Jill Harness's Blog Posts

Officer, Arrest This Dog

Photo via Duo de Hale [Flickr]

A man in Kenya found his dog had ate eaten his rent money. To get even, he brought his dog to the police station and ordered the police to arrest his dog. When they wouldn't do it, he offered them a "fee" to get them to lock the dog up. The officers put the dog in jail and ended up getting fired for taking a bribe as a result. The dog was returned to his owner who now is trying to sell the pup and trying to figure out how to pay rent.

I'm somehow doubting the landlord will buy the old "my dog ate my rent money" story.


Cute Animal Helmet Toppers

These helmet toppers are a great way to get kids to actually wear their helmets while they ride their bike. The bunny one is my favorite. What's yours?

http://www.innoprousa.com/helmet_toppers.htm Via Nerd Apporved

Graffiti Needlework

This great needlepoint work was created by Tennessee artist, Jacquelyn Royal. If you like her work, there's more on the site, but I don't think any of them look nearly as real as this one.

Link Via Craftzine

Human Skateboard Animation

This is a cool and innovative stop motion animation by PES. It features some sweet tricks too.


i.Saw, For Sawing At Work

Are you the type of person who needs a USB-charged chainsaw? Well then you need therapy...but if you must go through with your psychotic plans, there's always the i.Saw for home and office needs.

Methinks this may be a gag listing, but if not, I'm sincerely disturbed by the distance we have gone with these USB toys.


What To Do With Capri Sun Packaging

If you're a complete Capri Sun fiend and just hate wasting all those left over packets, this jacket design might be just what you needed. It only takes 140 pouches.


Out of The Ordinary Suitcases

Web Urbanist has a great post featuring 15 spectacular suitcases. While the one above has a distinct political message about human trafficking, not all of them do. Some of the bags are just really artistic or neat looking.


Is Neverland Ranch Haunted?

Last week, CNN took a trip through Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch. In one of their clips, there seems to be a strange shadowy figure crossing the screen. While I'm reserving my judgment, I couldn't help but think you readers might have your own opinions on the subject. So, is it a ghost or merely an optical illusion?

Link Via News Bizarre

Deadly Monorail Crash

This is not a good news story, but you may be interested in known about a tragic accident at Disney World. A train operator died on the Monorail this morning when his monorail crashed into another train. Only a few people were on board.

http://www.examiner.com/x-2200-Orlando-Theme-Parks-Examiner~y2009m7d5-Breaking-new-Two-monorails-crash-at-Disney-World-on-Epcot-line-one-Cast-Member-dead Via BoingBoing

Cakes Made From Threadless Tees

Ever wonder what a cake based on a Threadless tee would look like? Threadcakes is a website featuring contest entries based on just that concept. Some of the pictures are just great, like the cake above that is based on this shirt.

Link Via BoingBoing

Pug Pushing Stroller

This is one well-trained pug puppy. Who needs a nanny when you can just have your baby and dog go out on a walk together?

Link Via I Has A Hot Dog

What ‘Chu Know ‘Bout Wombats?

If you don't really know much about wombats, you aren't alone. In fact, there's not much information on them compared with other animals. Still, they're darn cute and there's no real reason for us to know more about kangaroos or koalas than wombats. With this in mind, here's your chance to educate yourself in the wide world of wombat wonder.

Just So You Know, Wombats Aren’t Badgers

Image Via Timmy Toucan [Flickr]

But they used to be confused with them by early settlers. In fact, quite a few places named with the word ‘badger’ were actually supposed to be named for wombats. A few examples include Badger Creek, Victoria and Badger Corner Tasmania.
After a while they did start getting their due credit though. Wombat, New South Wales, asteroid 6827 Wombat and more are named (correctly) after the little marsupials.

They’re Totally Square
Or at least, their poops are. Their 14 day long digestion helps aid their survival in desert conditions by allowing them to digest every nutrient possible. Interestingly, this process allows them to create some of the most uniquely shaped feces in the animal kingdom –a perfect square.

They’re All Backwards
While most marsupials have a pouch that sits upwards, wombat’s pouches face down. The reason for this is the wombat’s need to dig extensive burrows. If they had pouches like kangaroos or koalas, their pouches and babies would be loaded with dirt -that would be a long 6 or 7 months of life for the poor babies living in the pouch.

Your Wombat Friends Are A Little Slow

Wombats aren’t keen on speed. They like to take shortcuts and have been known to bite their way through plants or farmer’s fences rather than walking around them –giving them the name “bulldozers of the bush.” When they need to get out of the way of predators though, it’s a whole different story. Scared wombats can run up to 25 miles per hour for a full minute and a half –about the same top speed of human runners.

Wombats Got Back

Image Via Timmy Toucan [Flickr]

No, I’m not talking Sir Mix-a-Lot style, of course, he still might like the furry critters. But wombats really do have a big, strong butt. In fact, it’s their main form of defense. In the wild, both dingoes and Tasmanian devils prey on the creatures. Most of a wombat’s behind is made of cartilage, making it hard for the predator to bite through when attacking from the rear.
Their other main defensive move is made by diving into a tunnel, waiting for the attacker to put their head in the hole and then thrusting up with their massive legs. This smashes the predator’s head on the roof of the tunnel.

They Were Huge Back In The Day
The Giant Wombat was a common species even when the earliest humans began to inhabit Australia. In fact, it’s believed that the aborigines actually helped cause the extinction of these giants through excessive hunting and habitat alteration. These giant wombats were the size of rhinoceroses and were the largest marsupials in the history of the world.

When Wombats Aren’t Cuddly, They’re Terribly Vicious

Image Via Feverblue [Flickr]

When held in captivity, the creatures can be made somewhat tame and even may allow park and zoo visitors to pet or hold them. On the downside, this lack of fear makes them more aggressive than their wild counterparts. As a result, a lot of people have been attacked, bit and knocked over by scared or angry wombats. One naturalist, Harry Frauca, was bitten in the leg while wearing rubber boots, trousers and thick wool socks. Despite all this protection, the wombat’s strong jaws and sharp teeth managed to leave him with a wound 2 centimeters deep.

They Adapt Well To Captivity

Image Via Shami Chatterjee [Flickr]

Other than the whole attacking people for no reason thing, they seem to love being in zoos and parks. In the wild, these guys only have a life expectancy of five years. However, as captive animals, they have been known to live past 25. That’s five times as long of a life! It's surely partially due to a lack of predators, but they also live a lot more stress-free this way, which seems to have a big effect on the little guys. We should take a tip from them.

Source #1, #2

7 Things That Make Beans Magical

You might know beans are delicious. You may even remember all the words of the schoolyard rhyme about them, but what else do you know about the fruit? Most people take beans for granted because they seem to be such a simple side dish, but there's a whole lot more to beans than you probably realized.

A Bean By Any Other Name

Because beans are grown all throughout the world, it’s common for certain species to have multiple names. In fact, at least 11 types of beans have four names or more and certain species like the fava bean and navy bean have over 10 names. Other names for the fava bean include broad bean, butter bean, Windsor bean, horse bean, English bean, fool, foul, ful, feve, faba, haba and habas. The navy bean is also known as Yankee bean, white pea bean, pearl haricot, Boston bean, Boston navy bean, pea bean, haricot blanc bean, small white bean, haricot bean and fagioli. You may have thought you never tried a type of bean and actually just heard one of its alternate names. Source

Beans Kick It Old School These fruits are one of the longest plants to be cultivated by humans. Broad beans have been planted and grown since at least ancient Egypt and common beans were harvested over six thousand years ago in the Americas. Most of the beans we eat fresh come from the Americas and were first discovered by Christopher Columbus. Source

They Really Are Somewhat Magical

Or at least, magical enough to be involved in folklore. There are multiple folk tales that involve magical beans growing all the way into the clouds –the most famous of these is, of course, Jack and The Beanstalk. There is also a Grimm’s fairytale that describes a bean that laughs at the failure of others so hard that its sides actually split open. Source

They’re Often Considered Lucky Multiple cultures associate eating or planting beans on certain days with good luck. Certain areas of Europe consider it to be lucky to plant beans on Good Friday. In Nicaragua, newly weds eat a bowl of beans for good luck. New Year’s Day involves a number of superstitions, in the Southern U.S., Malta, Brazil and Italy eating beans or lentils is considered to bring increased prosperity in the next year. Source

Attack of the Killer Beans

Certain beans, especially those that are red in color, contain harmful toxins that can only be removed through cooking. Strangely, eating these beans when they are undercooked may be more toxic than eating the beans raw. Sometimes the undercooked beans will still taste and smell fine though. The toxicity will usually not result in death, but in severe nausea and diarrhea. Source

Ever Wonder What Makes Them So ‘Musical?’ It’s widely known that beans and cabbage can make you fart. The reason is that many beans have the same sugar molecules found in cabbage. Because a certain enzyme that humans don’t have in their body is needed to digest these molecules, bacteria in the large intestine digest the sugar. This digestion produces increased gases as a byproduct. Soaking the beans in water for a few hours can help reduce this problem, so will the induction of certain other enzymes, like those found in Beano. Source

Hold the Beans Please

The followers of Pythagoras had a lot of dietary restrictions, on top of being vegetarian, they also refused to eat beans. The reason is unclear, but many people believe it was due to flatulence, while others believe it was because they look like female genitalia. The most commonly accepted reason though is that the beans and humans were said to be created from the same material. Source

Hamster Dreaming In His Sleep

What do you think this little guy is dreaming about? Feilds of food and fluffy bedding? Whatever it is, it certainly seems to be delicious and fun.

Link Via Cute Overload

Glorious Pet Costumes

For those of you who love animals in costumes, WebEcoist has a collection of 20 great pet cosumes. There's bunnies, kitties, doggies and more. I personally perfer the Harry Potter cat above. What's your favorite?


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