Jill Harness's Blog Posts

Five Fascinating Flapper Facts

Americans, including myself, seem to be obsessed with flappers -as evidenced with the plethora of flapper costumes seen every Halloween. They were amazingly revolutionary for the time of course and we even learn about them in school. But we don't learn much about these women in school, here are five fascinating facts about the flappers of the 1920s.

Flappers Completely Changed Social Standards For Women

While many feminists deplore flappers for throwing away all the progress made by the suffragettes, they made quite a bit of progress for women in other aspects. While most people know they were the first women to actually show off their legs, cut off their hair and even wear shorts, they did much more than that. In the Victorian era, it was unheard of for a woman to go to a bar, to drink or to smoke. Bars were places for men to escape their wives.

That all changed in the twenties – and not only because of prohibition. These young women also dated around, something that was unheard of in the past. Lastly, they were some of the first women to drive cars. (Source)

Where Flappers Got Their Name

The name was widely popularized after the release of the 1920’s movie The Flapper, but there are a whole lot of differing stories about where the word came from. My favorite story is also one of the more popular tales of the time, it claims the term came from groups of girls walking around in unbuckled galoshes that flapped around as they walked. For a humorous read on Flapper footwear, you may want to read the 1922 article by The New York Times, “Flappers Flaunt Fads in Footwear.” (Source)

Like F. Scott Fitzgerald? You May Actually Like His Wife's Writing

While F. Scott Fitzgerald was a great writer, he was not entirely original. In fact, large portions of his books were actually stolen directly from his wife’s diary. In fact, the conclusion of This Side of Paradise has a soliloquy by the protagonist Amory Blaine that is taken word for word from Zelda Fitzgerald’s journal. After their marriage, many things that Zelda said or wrote continued to find their way into Scott’s books, particularly in the Great Gatsby. In a review of The Beautiful and The Damned, she wrote:
“It seems to me that on one page I recognized a portion of an old diary of mine which mysteriously disappeared shortly after my marriage, and also scraps of letters which, though considerably edited, sound to me vaguely familiar. In fact, Mr. Fitzgerald—I believe that is how he spells his name—seems to believe that plagiarism begins at home.”


Coco Chanel Single-Handedly Made Tans Fashionable
Before Coco Chanel stayed out too long one day while on vacation, fair, paper-white skin was the ideal shade for women. But she was so popular and stylish that after she accidentally received a tan on a 1923 cruise to Cannes, everyone else wanted one too. (Source)

They Weren't Just American

French flappers outside a cafe Via Vintage Lulu [Flickr]

While commonly considered an American phenomenon, due in part to the rebellion against prohibition, flappers were more of a response to the increased independence gained by women during the first World War. As a result, many countries had flappers, including Japan, Germany, England and France. Obviously these women had far different social norms to rebel against, but the effect was much the same -short skirts, increased independence and a modernized view on sexuality. (Source)

Jell-o Jewels Sparkle With Deliciousness

Yummy, classy and fat free. These Jell-o jewels have real gold powder in them. They're part of a Jell-o mold competition in Brooklyn. The cheeseburger and shishkabob ones are fantastic, along with the oyster pearls. It's all worth a look.


There's A Squid In Your Water

Bandai toy company from Japan has finally realized that bottles of water just aren't cute. As Japan is the cute capital of the world, this just wouldn't do. To fix the problem, they developed these adorable floating squids that can be added to any bottle of water. Thank god for Japanese innovation. Of course, they're only available in Japan, but at least they're affordable at only $6 each.


NES Controller Doorbell

An intrepid Nintendo fan hacked a wireless doorbell together with a NES controller. It looks really cool, I just wonder which button actually makes the door ring.


How To Crochet An Eye Ball

These are not only unique and cute, but they'd make a great gift for Halloween parties...of course, if you're like me, it may take until Halloween to actually figure out how finish a few of them.

Link Via Craftzine

Tree Grows Under Car -Lifts It Up

Junkyard workers in Japan noticed this seedling sprouting up under a car over 25 years ago. They let it grow and now it's lifted the whole car up in the air. Now they've created a shrine around it. Check out the video here.

Link via Boing Boing

Otter Plays Piano

The Monterey Bay Aquarium has trained this cute little guy to play piano. Of course, he's not the next Beethoven, but it's still too cute to look away.

Link Via Cute Overload

Pootre Art From Plum Trees

Peter Cook and Becky Northey started making what they call Pooktre, the shaped plum trees into art and furniture. They started by making trees into a coffee table and a mirror frame. The chair above is one of the greatest. They harvest the trees in the fall and make new art from the stumps, which make new growth.


Kangaroo Fights

Environmental Graffiti has a fun post right about fighting kangaroos. It has some interesting information, but more than anything else, it's all about the great photos. If you ever want to see a professional fighter go down, just put them up against an amateur kangaroo. It may seem cruel, but in olden times, animals didn't really have rights.


10 Sand Sculpture Faces

Women's Day has a fantastic collection of sand sculptures all of which have interesting faces carved into them. I think sand sculpting is so amazing, it's so much work for something that will be destroyed so quickly after its creation. While the one above is my favorite, I think they are all work a second, even third, look.


Interview With A Capybara Owner

Capybara owner Melanie Typaldos gave a great interview about her unusual pet on the Estatic Days blog. Her pet is named Caplin Rous as in Rodents Of Unusual Size from the Princess Bride. Some of her stories about walking Caplin Rous are priceless. Read the whole thing for some great fun, but here's a few highlights:
"In a single word, I would describe him as needy. He always wants to be with me and can “eep” loudly if he knows I am nearby but he can’t get to me. He follows me around the house and the yard and expects me to watch him while he swims or grazes. He panics if he doesn’t know where I am. When he thinks it’s time for me to come home from work, he will go to the gate and wait for me."

"When people hear him they are always amazed. His voice is often mistaken for a birdsong. When he’s nervous he sounds like the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. When he’s happy he sounds like a Geiger counter."


Michael Jackson Found Dead

Photo Via Brennheit Bakst [Flickr]

M.J. was just found dead at the age of fifty, apparently from a cardiac arrest.He was scheduled to perform a number of comeback concerts next year.
"We're told when paramedics arrived Jackson had no pulse and they never got a pulse back," the entertainment website [TMZ] said.

Regardless of how you feel about his personal "issues" this is a sad day for pop music fans and weird art enthusiasts everywhere.


Music Tidbits: Cyndi Lauper

Cyndi Lauper is one of my heroes. I saw her a few years ago and even though she was around 45 at the time, she had the energy of a teenager. Her style has changed over the years, but it is as unique as ever. If you get the chance to see Cyndi live, do it. She's an amazing performer with an excellent voice.

That being said, I was excited to write about Cyndi for the Music Tidbits today. It's in a new format that should make it a bit more fun and readable. Hope you like it!

She Keeps it Real

Or at least, her name is real. Unlike other pop stars, Cyndi Lauper was born in New York in 1953 and was named Cynthia Ann Stephanie Lauper.

Cyndi Does it All

Image Via danorbit. [Flickr]

While she's best known for singing, she can also play guitar, write lyrics and act. She started writing songs and playing guitar at only twelve years old. She's acted in quite a few movies and tv shows, including Mad About You, the Ron Howard movie Vibes and Life With Mikey beside Michael J. Fox. Her role in Mad About You almost turned into a spin off, but network executives thought the show concept was too out there.

She's always Been So Original

When she was only a middle-schooler, she was already dyeing her hair crazy colors and wearing her weird clothing styles she's known for. Speaking of her wardrobe, it actually became a problem during the1985 taping of "We Are the World," when a weird clacking noise showed up on the tape. Audio engineers finally tracked the noise down to her jewelry bonking against itself.

Doctors Said She'd Never Sing Again...Then She Did

In 1977, Cyndi severely damaged her vocal cords. Three different doctors told her she would never sing again. But she didn't give up and started seeing vocal coach Katir Agresta, who helped Cyndi recover by teaching her a series of vocal exercises.

She's Got High Standards

In 1978, she started a music group, Blue Angel, with saxaphonist John Turi, where they performed original music. When labels started showing interest in Cyndi's vocal abilities (she can sing in four octaves and has perfect pitch), they wanted to sign her as a solo artist. She refused to sign with any labels until Polydor Records opted to take on all of Blue Angel.

Write On!

Photo Via t_a_i_s [Flickr]

When Cyndi signed as a solo artist with Portrait Records, the label wanted her to sing all only their pre-written pop songs. Cyndi changed most of these songs to suit her personality, which also let her claim co-writer credits and royalties later on. The most well-known song she did this to was "Girls Just Want to Have Fun," which was originally written for a male singer. Cyndi thought the original lyrics were a little misogynistic, as it was all about a woman pleasing a man.

Although the label didn't trust her writing abilities, the record producer decided they needed one more song on her first album and convinced the label to let her write a song. She co-wrote Time After Time with Rob Hyman. The song ended up being the biggest single of 1985 and has since been covered by over 100 artists. The title came from a 1979 sci-fi movie starring Malcolm McDowell.

Girls Just Want to Have Trivia

Video Link

In the video for "Girls Just Want To Have Fun," Cyndi's mother was played by her actual mother. Also in the video was Cyndi's dog and pro-wrestler Lou Albano. Cyndi's famous red dress in the video was from the boutique she was working at between being signed for Blue Angel and her solo career. The video won the first ever award for Best Female Video at the MTV Music Awards. The album it was on was so popular that she became the first female artist to have four consecutive Top 5 hits from a single album.

The World Wrestling Foundation Loved Cyndi

And vice versa. Aside from having Lou Albano appear in her first video, Cyndi had frequent interactions with the stars of the WWF. Her video for the Goonies included a number of wrestling greats, including Andre The Giant and when she recieved her first Grammy Award, Hulk Hogan appeared with her, pretending to be her bodyguard. She also made quite a few appearances at WWF events, the most famous event was at the Inaugural WrestleMania event. She appeared as the manager of Wendi Richter and entered the area to "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun."

She Hates The Goonies

Or rather, the song she wrote for the album, "The Goonies 'R' Good Enough." It doesn't have too much to do with the song itself, she was just traumatized by the physical exhaustion she suffered during the taping of the video. The director was too much of a perfectionist and ran the entire crew ragged. She left the song off of her best of album and only started singing it at concerts again back in 2003.

PeeWee's Playhouse Lied To You

Cyndi wrote and performed the theme song for PeeWee's Playhouse, but was credited as Ellen Shaw for some reason. When Cyndi was married, PeeWee (aka Paul Ruebens) was at her wedding, along with Little Richard, John Tuturo and other celebrities. Although Cyndi threatened to show up dressed as a Christmas tree, she wore a traditional white gown.

Cyndi Loves Guest Appearances

Throughout her recording career, Cyndi featured a number of guest stars on her albums, including Billy Joel, The Bangles, Rick Derringer, Bootsy Collins, Eric Clapton, Shaggy, Ani DiFranco, Jeff Beck, Paul Reubens (PeeWee Herman), Sarah McLachlan, The Hives and more. In her recent 2008 tour, she had appearances from Joan Jett, Rosie O’Donnell, The B52’s, Indigo Girls, Regina Spektor, Wanda Sykes, Sarah McLachlan and more. Lastly, although it may not count as a guest appearance, Julia Stiles, appeared as young Cyndi in the video for "Sally's Pigeons" before she was a famous actress.

She's Heterosexual, but Once Wished She Was Gay

Lauper is considered a gay icon, but she is heterosexual. Her sister and many of her close friends are gay and she has been performing at gay pride events since 1994. In fact, for a while, she thought herself to be a lesbian. She told The Times, "My sister was gay, my best friends were gay, so I figured I had to be gay. So I did everything they did. I tried kissing girls. But it didn’t feel right for me and eventually I was forced to come out as a heterosexual."

Source #1, #2

Interesting Facts About Beavers

After watching a movie about beavers a few weeks ago, I became highly interested by their strange behaviors. I came to research a bit about the critters and came along some info that may be interesting to all of you readers out there. Personally, I'd like to see a Meerkat Manor-like show based on beaver's lives. Do you think it would work?

Water is music to beaver ears

Or at least, music they can't stand. The sound of running water is a beaver's main motivator in building a dam. A scientist once performed a study where they placed speakers beside a beaver dam that were continually playing the sound of running water. The beavers built up their dams by the speaker until it effectively was silenced. The noise drives them mad. Source

Those darn dams

We all know beavers love their dams. In fact, by building their dams and changing river flows, they are change the world more than any other creature besides man. They're quite good architects and take water flow into consideration when building, using straight dams on trickling waters and curved dams in raging rapids. They use these dams as protection from predators and as shelter throughout the winter. If a predator destroys part of the dam, it will be fixed overnight.

Also just like men, they won't stop building until the job is done -resulting in some massively huge dams being built along large rivers. The largest beaver dam was over 2,750 feet long. These dams are the only animal-created structures that can be seen from space. Source

It's Ok To Eat Beavers on Friday

No, that's not a naughty sex innuendo. The 17th century Catholic Church actually declared beavers to be a fish according to dietary restrictions, meaning they are ok to eat on both Fridays and throughout Lent. Beaver meat was a common dish by Native Americans and French settlers to America, so the decision was believed to be important to these people's behaviors. The church decisions are based more on an animal's environment than their physical characteristics. Source

European and American Beavers Don't Mix

Because the animals have a different number of chromosomes, they do not cross breed with one another. Russian scientists once tried to breed the two together. In 27 attempted experiments, they only had one semi-success and the baby still came out as a stillborn. Source

They're Our Only Hope and They're Terrible Pests

Beavers have an interesting role in the environment. Their dams trap sediments in the water, turning rushing rivers into peaceful wetlands. When the dams break, the sediment stays and rich meadows are formed. Some scientists claim beavers can help prevent drought and that they are our only chance and maintaining our precious wetlands. Source

On the other hand, beavers are notoriously destructive. They cause $100 million in property damage yearly and their re-working of river currents can cause massive floods on our nation's farms. They have been known to destroy whole forests and one beaver couple almost took out a world-famous cherry tree forest in Washington D.C.. Source

My, What Nice Sex Organs You Have

Beaver sex organs have been used for traditional medicines for centuries. Their testicles and vaginal follicles can actually help with a few conditions, but mostly because the sailicin from the willow trees they eat turns into an aspirin-like salicylic acid with anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. These same naughty beaver parts are still used in perfume production, you may have some beaver residue on you right now- particularly if you're wearing any of these brands: Emeraude, Coty Chanel Cuir de Russie, Magie Noire, Lancôme Caractère, Hechter Madame, Carven, Givenchy III or Shalimar. Source

Canada Loves Them...But Almost Killed Them All

Beaver is the Canadian national animal and is depicted on the Canadian five cent piece and their first pictorial stamp issued in 1849. The beavers were highly loved in part due to their fur, which was widely sought after up until the mid-19th century. It was so widely adored that the animal was almost hunted to extinction in Canada. If the fur trade hadn't stopped when it did, the Canadian national animal might be little more than a memory to its residents. Source

The Earth's Delicious Core

This apple is in the portfolio of artist Kevin Van Aelst, along with quite a few other neat visual works. The only problem I have is that he forgot Madagascar.


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