Comments Jill Harness Likes

Shutting down the Government because of disagreement to the ACA is cowardly. The ACA passed both chambers of Congress, was signed by the President, and was upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States of America. It is the law of the land. If you don't like it, fine but don't pretend like everyone hates it and that somehow it was a trick to the American People.
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I hear you. Many laws are like this, but is it okay to shutdown the government because you don't like one law? Is this an acceptable tactic? If so, what's to prevent the democrats from shutting down the government in the future (with a Republican president, for example).
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I don't agree with President Obama on many things, but for this one I do.

The President of the United States, regardless of party affiliation, cannot and should not govern under threat of extortion. Shutting down the government because a minor segment of the House of Representatives does not like Obamacare is tantamount to blackmail.
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Wow, Sandyra.
You've got to lighten up a little. Our second cat is a rescue cat. She was tossed out of a truck onto the highway. Fortunately, a teacher stopped and saved her, and took her to the vet, where her injuries were treated. We were lucky enough to get her (the vet was a good reference), and give her a loving home. She's a healthy, perfectly normal cat, who gives us lots of love.
This cat-tossing pictures are pretty lame and cheesy, but nothing more. It doesn't advocate violence towards cats, and I doubt any bride is going to emulate it, or anybody else (I can't see young boys or other unstable people tossing cats because they want to look like brides).
You don't need to think something is funny to "get" humour. If you truly "got" humour, you would know that there are all different types of it out there. This just wasn't for you.
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"Why give the unstable a new reason/idea to..."

That is an excellent reason to shut down the whole internet and to never say anything. Coming up with a reason of where and when exactly to draw a line is much, much more difficult, and typically very subjective.

(Seriously, I've had that line of reasoning told to me as why I shouldn't make devices that others could get hurt if they replicated, why I shouldn't teach basic electronics to kids, and even once as a reason why no one should ever make liquid nitrogen...)
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Well, for the record, I don't watch The Daily Show or get my news from entertainment sites. I'm also not so delicate that merely seeing an cartoon or article from the other side of the argument (I'll not say which side I sit on) offends me. I'm not a made of crepe paper. I'm an American built of tougher stuff.

Also, being a coming forma Jewish family, I couldn't disagree more with the comparison. Nor is this anything like "Two girls, One cup".

Again, if you are so sensitive that you cannot handle seeing an contrary opinion, or a political cartoon, I recommend a vacation from the internet.

Both sides are painted in a very ugly way, all the time. This comes from both sides!! We can't all just wilt, or request a censorship of the other opinion. That, my friend, is un-American.
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