You make a good point but only if you're a serious hypochondriac. At the same time there are some excellent sites if you confine your searches to reality.
Sorry David, should have been more precise is you tube channel for Adafruit Industries Electrical Engineering. They are very heavy into open source software and hardware and for a 5 year old company, are making a big impact on the maker world. Their you tube presence includes "Ask an engineer", "Show and tell" for people designing their own wares, "Wearable Wednesdays", electronics you can wear, "3D Thursday", 3D printing news and ideas, and a whole lot more. Worth the watch.
It's obviously a stone age corner crimper for holding stone tablets together. I mean, they hadn't invented staples yet, had they? T-Shirt choice - Powered by Caffeine, large. Thank you.
Worth the watch.
Sounds like my ex-wifes opinion.
T-Shirt choice - Powered by Caffeine, large.
Thank you.