Edward's Comments

Microsoft has an almost uninterrupted pattern of releasing a crappy OS after a good one. To be specific, Good: DOS, DOS 3, DOS 6, Windows 3.1, Window 98SE, Windows XP, Windows 7. Bad: DOS 2, DOS 4, Windows 3.0, Windows ME, Windows 8. I expect the world will ignore Windows 11.
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For once, a monumentally stupid idea for a noble cause actually has some legitimization. WHITS is on board even if their other major partner, ROSATOM, is not. Searching their other partners' websites did not yield any mention as well. Would love to see the environmental impact assessment.
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The real question is, "Can a programmer create a spreadsheet that can do your job?" If all you do is manipulate spreadsheets all day, then the answer is, "Yes." Has been possible for years. Looking forward to seeing if anything has really changed.
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The false dichotomy (or perhaps begging the question) crowd does it again. Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Can a single strawberry be considered alive? If a tree falls in a forest when no one is around, does it make a sound? Now we know that the answer is, "No," since there is no such thing as a tree.
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I was hoping that "Frank's Place" was on the list. Loved that show. Looks like I might have to visit the Paley Center. ... and while I am here: How did "As Time Goes By" miss the list?
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