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Now if Oprah happened to see someone else step up to the counter and ask to see it and they let them then she would have a definite case of racism But Its a $38000 hand bag. Obviously they are not going to let anyone who asks to handle it touch it no matter what race they are.
They should probably do a credit check before they allow anyone touch it. Doubt if Oprah would have a problem passing the credit check.
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I'm American, and I don't get it either. It appears to be a series of meetings followed by people trying to knock each other down. And a weirdly-shaped brown ball plays some role in it.
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This reminds me of the official California tourism website Visit California's promo "Surf to Ski California ... in the Same Day." Technically it's possible, but you have to take a helicopter to avoid all the traffic jam in order to do that.
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It's all about equality, so that men can experience the joys of splashing their shoes.

Back in Dickens' days, peeing in the street was by no means the big taboo it is now.
In Victorian times, 'Cloakmen' were to be found on the street, their trade was simple. For a very small fee, they would use a large cloak to give privacy to someone needing to pee.
In the later 1900s, however, London spent vast sums of money on a new, effective, sewer system, in order to alleviate the capital of 'the great stink', and new by-laws were passed, making public urination an offence in many boroughs.
At the same time 'public conveniences' were built in great numbers.

Coin-slot operated doors gave rise to a new euphemism for excretion. "I just need to 'spend a penny'"
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Seriously -- this is an awful idea. (Frank's sign in particular is utterly unreadable in its after format.) And as has been stated, a professional sign looks like advertising, not a personal plea from someone purportedly hungry and homeless.
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