Edward's Comments

Being brought up on classical music and listening to Motown as a tween, Rhapsody in Blue was as strange to me as Frank Zappa. While its mother was classical, the father seemed more show tunes than jazz. It was only later that I understood that it was both the period at the end of one and the capital letter to start the other.
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Somehow I do not think that volunteering for a makeover and being made to look ridiculous thrilled everyone. I only counted five (or so) out of the twenty in the video.
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I dare say that Cinerama failed because the only good film that used it was How The West Was Won. The rest relied only on video sensationalism and that just not enough.
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How telling! The NCAA started out as a group of greedy, collegiate executives who placed a veneer of safety on football so as to keep it from being banned.
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I am dying to know your other choices. I have always been partial to a lair on the Plansee in Austria. Unapproachable by anything but a boat, it has extra evilness by being the site of a former concentration camp.
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Nice addition to Sherman Holmes. I see a book of short stories in the future. Perhaps a movie with both characters as well as the inevitable, female, teenage sleuth.
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Forts like this one are designed to protect what is valuable. It would only take a few people needing limited skills to defend against attack. Knowing that family is safe has bolstered the morale of many an army.
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While the average lifespan has been increasing, the age of longest lived humans has decreased. That is because we have more reliable information. I predict that the average lifespan of someone who reaches the age of 30 will plateau at 90-95.
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