Oddfellows in England was, at least partially, a private retirement service. By paying dues while working, one was qualified to live in a free facility in retirement.
I have tried the plant burgers and will say that the new ones are very good. On the other hand, since I do not have problems eating meat, there is no reason to have one again. on the subject of breast growth, if that really happenes, there are many women who would gladly consume them.
One motor per wheel has been a goal for electric cars ever since I have been hearing about them. At least since the early 80s. No transmission. Never get stuck in mud or snow. Save energy by only using the necessary motors. The issue has been control and coordination. Look for more 4WEVs in the future.
Calibration of carbon dating is very serious business. In some cases, it is accurate to 1%.
What amazes me is that they did not use Strontium 90.
on the subject of breast growth, if that really happenes, there are many women who would gladly consume them.
The issue has been control and coordination. Look for more 4WEVs in the future.