Geoduck's Comments

Reminds me of the original Star Trek episode where an Earth ship visiting a distant planet left behind a book about the Chicago Mobs of the 20's, and when the Enterprise arrived years later, the natives had modeled their entire society on it.
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The "original book" was written co-currently with the movie. The book/movie combo was loosely inspired by an earlier short story by Clarke called The Sentinel.EDIT: I was trying to reply to dnc's comment
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Additionally, I've read that the original version of that critter didn't have that headpiece; it was added after the female star of the movie made fun of this squatty little thing trying to be scary.
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"And even if he was a lazy man - and The Dude was most certainly that - quite possibly the laziest in Los Angeles County .. which would place him high in the runnin' for laziest worldwide."
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