Egregious "Welch/Welsh" error aside, Miss Cellania, thank you for the great job you did on this article. Your excellent work always improves every article I write! You're the best!!
First off, if there are any errors or mistakes in my articles, it certainly is not Miss Cellania's fault. Miss C just writes up what i wrote, and she does a great job proof-reading for typos, typing up and dressing up the articles with great pictures. That said, I can see how there are two different definitions of the word "kiss". One is the romantic, sexual definition and the other is a kiss of affinity of friendship. I still believe Nancy Sinatra was very brave to kiss Sammy Davis Jr. like that in the midst of such turbulent times. I admire her for her courage. And I don't even think there was even as much as an "air kiss" between a man and a woman of different races before hers. I can see both viewpoints of the question "Which is the first interracial kiss?"
I saw Ali in person 3 times myself. His presence was electrifying, great charisma. He also had the biggest feet I ever saw. Like a true idiot (I was so overwhelmed to see him!!) I said "You're still the champ!" He was just bigger than life. Incredible presence.
Barbie, you can thank Miss Cellania for everything I write. She types up, proofreads, and supplies all the pictures on all the articles. Thanks Miss C!!
Bill, you make an excellent point. Not getting signed by Decca was actually a huge break for the Beatles. Your point about George Martin is correct, plus, if Decca had signed them, they would most likely have kept Pete Best and we'd never have heard of Ringo Starr.
Thanks rojomoke. It was my bad, that error. I apologize. I'm sure you know as a writer yourself, we are at the mercy of our sources. Wishing you a great new year in 2013!
Excellent, informative article, Jill. I always enjoy reading your wonderful articles. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!! Keep up the great work, Jill.
I read two excellent books on Wyatt Earp.
They were: "Wyatt Earp: the Man Behind the Legend" and "Inventing Wyatt Earp".
I really enjoyed both books and they are supposedly two of the most accurate books on his life.
You can easily get then at a local library, I'm sure, or buy them cheaply from a book dealer on the web.
Thanks for a beautiful job you did on this article Miss Cellania. You Rock!!!!