Edward's Comments

This is a cry for help. No one should own cold-weather dogs in a hot climate much less exercise them during the day. If the ice maker was not there, he might have died.
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"not an efficient use of space" - I beg to differ. A small counter with dense shelving can be much more space efficient than aisles and hanging bags of parts. The real reason the parent company did not want a counter is that they get more money by selling the little bags than having the store sell them from a bulk box.
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The drive to neuter household pets has helped create this sort of travesty. When I was a kid, if someone wanted a pet, they waited until a well behaved and healthy neighborhood animal had a liter and then got one for free.
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Our brilliant forefathers were able to manipulate events, opinions and world leaders to create the greatest country. Just because it played into the hands of doomed despots does not mean we were part of their plan.
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The almost unbelievable “in today’s dollars” amounts made me do a dive into historical inflation rates for Great Britain. Wow! Their wild swings over the last century stunned me.
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Back in the day, the shape of ends was indicative of the canning line and thus the contents. e.g. Fruit was never canned on the same line as meat.
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I have heard that adding very hot pepper (cayenne, for example) to bird food will teach mammals to stay away but will have no effect on birds. That is one of the reasons peppers are hot.

Has anyone tried this technique?
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No matter, if a labeled, service anything comes up and directs your attention to anywhat, call 911 and keep away. Your ability to help is trumped by your lack of knowledge.
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In 1933, the average food expenditure was 25% of income. Today it is about 10%, down to 6% if one only eats at home. If we use this measure instead of the combined CPI, it is like a meal for $2.50. About half the cost of a fast food lunch, but easily accomplished by a home cook.
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