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"Just spend enough money on giving your guests an open bar and I promise they won’t notice the flowers."

If you provided my friends and relatives with an open bar I guarantee it would wind up costing far more than $30k...
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It's her choice to spend that much on flowers, and it's not up to someone else to determine what she spends HER money on. Yes, it's extravagant and unneeded, but in the end the florist fucked up, and seemed pretty shady to begin with (I've helped plan a couple weddings, and while we didn't spend THAT much, we were always given a set time to pay which was always either after we had seen the exact flowers that were going to be used or after the wedding itself).

Not that I support this asshat of a lawyer who spends more on flowers than lots of people make in a year, but she has rights, too.
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Wait, why does someone deserve to be taken to the cleaners because they spent a lot on a floral arrangement? I didn't know there was some limit on price, and if you crossed that line, you deserve to be screwed over. I can understand suing if the florist really screwed up a 30k order - especially if he didn't stick to his contract obligations. Would I sue? I have no idea. Probably not. I've never sued anyone in my life. But if I paid 30k up front and signed a contract, and the contract obligations weren't adhered to, I can totally understand the suit.

But before you throw stones at the woman who spent an exorbitant amount on flower arrangements, stop and look at your life and ask if you haven't made any purchases that some might see as exorbitant. We've all made purchases that SOME people would consider sky high. I mean, I've got four computers in my house and just about every gadget I can get my hands on. I know a guy who's spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on a coin collection. That's his passion. Mine's technology. Some peoples' are art. Some people just like to have the best if they're going to spend their money. I imagine that's what this lady wanted.

That being said, I keep going back and forth on whether I'd want this woman as a client of mine. I mean, she's definitely willing to pay for the best, and I'd be making bank probably. But holy cow. I'd be scared to make any mistakes.
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Frankly, anyone who spends that much on flowers for a wedding deserves to be taken to the cleaners for as much as the florist can manage.

Weddings are much more fun if they're arranged and created by friends and family instead of buckets of money. More meaningful, too - all those people you know all have a personal investment in helping you make your marriage a success.
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On one hand, I'd be pissed if I spent 30 grand on flowers and the flower company didn't get the order right.

On the other hand, I would never spend nearly thirty grand on flowers. Jesus Christ. Does anyone ever remember the floral arrangement at a wedding? Just spend enough money on giving your guests an open bar and I promise they won't notice the flowers.
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