Jill Harness's Blog Posts

Cute Kitty Loves Presents

Who needs a present when you have an awesome box wrapped in paper to hide in? That's certainly how this cute kitty thinks. I wish my life were so easily filled.

Link Via Giggle Sugar

No Saggy Pants For You

At least, not if you live in Jackson, Mississippi. Although the city council voted down his proposition to outlaw saggy pants, Mayor Frank Melton has declared he will illegalize the fashion style by use of executive order. I wonder how the council will take this, since they said it was an unconstitutional thing to implement.

"I certainly respect the Constitution," Melton said, "but we have some issues that are much bigger than the Constitution."

I know Neatorama tries to stay unpolitical, but it is crucial for all of us to stand up and declare our rights to sag our pants.

Link Via Boing Boing

Fan Dress Uses Recycling For Couture

I love this cute fan dress. Best of all, the fans are actually made from folded up junk mail and then sewn onto canvas. I bet you never thought all that crap you throw in the trash every day could be made so pretty.

Link Via Craftzine

Crochet Coral Reef

This crochet coral reef is amazing. It's actually an attempted replica of the Great Barrier Reef. The variety of textures and colors is as full as those in the reef itself. It took years to make, which can be easily recognized just by the look of it.

"Vast in scale, collective in construction, exquisitely detailed, the Crochet Reef is an unprecedented, hybridic, handicraft invocation of a natural wonder that has become, in itself, a new kind of wonder spawned from tens of thousands of hours of labor."

Link Via Boing Boing

Puppy Snoring

This little man's snoring and sleeping position are just irresistible. It's like a growling leaf blower. Plus, he's unwake-able.

Link Via Giggle Sugar

Bacon Cupcakes

We know America is obsessed with bacon, so it's a good thing everyone is going out of the way to create all kinds of great new meat products. Here's a new one, the bacon cupcake. Something about these is disturbing yet strangely appetizing.


Candy and Crystals On a Dress

This dress is not only pretty, it's also delicious, since it's made with Lindt chocolate Lindor balls. It would have been a great outfit for a Christmas or New Year's Eve Party, as it's a perfect season to share chocolates with your friends. Too bad you couldn't really sit down and you'd end up naked by the end of the night thanks to moochers. Oh well, it's the risk you take when you dress in food.


Lonely, How About Renting A Family Member?

If pet rental isn't enough to fill the void in your soul, how about renting a mommy or daddy? If you're a single mom, and you think your child needs a father figure, just rent them love by the hour. Or, at least you can if you live in Japan.
"The website says the "dad" will help the children with their homework. He will sort out problems with the neighbors. He will take the kids to a barbecue or to a park. He could also appear at the daunting interview with a nursery school head teacher which parents are required to endure in order to persuade the principal to give their child a good start in life."

While one hopes they check all the actors to make sure they aren't sex offenders, I think there's a much bigger concern here. Have our lives really gotten so empty that we must rent relationships rather than forging our own? And how long until this service comes to the states? I've really wanted to have a family reunion, but don't feel like actually contacting all of my distant relatives.

Link Via TokyoMango

Push Pin Mario Wall Art

You know someone's a hardcore Mario fan when they actually design a whole mosaic of Mario art on their wall using push pins. This must have killed their thumbs. I love how the art looks like it's in pixels. This wonderful display can be found at the Student Computing Center at the University of Fraser Valley...good to know they spend their time studying over there.

Link Via YesButNoButYes

Kitty Can't Stand False Idol Worship

This kitty can't stand other cats, even photos of them. His destructive nature is adorable though.

Link Via YesButNoButYes

PETA Opts to Change "Fish" To "Sea Kittens"

Whether you love PETA or hate them, you still may find the humor in their new campaign to change the word for "fish" to "sea kittens." Maybe they took the word "catfish" a bit to far, but you have to wonder is a fish still a fish by any other name?

Personally, I find this to be further discrimination against ugly animals. If they con you into thinking fish are like adorable little kitties, will it really get you to stop eating more fish? As for me, go ahead and dish me up some delightful meowing sushi, I'm hungry.


Mess With Your Mind Without Drugs

Boston.com has a very cool chart detailing how to mess with your mind's perceptions, naturally. I think the most interesting one is definitely the first one. It tells you how to hallucinate with ping pong balls and a radio. If you'll excuse me, I need to go cut some ping pong balls in half and listen to static for the next hour or so.


7 Awesomely Cool Kitties

Web Urbanist has a great new post up of some really unique felines. There's the cat that predicts death, the seeing eye cat, the station master kitty and more. Most of them, if not all, have already been featured on Neatorama, but it's great to see these kitties all in one place.


Adorable Jumping Spider Faces

Ugly Overload normally focuses on ugly critters, but the face of this little guy won me over. He looks like he's smiling. Jumping spiders are really interesting and don't worry, they're too small to hurt you.


Dogs in Outfits

If you're a fan of Upside Down Dogs, Muttskis or any of the other cute dog blogs that have been featured on Neatorama, you are bound to love Dogs In Outfits. As the name says, it's all dogs in outfits, that's it. And it's very cute as a result.


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