Colin B's Comments

There's 3 interesting things about Evolution that people can't seem to answer, or just refuse to think about.
1) If Evolution is true, than how come over 99 percent of all organisms that have ever lived are now extinct. (Source Simply put, if Evolution was real, it isn't working very well. If at all.
2) For hundreds of millions of years, there were other apex predators other than "humans". If evolution is available to all organisms, then how come humans were the only apex predator to evolve to advanced language (English, Chinese, etc.) and advanced structure building (Skyscrapers, Computer Networks, etc.). If you think Evolution is fact, you have to admit it's illogical for only humans to access this level of evolution. In comparison to other apex predators, humans are infantile on this planet.
3) If Evolution is true, then today (December 9th 2018) is the 1 millionth anniversary of 1 million years ago. That means, even if evolution were slow, you would still see evolution happening around us. You can't argue "there hasn't been enough time". Earth is 4.5 billion years old. So technically each day would be a new 1 millionth anniversary, and evolutions would be cascading one after another. The modern day crocodile is virtually unchanged since its time with the dinosaurs. Same thing with mosquitos or anything else. Things might be adapting, but they're not evolving.

So if you have a great argument against those 3 points I'd love to hear it.
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