Comments Jill Harness Likes

True, Edison didn't invent the bulb (nor did he claim to) - he invented a usable bulb with a long lasting filament. Inventing a working lightbulb was a major contribution to the modern world. Edison's phonograph was not the first sound recording device, but it was the first sound recording and replaying device. The gramophone was invented decades later and was a further refinement on Edison's invention that used flat discs instead of cylinders.

Because of a bizarrely misinformation filled Oatmeal article it's popular to bag on Edison these days, but a lot of those criticisms are unfortunately repeating the Oatmeal's fabrications.
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To be fair, the elephant had gone rogue and was going to be executed. Animal rights groups of the time didn't want it to be hanged so Edison electrocuted it (after it had been fed cyanide) as a form of euthanasia.

Edison was a mixed bag (like the anti-semite Tesla), but did a lot to bring about the modern world as we know it.
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