Jill Harness's Blog Posts

Worst Lawyer Ad Ever

Maybe it's just me, but I think the whole stuffy lawyer image is ok. Stereotypical attorneys may not be people I'd want to hang out with outside of the court room, but they sure know their way around loopholes. That being said, I just don't want an attourney that looks like he just fell out of a Little John video with his sweet Mercedes and Jamacian belt buckle. Oh well, I guess if you need help getting something expunged from your record, he's your man.


Sometimes Realism Isn't Appetizing

Russian cake maker Zhanna makes amazingly real cakes. The cognac bottle looks cool, but I have to admit, I'm a little disturbed by this cake with beer, fish and newspapers in the decoration. The entire cake is edible, including the fish. But I have to wonder if a frosting fish still tastes a little fishy.


In Soviet Russia, Time Travels You


Ever wonder what it would be like to be an oppressed citizen in the USSR in 1984? Here's your chance. For a mere 220 American Dollars you can visit the newest, hippest theme park in Lithuania and be swept back into the glory days of Soviet Russia. A past bunker of the Soviet Union has now been converted to a historical reenactment site.
"On entry, all belongings, including money, cameras and phones, are handed over and under the watchful eye of guards and alsatians, tourists change into threadbare Soviet coats and are herded through the bunker.

Experiences include watching TV programs from 1984, wearing gas masks, learning the Soviet anthem under duress, eating typical Soviet food (with genuine Soviet tableware) and even undergoing a concentration-camp-style interrogation and medical check."

If that's not convincing enough for you, perhaps it would help if you knew that all actors involved in the project were actually in the Soviet Army.

At least you get a shot of vodka at the end.


(Photo: Azill Photos)

Super Coco Fashion

YouTube Link

Finally, a fashion show for the diet-impaired. Yes the models may still be little waifs, but the clothes themselves completely make up for it. How? They're all made of chocolate!

Apparently the New York Chocolate Fashion Show happens every year, but this time it was extra awesome since the theme was super heroes. Over sixty chocolatiers and pastry chefs carefully pasted skin tight chocolate suits to their models. Iron man and Wonder Woman walked the runway careful to keep their body heat down so they wouldn't melt their super suits.

As you can see in the video, the costumes are quite elaborate to put together. I'd have a hard time not eating my clothes if it was me.

The Squirrel 5

If you're like me, you've desperately wanted to watch squirrels dance to Michael Jackson...even if you're sane though, you will still enjoy this. Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]

Princess Leia Slavegirl Perfume

Attention geek girls, whether or not you already own the slave Leia costume, you can now attract your nerdy catch by smelling like the sexy princess as well. Better pre-order now, Star Wars shop is officially starting to sell the Slave Leia perfume on August 30.

Link Via Foolish Gadgets

Doctor Who Papercrafts

Deviant Art user CyberDrone has a great collection of printable Doctor Who characters and icons for your geektastic pleasure. She even has each of the eleven doctors, so you get to play with your favorite.

Tom Baker, Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant can finally try to out Doctor each other at my beck and call. Mwahaha.

Link via Craftzine

Super Hero & Villains Behind The Scenes

Ever wonder what Doctor Octagon's room looks like or what Wonder Woman is up to behind closed doors? Enter the excellent photography of artist Ian Pool. WebUrbanist has a great collection of his images featuring geek icons doing what they do when no one else is watching.


Koopa Troopa Guitar

If you are one of those poor geeks who has been misled into thinking that only cool people can play guitar, here's the instrument that will turn it all around for you: The Koopa Troopa guitar. Finally you can please both your rocker side and your gamer side at the same time.


12 Hacked Nintendo Controllers

Geeks love classic Nintendo and since many techies are also handy at hacking electronics, it’s no surprise that there are tons of mods for old Nintendo controllers.  Whether you’re a big fan of Mario, Zelda, Contra or Bomberman, these classic Nintendo controller hacks are sure to remind you of the good ol’ days of gaming.


Ding-dong. Who’s there? Does it really matter when you have an awesomely geektastic doorbell like this? When I posted this one on Neatorama last year, we got quite a few notable comments, some wondering if hitting the right button code would make the secret door in your house open up and others desperately hoping that the ring would be the theme song for Mario. Whatever the specifics though, this thing is pretty darn cool.

Rear Bike Light

If you’re looking for a Nintendo controller mod that could save your life, then try this LED bike light made from a controller. While it’s own creator seems to hate it, saying, “I had yet to see an NES controller bike flasher, and what could be more tacky then modding it with ultrabright LEDs,” it still is both functional and far more stylish than standard rear bike lights.

Cell Phone

If you think people look at you crazy when you use a Bluetooth, just imagine how insane they’ll think you are when they see you talking into a Nintendo controller. Fortunately, you can do so without actually losing your mind if you just follow the tutorial on DIY Happy that shows you how to turn your controller into a cell phone.

iPod Controller

Sure you can control your iPod directly using their patented click wheel, but where’s the fun in that? Instead, owners of 3rd and 4th gen iPods can hack a Nintendo controller into being a wired remote control. Sure it’s a bit pointless, but not everyone has mastered the art of blending style with functionality.

iPhone dock

Perhaps you don’t have a 3rd or 4th generation iPod though, don’t worry, you can still play with your Apple toy with a Nintendo attachment if you simply build yourself a cool docking station like this one. While it was made specifically for the iPhone, it seems like it would also work for any iPod with minimal adjustments.

Mp3 Player

But why just dock or control an iPod with a controller when you could, instead make your controller into the mp3 player? This one is great because every button actually does something and the device can plug directly into your computer. Plus, you can even attach it to these sweet cartridge speakers for even more rocking old school gaming fun.

Memory Card Reader

Card readers are incredibly handy, but man are they boring to look at. If you want to spice up your desk area, then the instructions on this blog post can teach you how to combine the inside of your favorite card reader with the outside of a Nintendo controller. I haven’t tried this myself, but it does look incredibly simple, which is always a plus.

4-port USB hub

With all these mods that can be hooked into a USB-port, it seems only logical to go ahead and make a hub for all of them. Of course, I would recommend adding a slightly longer cord to yours, but that’s just me.

Flash drive

Now that you have 4 ports of Nintendo goodness, why not go ahead and make a flash drive out of a controller? The best part of this one is the fact that the drive has a security feature that makes it operate only after the user has entered the Konami code. I know you Neatonauts love that idea.

Computer Mouse

What better way to open the files on your Nintendo USB drive that’s hooked into a Nintendo USB hub than with a Nintendo computer mouse? While this optical mouse looks neat, it can’t move around as well on your desk and it certainly isn’t very ergonomic. I guess that’s the price you pay for computer fashion.

Belt Buckle

Speaking of fashion, maybe you’re not so good at working with electronics but you still want to show off your love of the Nintendo controller. In that case, the NES belt is a perfect choice for you to show off your fashion geekery without having to learn about all the inner workings of the controller itself.

Zip-up Wallet

For those who aren’t into hard plastic belt buckles, there is still hope for your Nintendo fashion needs. While making a Zip-up controller wallet is bound to be a little more difficult, it’s still a great place to hold on to your change.

Giant Controller Turned Coffee Table

While the rest of the controllers included here are actual Nintendo controllers hacked into serving other functions, this is a hand-made giant Nintendo controller that can not only operate as a coffee table, but is also wired up to work on a classic Nintendo system. It even opens up to reveal a nice storage space where you can put away your games when you’re done playing. Talk about functional! Have any of you tried modding a Nintendo controller or do you plan to try any of these ideas out? Tell us about it in the comments.

10 Ways to Cook Up Some Star Wars Fun

These days, merchandise is made out of everything possible. The more popular the movie or book, the weirder the merch that seems to come out. The ultimate proof lies in the amazing mountains of merchandise produced for Star Wars. There’s even enough of these themed goodies to deck out your whole kitchen in Star Wars cooking toys, here are 12 of the most awe-inspiring Star Wars kitchen gadgets around.

Darth Vader Toaster

While this toaster looks admittedly awesome and pretty high-quality, it’s obviously the imprint of Darth’s mask that most fans are after. Of course, the problem is that your toast will be incredibly inconsistent in texture and taste. The edges are browned, Darth is a little burned and the rest is practically raw. If they just added a sound track so it would play the Imperial March as it heated though, I think I could quickly forget those other problems .

Darth Vader Stein

If you start off your morning with a nice slice of Vader toast, why not finish up the evening with a nice frothy brew from your hefty Darth Vader stein? Just be sure you don’t drink enough that you end up getting seduced into joining the dark side.

R2D2 Cookie Jar

I love merchandise that isn’t actually intended for use. Take this piece for example, what’s the point of making a R2D2 cookie jar if you can’t even put cookies inside of it? Sure it looks cool, but so would a statue. Really though if you really want this thing, don’t let the fact that it probably contains lead and will poison your cookies stop you from buying it. Instead, just fill it with store-bought, individually-wrapped cookies. Image via Technabob

R2D2 Peppermill

This R2D2 peppermill is mighty cute and highly useful, but doesn’t it seem like a peppermill based on a droid should be an electric grinder? Even so, this manually-operated droid will still help spice up your seasonings cabinet.

R2D2 Soy Sauce Dispenser

R2’s simple shape has made him a favorite for kitchen accessories, which makes it no wonder that he also works as an ideal soy sauce dispenser. Serve up your sushi with this cute soy sauce holder and some awesome lightsaber chopsticks and your guests will be sure to understand that they’re in for a dinner that’s out of this world…perhaps even from a galaxy far, far away.

X Wing Barbeque Weenie Roaster

Roastmyweenie.com made these awesome, unauthorized grill accessories back in 2008, but any mention of them seems to be stripped from the website, which means they probably got in trouble for copyright infringement.

Nevertheless, there’s something delightfully fun about a weenie roaster that looks like it’s about to fly into the death star for an epic battle scene. And how wonderfully intimidating are those hot dog missiles?

Prototype for a Death Star Barbecue

I have never been so bummed that a piece of merchandise wasn’t actually made until I saw this barbecue. I mean, who wouldn’t want to own this? These days, this thing would be even more awesome because you could not only use it to grill up some grub, you could also buy a spare and fill it with lighter fluid and other flammables and then shoot it so it would explode. Then you could put the video on YouTube for instant internet celebrity status as a real-life Luke Skywalker…then again, maybe it’s thinking like this that led them to can the idea.

Hans Solo In Carbonite Mini Fridge

This is another rejected piece of merchandise that is simply too good to have not made it to the market. The only way this could be better would be if it were a regular fridge so Hans could be closer to life size. Can you imagine a cooler refrigerator for a bachelor pad? I sure can’t.

Hans Solo Guacamole Bowl

While you may not be able to actually own your own Hans Solo mini fridge, you could always try asking artist Robert Saccenti to make you a recreation of his artistic rendition of Hans Solo frozen in guacamole, titled, “He’s No Guac To Me Dead.”

While the thing used over 50 avocados worth of guacamole, you probably would want to skip actually eating it, considering Hans has silver paint and starch all over his body. Surprisingly, this guy only won second place for his presentation in the 2009 Guac Bowl. I call foul!

Space slug oven mitt

In space, giant slugs can be seriously bad news as they try to swallow your ship whole, but when you’re in the kitchen, space slugs can be quite “handy.”  Now you can finally use an oven mitt without feeling like your grandma. Now that you have all your space accessories, you’d better grab a Star Wars cookbook and get down with your wookie cookie-making self.

Cool Gaming Case Mods

While I've always been content with the way my 360 and my Wii look, I could certainly see the appeal of having a totally decked out case to accentuate my home decor. For those of you who are looking for new ideas to redecorate your games, or for those of you who just appreciate the art, be sure to check out these 40 awesome case mods on WebUrbanist.


Bronzed Katamari Statue

If you are a total Katamari fan, like myself, then you're certain to appreciate this beautiful statue that would make an enviable prize for a Katamari tournament. It was made by Flickr user Everfalling for an Academy of Art class.

Link via BoingBoing

Too Too Good Superhero Tutus

Goody Goody Tutus is an Etsy store that specializes in adorable geeky tutus. If your little one has always wanted to be a ballerina and a superhero or a Disney princess, then one of these cute little outfits might just fulfill all of her dreams at once.

Link Via The Mary Sue

One Man's Amazing Family Photos

Photographer Jason Lee is just like any other proud papa -he wants to capture his girl's childhood in photos. Unlike most dads though, he's not just content with a few snapshots (although his site has plenty of those too). Instead, Lee manipulates photos of his daughters into amazing geek scenes that any teen girl would be proud to show her boyfriends.

While I love the photos he took of his girls, I can't help but wish he offered his services to everyone, because who wouldn't want family photos this cool?

Link Via io9

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