John Farrier's Liked Blog Posts

Hilarious Reviews for the Sexy PhD Costume

Once a year, at graduation exercises, I slip on my sultry academic regalia and sashay out with the other faculty. But I don't look quite like this.

That's because I never got a doctorate. If I did, you might get to see my legs in the Delicious Women's Phd Darling Sexy Costume--an outfit that, I assure you, presents an accurate impression of the academic life.

Labor at length for up to a decade, go into great debt, and write a book-length treatise that no one will ever read, and you can look like this.

Some customers, though, say that the robe does not match common academic standards.

Alex Santoso, the owner of Neatorama, has a doctorate. But it's not in sexy. You can be certain of that.

-via io9

20 Bizarre Hearses You’d Want to Be Caught Dead in

Zachary Byron Helm’s Funker Hearse, like any proper hearse, has a flamethrower.

Tanks-Alot’s Tank Hearse

When it’s your time to go, go out in style.  Make sure that your funeral procession is a memorable one. You could be carried to your graveside service in a tank, or a spooky hearse that has a flamethrower. These are just 2 of 20 fanciful hearses rounded up by Unusual Corner. Others include a motorcycle sidecar, a trike, and a monster truck.

-via The Presurfer

Over 50 Recipes You Can Make with Peanut Butter Cups

(Photo: Inside Bru Crew Life)

Christi of the food blog Love from the Oven has been working hard all week, rounding up inventive and delicious recipes that can be made with popular Halloween candies. So raid your kids’ trick-or-treating bags and start cooking!

Earlier this week, I directed you to her list of 50 Butterfinger candy bar recipes. Christi has created similar lists with Snickers bars, Whoppers, and peanut butter cups. The latter are among my favorite candies, so I’m really tempted by this cheesecake that looks like a massive version of a peanut butter cup. Jocelyn of Inside Bru Crew Life made it.

Angelic Halos for Blind Dogs

(Photo: Muffin’s Halo for Blind Dogs)

Two years ago, Muffin Bordeaux, a toy poodle, went blind. He stumbled around, bumping into hard objects and hurting himself. He was depressed and increasingly immobile. So his owner invented this gadget to help him navigate the world: Muffin’s Halo for Blind Dogs. It’s a harness that forms a ring around the dog’s head. This helps to protect a dog’s head when s/he moves around.  Many of the harnesses come with padding shaped like angelic wings, hence the name “halo.”

(Video Link)

Here’s a video of a dog wearing one of the halos. Since taking up his wings, Basil has become more active. He’s not worried that he’ll ram into hard objects, so he explores the darkness confidently.

-via 22 Words

Brilliant Idea for a Car Wash: A Foam Blasting Gun

Courtesy of redditor hadukem comes this photo of a fascinating gadget for an automatic car wash. The Suds Blaster turns an automatic car wash into a video game! Stick in your quarters and start spraying down targets.

I can see how it would be a great money-maker. People might pay extra just for the joy of playing with a powerful toy.

-via Geekologie

The Hall of Justice from Super Friends Looks Just Like a Train Station in Ohio

In the 70s cartoon Super Friends, the Justice League is based in a building called the Hall of Justice. Rain Noe of Core77 notes that the building looks a lot like Cincinnati Union Terminal, a train station and museum in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Cincinnati Union Terminal is a well-preserved Art Deco style building that opened in 1933. It served as a train station until 1973. The Cincinnati Museum Center, the owner of the building, has used the Super Friends connection to promote its building and call for support to maintain it. The resemblance is clear, but evidence that Union Terminal inspired the Hall of Justice is sketchy.

This Bicycle Has Wheels Made of Ice

Colin Furze is the insane British inventor who makes vehicles that you’ve never heard of, but we all need. For example, he souped up a mobility scooter so that it goes 50 miles an hour. He also added rockets to a bicycle and an engine to a baby stroller. And when he’s not revolutionizing transportation, he’s building pneumatic Wolverine claws and sheet metal balloons.

For his latest project, Furze built ice tires for a bicycle. That’s right: wrapped around those wheel rims are blocks of solid ice.

He rode his ice bike around down, up and down hills, and on an ice rink. To take the ice bike back to its native environment, Furze even rode it over a glacier.

(Video Link)

Ice tires have an advantage that rubber tires don’t: you can chip off bits and use them to cool your drinks. And after riding that ice bike over hot, dusty roads, drinking those tires sounds like a refreshing idea.

-via Technabob

Terrifying Double-Faced Makeup

Does looking at her face make you feel dizzy or frightened? Either way, you should be impressed by redditor AllonsoAllonsy’s duplicating makeup job. She writes that she’s managed to startle some people with it.

To make your own, AllonsoAllonsy suggests that you start with light colors, then add darker ones later. Use a liquid or gel liner to get the hard lines on the eyes and mouth.

Click here to see a creepy animated .gif that she made of herself in this makeup.

-via Super Punch

Pop Culture Heroes Frozen in Chocolate-Carbonite

Han Solo doesn't have to be alone while on display in Jabba's palace. Now, thanks to food photographer Henry Hargeaves, he'll have plenty of company. Jabba's Bounty imagines what would happen if Jabba the Hutt had continued to live as a crime lord. Jabba put out bounties for more characters, such as Indiana Jones, Batman, Kermit the Frog, and Optimus Prime. Some ambitious bounty hunter dutifully and profitably delivered all of them, frozen in carbonite, to Jabba.

Hargeaves selected characters that were his childhood favorites. He used action figures to create rubber molds, then poured melted chocolate into those molds. With the assistance of a friend, he painted the chocolates and photographed them in a mock-up of Jabba's palace.

(Video Link)

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Old Tractor Turned into a Kitchen Bar

It's unfortunate that I can't find the craftsman responsible because I'd like to congratulate him/her on such an outstanding job. The hood of an old Massey Ferguson tractor is now a kitchen table that combines both cosmopolitan and rustic ambiances.

-via Recyclart

Emergency Response Drone Has a Defibrillator

(UT Delft)

Alec Momont, a recent engineering graduate at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, developed this brilliant use for aerial drones. He envisions it as an emergency response tool for cardiac arrest victims.

His custom-built prototype is very light and can fly about 62 miles per hour. Unlike a wheeled ambulance, it doesn't have to travel over roads. It can fly in a straight line toward its destination. This could greatly reduce response times.

(Video Link)

The drone has a speaker, a microphone, and a camera. The operator can remotely guide it, give instructions to the people on the scene, and see what's going on. Once someone on-site has placed the electrodes on the victim, the operator can use them.

-via Geekologie

Torghatten—The Mountain with a Hole in It

(Photo: Tristan Schmurr)

This is Torghatten, a mountain in Brønnøy, Norway. There’s a hole that goes right through the center of it. The hole is 160 meters long, 20 meters wide, and 25 meters high.

(Photo: Morten Skogly)

According to one legend, Torghatten is the hat of an ancient king. A dangerous man chased the king’s 7 daughters. The villain shot an arrow at one girl, but the king blocked the arrow with his hat. A local travel guide recounts the story:

The sight alone of Lekamøya awoke a flaming desire in Hestmannen, and he decided then and there to steal her away at midnight. He mounted his horse and galloped southwards, in full armour and with his cape j flung over his shoulder. The seven virgins noticed his approach and fled in full haste until they could run no more; they flung themselves down on the ground near Alstahaug.

But Lekamøya kept on fleeing southwards while the king of the Sømna wit mountains watched over her flight. Dawn approached with its golden clouds, and the Sømna hng watched carefully as the disappointed suitor put an arrow in his bow. As the arrow winged its way from Hestmannen's bow, the king of Sømna blocked its path with his hat, saving Lekamøya from its sharp and deadly point.

The hat fell to the ground by Torgar. And just at that moment the sun appeared over the horizon and everything turned to stone..

The hole in the hat remains to this day. It’s open to visitors who want to walk through it.

(Photo: André Bernet)

This could inspire a great stunt by Yves Rossy, the Swiss daredevil who flies a jetpack. Perhaps he could fly through the hole!

-via Amusing Planet

This Man Has the Guinness World Record for the Loudest Burp

This is Paul Hunn. His superpower is the ability to burp. In fact, at 109.9 decibels, he can burp louder than a lawn mower engine.

(Video Link)

Hunn isn’t sure why he’s able to burp louder than anyone else. But he does have a couple tips on how you can improve your burps. Surprisingly, you should not eat before you need to burp. But you should breathe in and swallow as much air as you can.

So start practicing. You could be the next Burper King.

How Marvel Can Plan Movies So Far in Advance

As we’ve previously noted, if Marvel makes a movie, it will be a smashing success. So the company is starting to get a bit cocky about their abilities. On Tuesday, Marvel announced it movie release scheduleplanned all the way through 2019.

2019! That’s, like, in the far future. What with flying cars and such.

How does Marvel do it? As this cartoon by Julia Lepetit and Andrew Bridgman of Dorkly reveals, the company possesses truly otherworldly powers of prediction.

Note the poster in the background. At some point prior to 2016, Marvel will acquire DC.

Woman Calls 911, Pretends to Order Pizza in Order to Summon the Police

(Photo: H. Michael Karshis)

5 months ago, a reddit thread asked “911 Operators, what is that 1 call that you could never forget?” Crux1836 responded with this fascinating story:

I had a call that started out pretty dumb, but was actually pretty serious: I had a call that started out pretty dumb, but was actually pretty serious:

"911, where is you emergency?"

"123 Main St."

"Ok, what's going on there?"

"I'd like to order a pizza for delivery." (oh great, another prank call).

"Ma'am, you've reached 911"

"Yeah, I know. Can I have a large with half pepperoni, half mushroom and peppers?"

"Ummm…. I'm sorry, you know you've called 911 right?"

"Yeah, do you know how long it will be?"

"Ok, Ma'am, is everything ok over there? do you have an emergency?"

"Yes, I do."

"..And you can't talk about it because there's someone in the room with you?" (moment of realization)

"Yes, that's correct. Do you know how long it will be?"

"I have an officer about a mile from your location. Are there any weapons in your house?"


"Can you stay on the phone with me?"

"Nope. See you soon, thanks"

As we dispatch the call, I check the history at the address, and see there are multiple previous domestic violence calls. The officer arrives and finds a couple, female was kind of banged up, and boyfriend was drunk. Officer arrests him after she explains that the boyfriend had been beating her for a while. I thought she was pretty clever to use that trick. Definitely one of the most memorable calls.

Rossalyn Warren of BuzzFeed contacted the redditor for more information. His name is Keith Weisinger. From 2004-2006, he worked as a police dispatcher. Warren writes:

Weisinger stressed that although he helped in this situation, the credit needed to be given to the caller.

He praised the woman for her bravery and smart thinking. “Whether she had thought of this trick before, or it just came to her,” he said, “she indicated the urgency of her situation without giving away the true purpose of her call.”

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