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Guinea Pig Armor

Fuzzles will soon be ready for the joust, thanks to this armor on sale by eBay member mightys0x. This is a steel helmet and set of chain mail armor. Mightys0x writes:

Is your pet guinea pig tired of wandering around the house unarmored and vulnerable? Do they get picked on by other guinea pigs? Has your guinea pig ever wanted to go with you to a Renaissance Faire but had nothing to wear?

Note that the condition is listed as "used." This armor must have already seen combat. Did the previous user survive?

Link -via io9

Darth Vader TIE Fighter Wheelchair

Lord Vader is ready to fly the tightest maneuvers in his new TIE fighter. Redditor JapanUnderground spotted this young boy at the MCM Expo London Comic Con this past May.

Link -via Fashionably Geek

Little Boy Learns That He'll Meet Iron Man, Cries When He Meets Robert Downey, Jr. Instead

Jaxson Denno was so excited when he learned that Iron Man was nearby and would be glad to meet him. Alas, he had been deceived. Only Iron Man actor Robert Downey, Jr. was available:

Only problem: Downey, in the Western Massachusetts towns of Sunderland and Shelburne Falls to shoot his latest, The Judge, was not wearing his Iron Man outfit.

That did not please Jaxson, as this photo shows.

Not to worry, though – Downey, 48, soon brought a smile to the boy's face. 

"He was fine as soon as he talked to him," Jaxson's mother, Heather Denno, told PEOPLE, explaining that her young son "was so confused because I kept telling him it was Iron Man and he knew it wasn't. Well, not Iron Man in the suit."

Link -via Gawker

(Photo: Heather Denno)

Maintaining Boundaries

The plexiglass wall is meant to dissuade McDonald's customers from getting too far inside a restricted area. It's called a subtle hint. But not everyone picks up on that. Andrew Miller of Rocket News 24 writes:

Apparently, some McDonald’s customers in China are creating a reputation for themselves by exhibiting “overly familiar behavior” towards the staff. This problem became a hot topic online recently when someone snapped a customer completely ignoring the rules of distance etiquette.

Such behavior is reported to be occurring at the “mini” McDonald’s branches where soft cream, desserts, drinks and the like are served. These branches, while not so common in other areas of the world, are very popular in China. These restaurants are installed with a clear perspex screen, similar to that of a ticket booth office, that separates the customer and staff, with a tiny window for the exchange of money and delicious food and drink.

However, as can clearly be seen in the photo above, knowing no shame, one customer thrust their entire upper body through the small opening. Just quite how he pulled the feat off remains unclear but looking closely, you can see that he’s even managed to get his elbows right inside and seems to be waiting rather excitedly for his order to arrive.


How to Deep Fry Ice Cream Sandwiches with Liquid Nitrogen

It's an It's It. Wait..what?

For those of you East of the Rockies, I should explain. An It's It is essentially an ice cream sandwhich made with oatmeal cookies and covered in a chocolate shell.

Okay, then. But Randy Sarafan went even further, making his It's Its by battering pre-prepared It's Its, freezing them in liquid nitrogen, then deep frying them.

Link -via Make

Where the Line for Men's Restroom is Always Longer

Photo: Dan Ackerman

Go ahead and laugh, ladies. The tables are turned in the dude-fest known as WWDC yesterday as this photo by CNET editor Dan Ackerman showed a long line for the men's room and no line at all for the ladies' room.

'Tis a fodder for the websites like A Line at the Ladies Room, which noted:

 We have built the backbone of our economy, healthcare, and security systems on software so you would expect that industry to be a high-growth area for young professionals. And it is… for men. Did you know:

Megan Garber of The Atlantic has more examples of ridiculously long lines at men's room at tech conferences around the country: Link

How to Dress Like Adventure Time Characters

We can't be the ravishing Lumpy Space Princess, but with effort, we can emulate her. Rebecca Jane Stokes of The Hairpin has created detailed wardrobe instructions that will help you look like Lumpy Space Princess, Gunter and Marceline.


Sober Man Arrested for DUI

The city of Surprise, Arizona, has an unwelcome surprise for 64-year-old retired firefighter Jessie Thornton: its police officers can tell whether a person is drunk simply by looking in his eyes, breathalyzer test be damned!

Christopher Sign of ABC15 has the scoop:

"He (the officer) walked up and he said 'I can tell you're driving DUI by looking in your eyes,'" said Thornton. [...]

According to documents provided to ABC15 from the City of Surprise, Thornton was taken to police headquarters where he took a breathalyzer test.

The test, according to the police documents came back with a blood alcohol level of 0.000.

"Yes, I do the breathalyzer and it comes back zero, zero, zero," said Thornton.

While in custody, a "DRE" or drug recognition expert is called to test Thornton.

"After he did all the tests, he says, 'I would never have arrested you, you show no signs of impairment,'" said Thornton.


A Baby Sees Ice Cream for the First Time

Redditor adrianahasaids showed her daughter ice cream. She reacted appropriately.

I've got good news for you, kid. No matter how old you get, ice cream is always this awesome.


Always Read the Fine Print

Via Geekoysystem and reddit

As the Twig is Bent, So Is the Tree Inclined

I can respect this open-minded approach to parenting. Still, I think that a little nudge in the right direction can help a child make the right decision.

Alternatively, you can nudge them in the wrong direction so that when they rebel as teenagers, they'll end up making the right choice.


Prosthetic Fingers for Ex-Yakuza Members

In the Japanese mafia, failure often comes at the price of a finger:

In Japan, a stunted pinkie signifies membership in the yakuza, or Japanese mafia. In a ritual known as "yubitsume," yakuza members are required to chop off their own digits to atone for serious offenses. The left pinkie is usually the first to go, though repeated offenses call for further severing. As a result, those who get out, have a hard time finding work because of the stigma attached to those missing fingers.

If you can get out of the yakuza alive and want to live a normal life, how can you avoid the stigma of missing fingers and all that they imply? Dr. Shintaro Hayashi's solution was to construct highly realistic prosthetic fingers:

The doctor molds silicone prosthetic pinkies, made to seamlessly mask the amputation, making for a smoother transition to the outside world. Priced at nearly $3,000 each, the fingers are carefully painted, to match the exact skin color of the client. Former yakuza members, who make up 5 percent of Hayashi's business, often keep several sets of fingers for different seasons – the light skinned version for winter, and a tanned look for summer.

One client, Shigeru Takei, described his fake fingers as essential to his post-yakuza success:

Takei's current wife convinced him to turn his life around after years spent in jail, but his missing fingers prevented him from landing a job.

"The first time I applied for a job, I got cut after the interview. I couldn't write the truth in my resume because I had been in the yakuza for 20 years," he said. "If you don't have fingers, there's no way to get a sales job."

Takei sought out Hayashi eight years ago after an extensive web search for a prosthetics maker, and credits his fingers for helping him turn his life around. He now works for a home makeover company and says he's only been questioned about his fake fingers once.

Link -via Marginal Revolution

(Photo: Akiko Fujita/ABC)

Star Wars Sushi

Ewoks look so cute that I want to just eat them up! LydMc's sushi Ewoks also look great. She made her Sushiwoks with avocado, basil leaves, seaweed, smoked salmon and yams. LydMc also made Ewok kiwifruit, or what she calls Kiwoks. You can see them at the link.

Link -via Obvious Winner

Explaining the Facts of Life to a Child

It's very difficult to explain death to young children. But follow Ryan Hudson's advice and walk them through the steps. And remember: in Latin, a v is pronounced like a w. The spell won't work if you say it incorrectly.


This Man Invented the Plastic Pink Flamingo. He and His Wife Have Worn Matching Outfits for the Past 35 Years.

Donald Featherstone, an artist, is most famous for inventing the plastic pink flamingo lawn ornament. But people who know him and his wife Nancy well think of them as an incredibly close and romantic couple. For the past 35 years, they've worn matching outfits everywhere they go. Mrs. Featherstone writes:

Whoever gets there first gets to choose what we're wearing. It's not a stampede, though; we're both amenable to the other's choice. If we're going to a party, we'll discuss what to wear like any other couple, except the difference is we want to look the same. Someone once told me that if she and her husband came down wearing the same colour top, they'd change. What a shame to be so insecure. We both have very strong identities as individuals and wearing the same clothes doesn't affect this; clothes don't make your personality. Instead, dressing the same gives me a lovely feeling of closeness to Donald. I've never not felt like doing it; we've done it for so long now that it would feel unnatural not to.

Donald used to have to travel for business and when I packed his case, I'd tell him which outfit to wear on which day, so we coordinated even though we were apart. It helped us feel connected to each other. But his boss realised Donald was much more productive if I came along, too, so I'd help out at the conventions. It was good for business, because people would seek out our stall year after year to see what we were wearing.

We don't like to be apart. Donald proposed on our first date and we've been together almost all the time since. If you want to do things by yourself, why get married? Why have separate hobbies? We never argue – Donald says he learned long ago to say, "Yes, dear", but in fact it's because we have a strong foundation. Being with him is never an effort. [...]

All it is is a positive reflection of the nature of our relationship. We're a matched set.

Link -via VA Viper

(Photo: Webb Chappell/The Guardian)

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