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Well wow. Let's just whip up a batch.

A long time before meth became a household word, I thought my heart and body were exploding and found out it was from sudafed. That stuff, although effective as a decongestant, is downright scary to begin with. At least to some of us.
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A doctorate in the humanities is not a 'bad life decision' if that's where your interests and talents lie. If you have the intelligence and willpower to get to the PhD level in ANY subject, you're a success. If humanities were 'bad' subjects presumably school should drop the teaching of history, literature, music, etc. Doing that would be a 'bad decision'.
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There is a much more basic probem if Batman starts killing all the evil opponents in self-defense.
After terminating the first 25, Bruce Wayne can only return home to wayne manor with Batman retiring.
DC would never allow Batman to retire, or even Joker to die, as long as there is a spark of "-quel" in it.
Under this assumptions Batman is more instinct-controlled and more predictable than Paramecium.
Similarly non of the evil Creatures will ever be able to completely win over batman or to get destroyed... cause maybe they need to return in one of the "-quels"...
Similar Batman and all the villains never age...
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Speaking of tipping, I learned a long time ago to tip the valet parking attendant 15% of the current value of my car... which for me, was usually pocket change.
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Surprised to see Neatorama publish a Scott Adams endorsement ... a little perplexed

Speaking to a Men's Rights group:
"The reality is that women are treated differently by society for exactly the same reason that children and the mentally handicapped are treated differently. It’s just easier this way for everyone. You don’t argue with a four-year old about why he shouldn’t eat candy for dinner. You don’t punch a mentally handicapped guy even if he punches you first. And you don’t argue when a women tells you she’s only making 80 cents to your dollar. It’s the path of least resistance. You save your energy for more important battles."
-Scott Adams
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It's also to prevent customer theft. Most stores won't give cash for returns without a receipt. On the topic of cashiers and mental arithmetic. Last week I bought 6, 50 cent food items. The bar code wouldn't scan so the cashier put in a generic code and then could not figure out how much to charge me. I had to tell her the total was $3 and no tax.
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I don't think that's the only reason. If a product is defective and you want to return it, how do you prove you bought it from that particular shop without a receipt? Not all products have store branding.
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Apparently, he was inspired by classical Greek sculpture and his physique was almost in perfect proportion according to the "Golden Ratio".

I'm led to believe that he and that other American bodybuilding icon, Steve Reeves, would be considered "weak" and "flabby" by modern standards.

All of which is irrelevant cos real men have curves!
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Those are the stores I refuse to patronize. I can't stand being made to feel like a criminal just because I am carrying merchandise out of the store. It's bad enough when a cashier doesn't manage to demagnetize the EM tag in something I buy and the alarm goes off when I walk out the door.
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