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The fact that she has two different websites listed in this professionally taken photo tells me it's a marketing ploy by a fitness professional. This is akin to a rocket propulsion expert asking what's our excuse for not knowing advanced calculus. Exercising is her job. What's her excuse for not knowing how to do all our jobs?
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Anybody that's been to the gym has encountered folks like her...judgmental narcissists that spend hours every day staring at themselves in the mirror while pumping themselves up...I don't envy or admire them and have no interest in emulating them.
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She did the wrong thing, not only because it is narcissistic and self-righteous, because also because it is ignorant. Like many fitness fanatics, she does not grasp that most people will never, ever be able to look like that. No matter how much they exercise, no matter how little they eat, no matter how many supplements they consume...most people can NEVER look like this. Washboard abs? Many of us have them, especially if we have good posture. But most of us have greater than 5% body fat so our ab muscles are not visible through our skin. The lack of cellulite? Sorry, whether or not you get cellulite is purely genetic, even thin people and athletes get it. It has nothing to do with exercise and diet and everything to do with your connective tissue. Just two of the many lessons I learned the hard way after losing 80 pounds and doing situps like a madwoman (100-200 every day for more than a year).
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After having lived with other people in a couple different households where food and cooking was shared, so everyone ate very similarly to save money, I've seen some vast differences in how different people handle food and exercise. Not just the guy who was a rail without exercise and always eating seconds, but for example watching a couple people work out together, with one gradually lose a pound ever week or two, and another taking more than a month to lose a pound, while being really miserable for the whole time.

I think the problem with a lot of things like this, is that they involve people assuming everyone is just like them and that the same amount of effort is needed by anyone. Even if that isn't true in this specific case, it happens so often that others will just assume that is what is happening.

It is rarely completely impossible for people, but for some, the amount of effort and misery involved leaves the question of it is a net gain for the person's life, if living an extra year is worth it if you spend decades not enjoying life. I can't blame someone for making that choice different than I would, especially if they aren't doing something egregious and instead are spending that time and effort to better themselves in a different way.
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It's great she's achieved what she has and good that she can encourage others. I guess the issue is that she's phrased it - "What's your excuse?" - as an assumed failing on the part of anyone not as toned and fit as she is. If you don't assume that her physique is the ideal, then "What's your excuse?" makes no sense.
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It's not just a matter of raising our daughters on what to do/not do to become a rape victim, we need to teach our sons and daughters what is and is not consensual sex. "No means No" is a fine adage to start with, but how about "only Yes means Yes". If you don't get that consent, or, universe forbid, you don't have a conversation with a new partner, especially when both parties are young adults, about what is and is not about to happen with your partner prior to sex, then you don't go through with it. If they are too drunk to say no, then that is not tantamount to saying yes.
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