JamesM's Comments

Wow. That last image took me by surprise. My friend used to live just about a mile down the road from there. I'm sure the place still smells like old towels.
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December 15th, 2009 at 2:39 am

JamesM, I am on a macbook pro right now, and I do not have any of the printscreen/scroll etc etc etc buttons. I don't have F13 etc etc etc buttons either....."

The full layout desktop keyboards have it until they started trimming the keyboards to be more like the macbook versions (chicklet keys) For a while, when the smoke and bondi blue G3's and G4's were coming out, the keyboards were virtually identical to the PC versions in layout... but with the previously mentioned key identification swaps.
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"Miss Cellania
December 14th, 2009 at 6:31 pm

Oh, I just saw an "end" key on my keyboard. I've never noticed that one before!"

How does that Mac user joke go? Hey look, right next to it is Page Down! Don't get confused with too many buttons on that mouse, now! ;)

All Mac keyboards have Printscreen/Scroll Lock/Pause|Break. They were relabeled as F13, F14 and F15. The mappings are the same. Just as how Alt is often mapped as the Command/Option key on Mac Keyboards. Numlock is often mapped as "Clear" on Mac number keypad areas. I have a Kensington Slimtype keyboard here that shows dual markings for PC and Mac systems. Same commands send by the keyboard for the keys, just different result depending on what OS you're using.

The Pause key was VERY useful back in the 8086/286/386 days. Doing a DIR or LS would display the contents of a directory and the scroll didn't flash by in an instant, so you could hit the button in time before a full page scrolled by. But now, yes, it's a useless key... except for Print Screen. Alt-Print Screen captures only the current window to clipboard, Ctrl-Print Screen captures the entire desktop (all windows as you see it) to clipboard. Handy for making screenshots.

A lot of the useless keys and not clearly understood purpose to them are remnants from the days where computers were text based systems. They still have their uses to some... and more people are using the same keys (Mac users) without even realising it.
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I would have left Timecrimes off that list. Decent idea, horrible movie. About 1/3rd the way though I had to put it to 3x speed and speed-read the subtitles just to be able to finish the movie.

Stiff, horribly acted and really fooking irrational.
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175sqft is the smallest apartment in NYC? Uh, no. My cozy little digs in Philadelphia, complete with kitchenette and bathroom, was 11' x 14', for 154sqft. My bathroom was even bigger than theirs. I'm sure there's places about this size in a city like that. Now, if they're referring to smallest sold condo, they might have a claim there. What's utterly idiotic is that they still pay $700 a month to live there after spending $150,000 for the place.
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"Johnny Cat
December 1st, 2009 at 2:02 am

Gauldar is a font of info on this subject. But on the link regarding countries, I'd love a list or graph on those doing well while not being "religious." "

It's no coincidence that the most peaceful countries are also the ones with the highest incidence of atheists.





For anyone who wants to say "consider the source," these kinds of listings do link to theirs. Their sources are easily verified as they are linked. Among the most peaceful AND least theist (more than 50% non-theist or atheist) countries are: Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Japan, Finland, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland. 12 in the top 20.

Lack of belief in God has never equated to lack of morals. Given how much strife and prejudice in this world is religiously motivated... (Witch trials, Inquisition, hell, even 9/11 was religiously motivated) Such as this thread being an example of condemning someone for loving someone of the same gender... It doesn't take much to see why people find religion being used as the excuse and justification for homophobia as a distasteful thing. That is, if you're not using your faith to ignore the consequences of your actions and how they would impact others.

If the basis of your justification relies on being able to say "For the Bible tells me so," then you need to try a little bit harder and come up with something RATIONAL.
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November 30th, 2009 at 9:09 pm

Gauldar, consider the source."

Laughable, because you obviously haven't considered yours. There are numerous fallacies, inaccuracies or just flat out wrong statements in the Bible. Stop abusing what exists of the good values often taught by using the Bible (but wholly predate it) to further your own prejudiced and bigoted beliefs.
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As someone who sparingly takes in animal products, but hates what soy does to him... I'd love this. Vat grown chicken? Bring it on. Soy can only do so much and it turns out that the more soy is processed, the unhealthier it becomes for one to consume it. It also tends to give me raging heartburn.
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November 30th, 2009 at 1:36 pm

He believes ankle-length corduroy skirts are a sin, she believes homosexuality is a sin. They each can believe that.

The difference I see is that his belief is a personal opinion, hers is based on faith and scripture."

According to my scripture here, which I claim has been written three thousand years ago and passed along from generation from generation, it says in the book of Fauxpas, Chapter 20 verse 7: "Thou who hast worn Corduroy Skirts is of ye sin."

The number of people who believe something to be true, the end all and be all doesn't change one simple thing: There's no proof of it. Faith is exactly that, a blind belief that something is true merely because you think or have been told that it is.

For every instance in which one person can use the scripture to state something is true... at least one counter example can show you that it's laughably false.

Case in point: The sun revolves around the Earth. The bible says that. Galileo paid an awful price for his theories, which were later proven to be correct, because the Bible stated something else.

Earth is not the center of the universe. Hell, it's not even the center of our own galaxy. The Earth certainly isn't flat... if I need to continue to go on, well, the point is completely lost on whoever I'd be demonstrating it to.

Faith is a tricky thing... but bearing false witness is another one of those little 10 special laws in the book. (The Old Testament has over 600 alone depending on how much one truly follows it.) By refusing to admit something could be wrong in light of evidence that proves it is, because you're worried admitting something within the Bible was wrong and you have Faith that everything in it is true because it is the word of God... Is breaking that commandment. You bear false witness by stating the Bible says something is true when you can demonstrate that it is not. Faith is a double edged sword.
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"Scientists speculate that migraines allowed prehistoric men and women to be one step ahead of their predators and their prey, making them more fit for survival."

As a chronic migraine sufferer... I shouted a resounding "BULLSHIT!" when I read this line. How the hell is a migraine supposed to allow you to be one step ahead of predators when you're pretty much completely incapacitated during a Migraine attack? Yes, it makes you more sensitive to light and sound IN THE WORST WAY POSSIBLE. Once that migraine attack starts ramping up, there is nothing you can do but lay down and wait it out. Migraines are crippling and there's nothing remotely resembling any sort of superpower or advantage when dealing with pain, more pain, oversensitivity to stimuli and MORE PAIN.
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Earth2 deserved a proper ending, but I'll settle for having the episodes and nothing further to ruin the nostalgia I have for the series. A serious reboot might work, but unfortunately a reunion show can't happen now as one of the principle cast members passed away about 3 years ago. (Same character, different actor trope never sits well with me.)
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November 20th, 2009 at 12:33 pm

I don't quite understand. How can she be a war victim of a war the ended decades before she was even born? I would not classify civilians stepping on land mines today that were left from Vietnam War as war veterans. Maybe I'm missing something?"

What you're missing is proper word usage on your part.

She's a war VICTIM. You're comparing it to Vietnam land mines that affected people war VETERANS. Quite a different meaning to both words.

She's someone who lost a leg directly because of a bomb that was dropped in the area during World War I.

Not quite as dilute as, say, anyone else claiming to be a war victim because their grandfather was killed before they ever knew him.
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So wait, Jesus died for our sins, but we're still subject to the original sin?

Aliens may be free from original sin...

But if further exploration of whatever we could have access to finds a common link between whatever life can be found elsewhere and what we've got here... (Panspermia)

We'd STILL be subject to original sin?

Then again, using logic within religion is pretty much why 'dogma' has a dual meaning, each contradicting or reflecting badly upon the other...
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