Comments Jill Harness Likes

Reminds me of the 911 operator who got a call from Bubba. He said, "Help! We're out here in the woods huntin' and my buddy Junior just all the sudden keeled over and died! What do I do?"

Operator: "Calm down sir. First, make sure he's dead."

(Bubba puts phone down. Operator hears a gun shot.)

Bubba: "Okay, now what?"
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Yes, of course, but that's the optical illusion: even though the cars are the same size in the image, they look progressively larger because of the role of the background image.

Three cars of the same size parked that way in actual life wouldn't look like they're of different sizes because the car furthest away would be smaller (pixel-wise).
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I know the original author came up with the title, but it's rather misleading. Pixel-wise, the cars are indeed the same size because they are Photoshopped copies. Three real cars of the same model/size parked that way would look more natural to us.

Still a neat effect.
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Nice article. I like to fantasize about winning the lottery, but usually spend my money on a cup of coffee instead of buying a ticket. I guess the coffee's usually more valuable to me than the (faint) hope of winning.
"My life would not change much at all, except I'd have less stress." I like to think that this statement would apply to me. Like you say, though, you just never know until you're in that situation.
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There are lots of deer in the neighborhood I live in (rural). I once put some deer calls on my cellphone for fun and played them to a deer out in my yard. Y'know... to strike up a convo. No reaction at all till I got to the "fawn distress call" and that deer swivelled right around and started a jog towards me. She was ready to kick my ass. She was piiiiisssssed. I turned off the noise and started making some lame attempts at noise myself to show the deer it was just me, and she realized it was fake and turned around again (albiet with suspicious back glances occasionally). Never play the baby distress call to a deer unless you want a dainty hoof smackdown. NEVER. You've been warned.
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