Edward's Comments

Of course this is BS. On the other hand, there is technology that can maximize output quality as long as there is an external microphone. Never perfect. Just as good as it gets.
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Most of those symptoms apply to any diet, not just a low carb one. One loses weight on a low carb diet by starving the body of its preferred energy source, carbohydrates in the stomach. Over a two week period, known as induction, the body starts to use its second favorite source of energy: body fat. That transition can be a difficult time. The good news is after that, there are fewer symptoms than a low calorie diet.
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No one, outside of high school, uses The Scientific Method. It is a good start, but Statistical Design of Experiments and Null Hypothesis are far more powerful and less error prone.
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Supply chain security. Not unusual. Had a friend doing felony time. Back then, lots of prison stuff was equally weird. Likely it has gotten much more different. (BTW, heat the plastic slowly until it get brittle. Recover the blade by immediately gluing it to a pencil with anything sticky. Wrap it tight with thread.)
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