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Fair Warning: Jules' blog has a corrosive effect on human willpower. If you have any hope of maintaining your weight, or even losing a few pounds before seriously tucking into holiday dining, do not scroll down!

I'm going to need an extra long walk just from linking through the bundt cakes recipes. Jeebus, the photos are delectable...
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You couldn't just let it go, could you?
Obviously, her intent wasn't to suggest anything but evolution, and we often use the phrase "designed" without necessarily implying a master designer. Your fanaticism is misplaced.
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Some of my favorite Tweets from yesterday...

SarcasticRover @SarcasticRover
If Mars was covered in Twinkies, I bet NASA would already be planning a mission to bring them back to Earth.
8:15 AM - 16 Nov 12

SarcasticRover @SarcasticRover
The fact that America is more worried about the loss of Twinkies than a manned space program is cause for concern.
9:03 AM - 16 Nov 12

Andrew Miller @MillerLoLife
A world without Twinkies was the original pitch for Revolution. NBC changed it because it seemed too impossible. The aftermath too savage.
Retweeted by Jeri Ryan
10:32 AM - 16 Nov 12
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This is a very nice design. At some point, in-hospital birth using a table became the norm, at least in the U.S.A. The position may have been adopted for the comfort of the obstetrical staff, but forces a mother to deliver a baby against gravity. I wonder if there are birthing chairs or tables that are designed more rationally, making the comfort of the mother and success of birth the priority.
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Because it's a knee-jerk negativity. It's doubly bad when expressed toward a child and triply bad when such a reaction could squish a fledgling enthusiasm.

I'm sure someone with better knowledge can comment on this, but I think that age-appropriate play, including dress-up play, is an integral part of children's development. It doesn't have to have a point (for example, she doesn't have to grow up to be a fashion designer), except to encourage their mental and physical development. Like author Alfie Kohn once wrote, the point of play is that it has no point.

I know we disagree about many things, Ted, but I want you to know that I appreciate differing points of views on the blog and thank you for expressing them civilly. You should only know how many comment threads devolved quickly into name callings and such.
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Well, we're talking about an eight-year-old girl here, Ted. So she dresses up and poses in photographs. That may not a big enough step for learning about influential women of the 20th century for adults, but it's a solid and notable first step for her age group.

What she has done is an example of a positive self-expression in children, and it should be encouraged, not beaten down with negativity.
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Love it! I love creative, interesting and intelligent children. Gives me hope for the future, and makes me very grateful for their obviously wonderful and supportive parents. A big yay! for functional, happy families!
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