Colin B's Comments

Ya I still don't believe in evolution. If we all evolved together, how come 99% of all organisms that have ever existed are extinct now? How come humans are the only apex predator that was able to evolve to advanced language, advanced awareness, and building advanced structures? It's illogical - humans are nowhere near the oldest organism on the planet. Everything came before us, for millions of years, and never evolved. Adapted sure - Evolved no.
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It's something I never thought about as a kid. How literally every corner of media (television, music, movies, video games, toys, etc) is always there to spread this message that guns are cool. Cops and Robbers, Cowboys and Indians, anything involving guns is cool. But then once you've had a real gun in your face, and someone is counting down to kill you execution-style (happened to me in real life), you realize how not-cool guns are. It scars you for the rest of your life.

I don't know what the solution to guns are in America. I will say this because I don't see anyone talking about it. You can take a good person with a legal gun, and they can (god forbid) have brain trauma (car accident or something similiar). They will go on a rampage and hurt their family or strangers with no remorse (happens more than you think). I don't know how restrictive access to guns *should be*, but I also know that most people who have a gun right now don't need a gun. That applies to legal owners as well. The brain is insanely fragile, and when your brain goes, it doesn't matter how *good* you were. Also anyone who thinks being 18 automatically gives you the mental maturity to handle guns, is insane.

Gun nuts will furiously disagree with me. That's fine. Just know that the gun under your bed that protects you is the one that will destroy you if a child accesses it, or your brain degenerates.

Japan has around 10 gun deaths per year. Let that sink in.
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