot
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