Comments Jill Harness Likes

With gas it is easy enough to add other flavors by putting a small tray of moist wood chips below the grill. You can get the best of both worlds in the cases where it matters, although some times it won't make much of a difference. And if you actually want flavors from wood, you should use actual wood, not charcoal. Depending on what type of charcoal you have, it could be just carbon and ash, or might have a bit of saw dust mixed in to make it easier to light. Even in the latter case, the amount of wood compounds it is going to give off is going to be pretty minimal compared to a handful of actual wood, as otherwise, the point of charcoal is that the volatile compounds have been removed or broken down.

Arguing the wood compounds in charcoal add a lot to the flavor seems to me like someone arguing grain alcohol is better than water because it has some traces of the grain left, but ignoring whiskey.
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I think the worst feature I've ever seen in a car is the seat belts being inside the door, if the door is open you can just fall out of the car
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One persons 5 seconds of "yeehaw" is another persons heartache.
What jerks, that looks like such a nice little jam and honey stand, and the novel purple chicken looks like it was much loved for ambiance.
Hopefully the news attention will give that jam stand more sales than a giant purple chicken ever could. You fought the good fight Mr.Chicken. Rest now.
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re: door closing---It's contractual. Same for pilots. Not every airline does it that way, but most do.

Also, OSHA and workers' comp apply the same way as anywhere else. Some airlines (like some non-airline companies) just make it much more difficult to prove an injury was 'on the job.' It may be more difficult for a crew member to prove an injury was 'on the job' just because the 'job site' is so out of the ordinary. It should go without saying, though, that if a flight attendant is injured to the point that s/he's taken away from the airplane in an ambulance, the burden of proof isn't all that hard.

Finally, about the skirt/hem thing: I have no idea what the author's talking about. That may be specific to his or her airline.
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My little brother wore the same sweater for picture day in first and second grade, completely by accident. Of course, being a kid, he couldn't do that for more than a couple years. Looking back at them, we can only tell which was which by the number of teeth he had.
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That is so funny. As a retired teacher with 32 years of service (1994) I can empathize with the physical changes one has over the years of school photos. However, when I began teaching in 1962, a jacket and tie were requisite attire. As the years went on, the jacket went first, then eventually the tie. I always wore a nice dress shirt and pants.
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