Gavin Mendel-Gleason's Comments

You probably come from the US, where there is no war for oil (Iraq?), no funding of terrorists (Iran Contra, Al Qaeda?), no shopping spree for military armaments (to the tune of more than 500 billion a year - the entire world amount combined?) no cronyism or mismanagement at any level of government, no jailing of journalists for political reasons (Amy Goodman?).

The quality of life of the vast majority of Venezeulan's has improved. The US has tried everything in its power to support business interests inside and outside of Venezuela that did not want to see this happen.

Small countries can be put under serious duress when a country the size of the US tries to disrupt them. We could be much more assured of the fairness of their problems perhaps if the US stopped spending millions trying to ensure that they fail.
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As if there isn't a conserted effort to disrupt Venezuela's economy... The US spent millions funding opposition parties which did things like murder supporters of the current democratically elected government. The level of biased media coverage is appaling.
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  • Member Since 2012/09/13



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