Although their plumage is somewhat different, bros and hipsters have been successfully crossbred in captivity, so, no, they're actually just one species.
We Neatorama authors are a diverse bunch with a broad range of interests to cover many different areas of neatness. I happen to have an interest in guns, so I post about it occasionally, though not too often. Actually, arts and crafts constitute at least a third of my posted content.
BTW: I emailed you a response when you first asked, but it bounced back as non-deliverable.
That was fun, but my favorite part was seeing how inebriated Alex got after a single wine cooler. When he finally wakes up and discovers that tattoo....
BTW: I emailed you a response when you first asked, but it bounced back as non-deliverable.
If I find something on reddit, I always, always, always hat tip reddit.
I know some redditors suspect that Neatorama authors just lift reddit content without attribution. I can't speak for the others, but I don't do this.