Edward's Comments

That flaw was well abused in the States by Cap’n Crunch and Metnic, to name just two. It is a feature provided by the manufacturer for techs to talk without needing a real connection.

In a similar situation, IBM had a version of IRC built into their mainframe system. Any user could message any other one on the same network. In the case of IBM that network was worldwide with 400,000 users. Picked up a girlfriend and a new job using it.
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The triumph of ideology uber alles. Imagine what the world would be like if Nazis embraced their Jewish population and used that wasted manpower. (Jews as well as the death camp support service workers.)
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My back yard used to be the scene of many hummingbird battles. (Got rid of the pomegranates, so they don't come round much anymore.) They can be fierce.
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My older brother and I were born and raised for two years where the municipal water was artificially fluoridated to the "optimal" amount. My two younger siblings were born and raised in a town whose well water was naturally fluoridation at four times the "optimal".

The result of our little family experiment? My older brother and I have a normal amount of tooth decay. My younger siblings have had one cavity total in a combined 110 years of life. I think we need to increase fluoridation instead of getting rid of it.
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I should not find this argument irritating. Dark has a few meanings. Only one set refers to illumination. Another set refers to hidden or mysterious.
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This is n excellent example of why the human brain is such a superior thinking device. It has the ability to use computational methods as well as organic ones. And, just to be pedantic, the slime mold solved the problem once a set of researchers set it up in a way that it could be solved. The slime mold is just a member of a very talented team.
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This is making quite an assumption about what we touch. For example, l use customers keyboards in a variety of situations.

Do you think a proctologist cares about elevator buttons?
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