houndogg's Comments

@ Artor "Am I a bad person for riding my bike on the sidewalk when the bike lane goes through traffic"

no! as i'm sure you take as much care biking pass people as you did asking that question. if you don't feel safe on the road, move slower on the sidewalk and build your confidence. just make sure to yeild to peds.

@ robin, i totally agree. not sure why he had to take the WHOLE lane. move over a bit and try to accommodate the vehicles. however, i'm sorry he got hit and im so glad that the guy didn't get away!

i bike most of the week... and i HATE bicycle elitists
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i was at the pittsburgh zoo this past sunday... the kids had a bit of trouble seeing around the parents, and their empty strollers. oh! except for the parents that were picking up their kids and holding them up against the glass and on railings so that other kids had a hard time seeing... LMAO. it's really insane out there
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ohhh just how much trouble i was in if i didn't say "please" or "thank you" as a kid! and now i ALWAYS say it. also, i say both "you're welcome" and "no problem". if i give something to someone, and they thank me, i say "you're welcome"... if i do something for someone, and they thank me, i say humbly "not a problem"...

also i never expect, or feel entitled to receive a "thank you" from anybody for anything. i think it defeats the purpose of doing something nice, and is always a nice little thing when someone does thank you. weird, eh? kind of like, if i give a present, i absoutely don't expect nor want anything in return.

kindness feels so good...
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"we catch mice and release them out in a field a mile from our house"

so that hawks and owls can snatch them up and dangle them from their claws... then pick at their meat while they'er still alive! baaahahaha! i love you people! i DO love hawks and owls however... so please keep feeding them, thanks!

me? i have hockey sticks all around my house... little buggers are like a well placed one-timer!
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i'll take "DON'T PANIC" in large, friendly letters any day over this!


actually kidding. cool video and story, really enjoyed it! also, that book store looks beautiful
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