Edward's Comments

I think that arrow guy will get off. He quill claim that the intended target was the phone. No bodily injury was intended and he will have to pay for a new phone.
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Freya, a VPN will hide your location from the Internet. Nothing will hide it from your cell company.

Colin, neither am I, but do have a stalker who makes life inconvenient at times.

To others who are concerned: Burner Phones.
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I have a client that owns a national carpet and floor cleaning franchise. They guarantee your commercial floor will never get this bad. Their secret? Cleaning it regularly. The diner owner has been completely negligent by not getting his carpets cleaned at least once per month.

As good as it looks in the video. The real test is seeing if it pulled out the deep dirt. If the stains come back in a week (or after a water spill) it did not.
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I truly believe that stupid people should be allowed to kill themselves by following bad medical advice. The tragedy is that those same people are forcing their children into the same fate.
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My favorite Western. We can see the origins of many 60s shows in these scripts. Star Trek, for example. My mother did not like me watching, Never sure why. I assume you will be reviewing Sugarfoot next.
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There is a colony of large, black birds living in the park next to my house. No matter what I call them, some pedant will tell me that they are not what I said.
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I stayed at a pool-side room in the Flamingo. Slider opened to the pool area. $20 reserved us two lounge chairs nest to the pool. Coffee shop sold breakfast at 3:00 AM.

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Pi in base 2 is 11 (to four significant figures) . To seven significant figures it is 11.00100. Much easier to work with. Why is the SI system based on 10? The Babylonians uses a (sort of) base 60 system. Trigonometry still uses system. No one has tried to convert compass points to decimal. I could go on, but will leave Plasmagryphon room to jump in.
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I have worked in both systems for decades. Neither is inherently superior. It depends on the application. As well, Neither does a good job addressing unitless or fundamental constants. For example, Avagadros number is ridiculous in both. Consider pi or e.
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