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The room is filled with some weird dust that make people lose memory that the place ever existed... just watch, this place will be rediscovered again next year.

Somebody call Secret Service Agents Myka Bering and Pete Lattimer from Warehouse 13, I think we might have an artifacts in that room.
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I don't think you can blame the internet any more than you can blame robots, outsourcing, deregulation, consolidation, or other particular thing. They all come together to ensure that we need fewer people to get all the work done. That's the problem that keeps people unemployed.

What we need is an entirely new system that takes excess people out of the workforce without making them poor. One thing we are doing is extending education later into adulthood, but at an enormous cost. We could also have people retire earlier, but we'd have to support them. Or we could have everyone work part time, less than 40 hours a week. The only problem with any of those ideas is that money would have to redistributed so that everyone could have a decent income, even in the times that their labor is not required for the continuation of society.
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Isn't it amazing how focused Christians are on sex. I don't remember reading anything about Jesus getting all stirred up over obscene graffiti, or porn, which any child could have seen.
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Men feel shame because they feel they must live up to a certain gender role in order to be attractive to women, but I call bullshit on women actually enforcing it to any substantial degree. Often, we have our own conclusions about what others think and feel and project those conclusions onto the actions of others.
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Tabasco is for Bloody Marys... not Mexican food. Try some El Yucateco for the real stuff... or just purreed green chili. Salsa is something else (uncooked)... chile macho is something else again (cooked). Tabasco on Mexican food is a crime against humanity.
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Yes it is an interesting condition, however the fact that she was 5 years old and got pregnant is not. The only thing I thought of after the brief moment of "wow that is interesting" was followed by a quick, "who the hell was it that had sex with that 5 yr old girl?!" Sheesh...
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I think there's a lot of appeal to natural childbirth (or natural anything, for that matter). But I'm with you, John. My wife gave birth to our three children at a local hospital not because what medicine could offer a normal childbirth, but what medicine could offer if a normal childbirth went wrong.
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