Jill Harness's Blog Posts

A Rat on A Cat on A Dog

Here's a great picture of a three-layer love fest. I almost wish there was a tiny flea on the rat just to make things even better. Best. Picture. Ever. I especially love that it wasn't staged, the photographer just happened across this freak occurrence.


Big Little Big Planet

If you've ever wanted to make your own adorable character from Little Big Planet, here's your chance to knit your own. If you're really good, you can even customize them like you do in the game.

Link Via Craftzine

Stunning Frozen Beauty

Maybe it's just because I live in sunny Southern California and never actually see snow, but it truly fascinates me. Even if you've had your lifetime share of cold weather though, you'll still probably love these photos of frost, snow and ice. Plus, if you actually read the text, you just might learn something new.


Incredible Edible Art

Food art is a strange field, but I can't help but love people who not only decided to play with their food, but make a living out of it. Over at WebUrbanist, they have spotlighted a few great food artists, one specializes in bento, one in food carvings, one in landscapes of food and then there's the sculpture/photographer above. They may make you love art their art work, or they might make you hungry, either way, it's certainly not a bad thing.


Star Wars Matryoshka Dolls

These little dolls are adorable and clever. I want a set! There are plenty more images and close ups on artist Matt Brown's site.


World's Largest Sand Carpet

This Persian rug is made of colored sand and is located beside the Straight of Hormuz. Life In The Fast Lane has some great images of the "carpet" being assembled as well as some largest sand carpets of the past and some neat sand sculptures.


Fantastic Global Street Art

Good Magazine has a fantastic gallery of some of the best street art in the world. Some are sculptures and some are murals. The site paired up with Wooster Collective, a street art blog that has some great stuff and some just ok sauce.

Sock Monkey Goddess Sarasvati

Every year, this crafter makes a new sock monkey. I love this one, it's the Hindu goddess of the arts, Sarasvati.

Link via Craftzine

Wanna Buy The Big Bopper's Casket?

If your goal in life is to own the most tasteless rock memorabilia, then you best be heading to eBay soon. The Big Bopper was moved to a new casket recently and that means his previously used casket is now up for sale on the internet.

The casket is in good condition, having some minor rust damage and a little lime sentiment that shows water once entered the outside vault, although it seems the interior never suffered water damaged.

If you'd like to see the item in person before you place a bid, it is currently on display in the Texas Musicians Museum.

Link Via BoingBoing

Chimpanzee Riding On A Segway

Japanese television is one of the best things in the world. Pair it with another stupidly catching internet song and you have an instant hit -especially when the video and song emphasize the wonder that is created when a chimpanzee rides on a segway.

Link via Mental Floss

Tacky Hillary Memorabilia

In an effort to ensure this site isn't biased towards the left, I thought you may all appreciate these silly Hillary Clinton items. Although, to be fair, now the site seems sexist against women politicians, so I assume everyone will still be unhappy.


Sarah Palin Toilet Paper

I know Neatorama isn't a political blog, (yet another thing I love about it), but I just couldn't resist the chance to share this special Sarah Palin toilet paper. Regardless of your own political affiliation, you have to admit, it takes a special person to have a toilet paper printed with your face on it.

Maybe you never liked Palin, maybe you're just upset at her for losing the election, but whatever your reason for wanting to buy this, it's still going to run you a pretty hefty $9. So I guess you'd better really want it.

Also, if this floats your boat, you may enjoy the John McCain punching bag for the same reason.


Negative CO2 Emitting Cement

People love to overlook certain things that pollute, just because we don't have an alternative yet. We never talk about the emissions caused from cement, which produces more carbon dioxide than the entire aviation industry. Did you know that 5% of all CO2 production comes from cement?

There is finally an alternative. The British engineering firm, Novacem, has created a new cement that uses magnesium silicates, which emit no carbon dioxide when they are heated. As the cement hardens, it absorbs CO2. In all, it removes about .6 tons of carbon dioxide per ton of cement used.

Link Via Good

Papercraft Animation

This video is truly amazing to watch. City made of books, sounds like my idea of a good hometown.

Link Via Craftzine

Longer Eyelashes, Just A Drug Away

The FDA has just approved a drug that will help lengthen your eyelashes. Hopefully they won't get quite as long as the ones in this photo, but who knows the long term effects of eyelash medication overdoses?

The drug, Allergan, contains an active ingredient that was originally created to treat glaucoma, but found to have this pleasant side effect. The drug should be available in May and will cost $120 per each month's supply. It will take about two to four months for the effect to start to show.

Link Photo By Asobitsuchiya [Flickr]

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