Dwayne Young's Comments

"Can't be made at home due to unusual ingredients..." Aluminum sulfate = baker's alum. PEG 1500 is a slightly lighter molecular weight version of the PEG 3350 in Mira-Lax. Amylopectin is just corn or rice starch. With some effort, I imagine the 'doh' part would be pretty easy, though probably more expensive than buying it ready made. The smell on the other hand would be difficult to replicate without knowing most of the ingredients.
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Nope, not a vet, just a former farm-boy trying to understand how what seems to be so little blood "diluted the poison" and managed to save the cat with no other meds mentioned or any other saving action taken. Also a bit of a rant on the state of The Media today; they seem to leave out or twist the most important parts of stories anymore. Along these lines are the "Labrador bites girl for no apparent reason" never gets in the media, but "Doberman/Boxer mix who was severely beaten, bites to defend itself" gets to the media as"Pitbull viciously attacks owner".
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O.K.? I thought all vets knew that Vitamin K was the rat poison antidote? Rat poison works by inhibiting clotting factors, causing a rat to die of internal bleeding. If he'd bled out that much, how would a 120mL (one-half U.S. cup) save him? Need more details.

EDIT TO ADD: 260mL is a typical feline blood volume so the cat had bled out severely. Though, I would imagine Vitamin K and fluids would have saved it.
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I love how the media always says "dog" if a pitbull does something good or is involved in a heartwarming story, but specifically points out "Pitbull" when it's a negative story and the dog may possibly look like a pitbull.
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  • Member Since 2013/08/14



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