Jill Harness's Blog Posts

Cuddly Toys of Death

If you're sick of all the cute, sweet plushies out there, then these great toys are for you. They're by artist Patricia Waller who has a ton of other awesome designs as well. These specific toys belong to her "Accident" series and the "How to kill your first love" series. I love the teddy bear myself.

Link Via Craftzine

Super Mario Mushroom Burgers - Delicious!

Yummy burgers made out of mushrooms that look like Mario mushrooms! 1 Up to nom town. For instructions to make your own, don't miss this Instructables post. If you like that, don't miss their Mario holiday guide here.

Wrinkly Aardvark Baby

I've seen a lot of cute baby critters in my time, but this is the first time I've seen a newborn aardvark. He's so weird looking, he looks like Alf's hairless baby. If you live near the Detroit zoo, check out this "hideously cute" babe.


Snail Sweater: Adorable & Cuddly

If your snails are getting too cold this winter, just get them a cute little sweater like this guy has. I can't begin to say how strangely cute I think this is.

Link Via Cute Overload

Real Superheroes Are A Little Crazy

While I was on vacation this Christmas, I was lucky enough to grab the newest article of Rolling Stone and read "The Legend of Master Legend." I haven't read anything so funny in a long time.

I highly recommend reading this brilliant article that details the exploits of real life superheroes. Their main focus is on the man on the right in the photo, his name is Master Legend and he makes his own weapons to fight crime. And he give socks to homeless people to help fight staph infections.

While their hearts are in the right place, I have to believe there's less insane ways to save the world. Still, it's hard to resist adoring their great stories:
There was the time Master Legend and the Ace shut down a crack den; the drug kingpin they put out of business; the money Master Legend forcibly retrieved from a thief who stole from a handicapped Vietnam vet; and the recent mission when the Justice Force had to "put the stomp on a child molester and his gang of crackheads." They had a plan, but things went awry when Master Legend's brother was captured in the thick of battle by the child molester, whom they call Tree Man Roy.

UPDATE: For more pictures and a touch more info from the author of the article itself, be sure to visit this link.


Plastic Surgeon Runs Car on Fat

This is a story too gross to make up. A plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills is in trouble for modifying his engine to run on liposuctioned fat. Several ex-patients are suing Dr. Craig Bittner because they did not agree to having their excess used for his benefit. Apparently this isn't the first time something like this has happened or else California wouldn't already have a law on the books banning people from using human medical waste to power vehicles.

Whatever happened to appreciating the search for alternate fuel sources?

Link Via Consumerist, Photo by dotbenjamin [Flickr]

How Animals Celebrate Christmas

The critters out in the Taronga Park Zoo in Sydney, Australia got a special treat for Christmas this year. I know it starts with an ad, but the video is totally worth the wait.

http://www.necn.com/Boston/Arts-Entertainment/2008/12/23/Zoo-in-Australia-celebrates/1230033001.html Via Zooborns

Museum of Scientifically Accurate Fabric Brain Art

I don't know what more I can say about this place that isn't in the absurdly long name. I will say this quote from the site is awesome:
"While our artists make every effort to insure accuracy, we cannot accept responsibility for the consequences of using fabric brain art as a guide for functional magnetic resonance imaging, trans-cranial magnetic stimulation, neurosurgery, or single-neuron recording."

Link Via Craftzine

World's Most Disturbing Primate

I know all animals are beautiful in a "life is beautiful, so are the creatures living it" kind of way, but this Snub-Nosed Monkey is the creepiest thing ever. The lack of lips, the slits for nostrils, it looks like a skull. Gross!


Giant, Gross Sandcrabs To Be Displayed in Britain

This disturbing thing that sort of resembles a rolly polly is set to go on display in England for the first time ever. These rare Isopods live deep in the ocean in extremely cold temperatures, but for some reason, fishermen in the Atlantic discovered 9 of them in their lobster nets. They're ugly, but sure are interesting to learn about.


Too Cute

This is absolutely adorable, it's a great way to share your love with the world...or at least enjoy a good snowfall together.


A Hard Case to Prove

Michael Minelli wants you to know he's not a douchebag, or at least, he doesn't think so. That's why he's suing the author and publisher of the book "Hot Chicks With Douchebags" for including him. The libel lawsuit should be interesting, as the lawyers will have to establish the relative "douchebaggery" of Minelli. I think the prosecution might have a hard time after seeing a picture of Minelli, who claims the book has caused him to receive "hatred, contempt, and humiliation" and has resulted in "friends, acquaintances, coworkers, employees, and strangers alike" calling him a "douchebag." Here's a quick excerpt of the page in question:
[Minelli's] popped-collar, spikey-haired presence was so far beyond regular douche, so far beyond uberdouche, he could spontaneously create a new element on the periodic tables--Douche Nine.


10 Cool Secrets About Disneyland

Regardless of where you believe to be the true “Happiest Place On Earth” is, you have to admit, Disneyland is at least pretty magical. It's so magical, in fact, that even after 50 years and over 500 million of visitors, there are still tons of secrets hidden in and about the Magical Kingdom.

1. Disneyland was expected to fail.

Opening day was such a disaster that pretty much every press organization that attended the celebration had predicted the park's failure within one year.

It opened on a day that was 101 degrees and the street asphalt still wasn't dry, leading to it sticking to shoes. By the end of the first day, all but 2 of the 48 Autopia cars were crashed and about half the rides were broken.

Despite all that, park visitors loved it and attendance continued to grow day by day.

Source (Photo: ThomasFredrick [Flickr])

2. Need a real drink?

While many Disney fanatics may already know this one, others may find it surprising to know there is exactly one place in the entire park that serves alcoholic beverages.

The place is called Club 33 and it is a very exclusive club to get in. To gain entry, there is a ten year waiting list and admission is at least a thousand dollars. Supposedly, the food is good though.

Source (Photo: emmyboop [Flickr])


3. Tomorrow Land is so outdated.

Or at least, the first version is by now. The only Tomorrow Land ride that still exists in its original state from the opening is Autopia, and even it was changed to fit with Cars the movie. Actually though, there is one major change in Autopia from how it was on opening day -there were originally no guide rail to keep people on track. Sometimes Disney was a little too trusting of the good of humans.

Source (Photo: Frikitiki [Flickr])


4. There's a Disney Underground.

Photo: lwr [Flickr]

It's not quite as exciting as it sounds though. Despite rumors, the area under the park isn't a massive underground city. There are many underground basements though, where cast can relax, change in and out of costumes and eat lunch in peace. Think of it like a few really big break rooms.

Disney World on the other hand, was built late enough that they have a full city underground.


5. Olympic sports anyone?

Photo: Frikitiki [Flickr]

Just walking around the park over and over again is exercise enough for most people, but employees have the option of working out in the Matterhorn. Surely you didn't think that huge mountain was only used for one little ride did you? No, the Matterhorn is officially classified as a gym and has a full basketball court inside. In 1984, it was even certified as an official Olympic Stadium.


6. It's safe, but not 100% safe.

Photo: videocrab [Flickr]

Despite persisting urban legends that claim no one ever died in the park, people have. At least 12 people have died there, reports vary as to whether some additional death tales are true or not. All things considered though, 12 deaths in over 50 years isn't that bad. Keep in mind, aside from dangerous rides, there is also a notable amount of gang violence at other Southern California amusement parks that doesn't occur as frequently at Disneyland.


7. Ever feel like you're being watched?

You might be. There are cameras everywhere. Aside from average security brigades, they even have special tasks forces with only a handful of things to focus on.

There are at least two special forces at the park, one dedicated to catching people using drugs at the park, and another dedicated to catching people who flash or flip off the cameras during the photo parts of the rides. If you've ever gotten a message saying your photo isn't available when you got off the ride, there's a good chance someone either flashed some breast or flipped the bird to the camera.


8. A ghostly Hazmat problem.

Photo: major_clanger [Flickr]

There are many reports of people trying to spill the ashes of loved ones in the Haunted Mansion. As nice of a thought as it is, there are plenty of ghosts in the Mansion already and if everyone dumped their ashes here, then the whole thing would be covered in dust. So, every time it happens, the Mansion needs to be closed and a hazmat team cleans it.


9. A pirate's life for Jack.

We all know that Johnny Depp is dang sexy, but just the character of Jack Sparrow? Apparently, a lot of women still think he's just as good as Depp. In Pirate's Booty, an ex-actor at Disneyland confessed how many women would try to hump him just for playing the character. The stories range from flirting to receiving napkins with naughty offers.

(Photo: Locket479 [Flickr])

10. Words from beyond.

Ever notice the telegraph clicking at the New Orleans' train station? It's ticking out the speech Disney gave out on the park's opening day. Traces of Disney are all over the park, my favorite one though is his old apartment over the fire house on Main Street. They always leave the light on in his memory. Not only is it cute, but it's also rad that he got to live in the park.

Source (Photo: Mysteryofmaps [Flickr])


A few other fun tidbits:

  • Steve Martin used to work in the magic shop here.

  • There used to be live girls dressed like mermaids in the 2000 Leagues Under the Sea pool.

  • Did your balloon pop? Just show any balloon seller your popped balloon and they'll give you a new one.

  • The Imagineers put special touches everywhere. The Haunted Mansion features faces of a few of the early Imagineers and has tombstones written with inside joke references.

  • Coke gives the park free soda to eliminate competition in the park and for the advertising.

  • Hidden Mickeys are spread all over the park and there's at least one in every ride.

Source and Source

Man Plays Carrinet

I have the feeling this is the future of our school music programs. Surely they can't say they don't have the money to fund arts and music when it's all being made from veggies. The best part is, when you're done you still have a healthy, yummy snack. That can also help the school lunch program as well, just mix the budget for both and everyone wins. Especially this guy, the ultimate veggie band teacher.

Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via BoingBoing

Squirrel Feet Earrings

If you were somehow bothered by the previous post of dancing squirrels than maybe you'll be one of the sick weirdos that would love these earings made of their feet. As a related note, you may be interested in these equally disturbing custom squirrel taxidermy projects.


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