Over on tvtropes.com, the Lawful Good picture-example is Superman, while Chaotic Good is Robin Hood. Both better fits. I've always thought The Doctor from Doctor Who would also a (ahem) good example of the latter.
Key- They did a whole string of snarky jokes, food caught in his teeth, crossing over the international dateline, etc. Then of course Gremlins burst onto the scene and start eating everyone. The whole second movie is pretty much a parody/deconstruction of the first, and is that much better for it.
Re: lahars. Here in Washington state, towns near potential volcano Mt. Rainer have "lahar alarms" and conduct practice drills getting to high ground; if the mountain ever blows, some places have like 15 or 30 minutes to get out of the way..
I would have said strawberry huller as well, but according to the What Is It website, it's six inches long, which is too big. Maybe used on some larger fruit?
Geoducks actually are quite popular in Asia, although just as food, not an aphrodisiac. And yes, there are genuine worries about over-harvesting.