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Most of the condiments in my fridge are there only because it saves cupboard space, and I typically don't use enough to notice if it is cold or not. Jams and jellies specifically though I've had to refrigerate, because they will develop mold after a couple days to a week sometimes if not kept cold, and my household doesn't go through them very quickly.
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"Truth", "bible and "koran" in the same sentence? Bwahahaha! Unless, of course, the sentence is "don't waste your time looking for truth in..."
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#4, "Who cares if you know how the market works or not?". I stopped reading and skipped ahead a few items, and basically come to the conclusion that the writer is either writing this tongue-in-cheek, or the sky is quite a different color in his reality.
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I'm affected in two ways by the shutdown: as a VA workstudy, I'm locked out of the office so I can't earn money (half my income) or put hundreds of veterans' paperwork in order for them to complete college degrees and/or job training. I'm also a participant in the VA's Voc Rehab program, so if the shutdown lasts through the end of October, I get no stipend (the other half of my income) and my program may come to a halt.

A government shutdown doesn't hit everyone immediately, but it if stretches out, you'll feel a hit at some point. Sort of a trickle down thing.
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I'm disappointed that California belongs to TechCrunch; considering moving to Oregon where they love The Onion. Now THAT's news. Still, one "media property" oddly excluded (and it IS a media property, owned by Conde Nast for 5 years) is Reddit.

Of course, we all wish we could see Neatorama (or MetaFilter or BoingBoing) grabbing at least one state somewhere... maybe if you started focusing on Rhode Island local news...

And one other oddity: TMZ, which is so Hollywood its name is an acronym for "Thirty-Mile Zone", the area in LA where all the studios are, is tops in TEXAS, ARIZONA, GEORGIA and NEW JERSEY? Serious Hollywood Envy, dudes.
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I went to a restaurant one time with a vegan friend, after we were assured by phone that they had vegan choices. We perused the menu, then my friend questioned the server. It turned out the restaurant considered the food vegetarian if it didn't have meat in it, as several of the supposedly vegetarian dishes were made with animal stock. The owner seemed surprised when we complained.
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My wife and I once noticed that a restaurant we used to eat at became a "vegetarian" restaurant. When we talked to the waiter he said that it was a business decision to set themselves apart from the competition, but not to worry - if we still wanted meat, we could still have it. I thought that was funny - usually, vegetarians ask if a dish could be made meatless. This was the opposite!
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